1 | Life Goal

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"Don't be afraid of going your own way, way, way, shake the magic 8 until it breaks."

-The Magic 8, Set it Off


Izuku Midoriya walked down the hallways of UA High, not stopping til he reached the end of the hallway, and making a swift left in a classroom. The bell had rung at least 5, maybe 10 minutes ago, but the green-haired teen had a reason to stay.

After texting his mother he'd be home a bit late, Izuku smiled bright at the piano that was in the corner of the room, despite it being so... There? It's just a piano.

But a piano can work wonders for someone with the right hands.

Izuku sat down excitedly. He had waited the entire week just to hear the sweet melody that bounced off the strings inside the instrument and into his own eardrums. (Yes, he said that himself. A bit on the nerdy side our protagonist is.)

...And after the author broke the fourth wall in the first damn chapter without any characters knowing, the story resumed with Izuku positioning his finger delicately on the white keys, expression becoming serious. Before the freckled teen could realize it, he was wrapped in a scarf of music wonders, just classical pieces coming right out of his fingertips. He didn't care about anything else; just the 10 or 20 so minutes he got to possess such power.

That was until he got a tap on the shoulder.

"Izu-kun! Sorry for interrupting you baby... But I jut wanted to talk and I know you always come here..." Ochako Uraraka, A middle-class popularity student said, nervously biting her lip. She knew Izuku wouldn't get angry, but wanted to make him feel guilty and talk to her. "Oh, it's no trouble at all-" Izuku started, being interrupted by his spontaneous girlfriend.

"Great! So, you know the High School Elections are coming up, right? I'm disgusted! These idiots want that stupid band Ground Zero or whoever they are to be voted as 'Most Likely to Be Successful After High School'! It's ludicrous!!! They could have voted ANY other group, like what about the people like you! Y'know, people who have REAL dreams!" The brunette vented overdramatically, but concluded with a sigh.

"Uh yeah... They just wanna jam out all day and live at their parents' houses after graduation... I highly doubt that's a life goal." Izuku said, unsure in the beginning but sure of his statement in the end. Ochako stood up, a snapping sound coming from her heels.

"That's exactly what I'm saying! Your so amazing babe! Love you~!" She beamed, blowing a kiss to her boyfriend. She left before Izuku could say another word.

"Love you... Too..." Izuku shrugged, giving up on even running after the pink ball of energy he called his girlfriend. Ochako was a writer for the school newspaper (due to her skill people ACTUALLY read it) and she wasn't super popular, but she had a big friend group that practically justified she was, and everybody liked her because of her energy and the fact she was always up to date on trends. To be fair, a lot of girls do that in high school, right?

Izuku turned back around, taking a deep breath and getting ready to play before suddenly stopping.

He put his hands down, picking up his index finger and settling for...

The 'G' Note. (MCR fans will understand the holiness of: The 'G' Note)

Then he started to make something simple, just pressing a few keys, up a little further than back down the piano. Once he put it all together, he had a simple start. Nothing extra, no chords, just... Notes. Breathable.

Izuku continued this melody of 'G', then 'F#' 'B' 'E', then a few other groups of notes before finishing with 'D'. (Actual notes that I use to play the song. Everybody does it different and I just started learning, so don't kill me)

Then Izuku decided to throw in lyrics, seeing as he was alone.

"When I was... A young boy... My father... Took me into the city..."


Heh, I'm so awesome 😎

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