6 | Midoriya?

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"So give me all you've got, I can take it! We walked around in your city lights... 'Cause it makes me who I am. We lit the fire, and it's burning bright!"

-Burn Bright, MCR


'This better be the place...' Izuku thought as he knocked on the door. Listening closer he heard someone playing guitar, so he knew this was the right house.

Mitsuki Bakugo stood at the door, glaring st the short teen before asking, "Your one of Katsuki's friends?"

"U-uh, Y-yeah... Izuku Midoriya, ma'am." He goes respectfully and the blonde woman let him inside, gesturing to the garage door.
Upon walking in, he was shocked to see that the whole garage was turned into a full-on studio, with soundproof barriers, a small plexi-glass recording booth, and even a walk divider where it split the main desktop and instruments. Not what Izuku was expecting.

"Ay, the nerd made it. This is Dunce Face on guitar, and then Shitty Hair on bass." Katsuki said, pointing to the blonde and the redhead.

"Kirishima and Kamibro- I mean, Kaminari. Nice to meet you!" The redhead corrected, holding put his hand which Izuku timidly shook.

"*gasp* Bakubabe you didn't tell me you were gonna bring brainiac hot stuff in here! Hi, Mina Ashido, one of Ochako's friends!" A girl with curly pink hair stuck her own hand out, without waiting for Izuku to reach for it she excitedly shook his hand.

"N-nice to meet all of you! I'm Izuku Midoriya." He said, waving a hand. Izuku was trying his best not to die internally by saying something stupid or being embarrassed by what Ashido said.

"Did you just say Midoriya?" Kaminari asks with his eyes widened a bit. The rest of the band looked just as shocked, even Katsuki.

"U-uh... Yes? Is there something wrong, I-" Izuku started, but was interjected by the golden blond. "Your dad is...?"

"What about my dad? How would you even know anything about him? I don't even know anything about him!" Izuku was starting to get a bit worked up and worried. Did Kaminari actually know something about Izuku's father?

"He doesn't know, Dunce. We shouldn't be the ones to tell him." Katsuki put a firm hand on the other blondes shoulder, and he put his hands up in surrender.

"Bakubro's right. If you don't know what we're talking about we shouldn't be the ones to tell you. Odd that you don't know though..." Kirishima added, getting ready to play bass again.

"You're scaring me... I'm not an idiot I know my dad is dead, okay? It's... Bittersweetly insensitive and sensitive." Izuku informed them, and Katsuki rolled his eyes with a smirk.

"Big words for such a small nerd."

Izuku inhaled slowly as he glared at the blonde, ignoring Kaminari's "ooohs" and Kirishima's laughter. Instead of getting into a fight, Izuku just decided to shake it off. There was no point in arguing let alone fighting with Katsuki Bakugo.

"Alright extras, find the nerd a keyboard or some shit. Let's see what you got Deku."

Alright, the real test. He's got this, right?


Kaminari placed the keyboard down on the stand, and the greenette slid behind it, inhaling deeply before playing the melody he's had in his head for quite a few days.

When he finished singing the "Black Parade" verse, he heard the beating of drums and guitars follow. Izuku tried to think of words to follow as he slowly and hesitantly leaned over to the microphone.

If Katsuki wanted to see what 'this nerd' has got, he's gonna get it.

"Sometimes I get the feelin', she's watching over me. And other times I feel like I should go..." Izuku mentally threw a party for the way lyrics had just appeared out of nowhere.

"Went through it all, the rise and fall, the bodies in the streets! And when you go we want you all to know..."

Izuku paused. He felt stupid for it, by couldn't think of anything to add. He needed to write this down or something.

"Not bad, nerd. Your already in so no need to test you, but I had to know what your capable of." Katsuki said, earning an agreement from the instrumentalists and Ashido.

"Midoribabe, your amazing! However, I can tell sometimes setting you back. Your not showing us what you have, or at least, all of it. Don't even get me started on your outfit. I can tell-" Ashido explained, but stopped so she wouldn't be mean.

"Uh... Look you can just isn't really you... Not saying you can't pull it off! It's just-"

"Forget it, Pinky, that's enough." Katsuki's impatience got the best of him, and he was not one for listening to ongoing rants.

"She's right. To be completely honest, I have trouble singing and playing st the same time, it's just the rhythm of my voice an the tempo of the piano get me mixed up. If I'm gonna sing then I'll leave you guys to the instruments." Izuku replied, not at all worried anymore how the band would react. If he was going to be free from his pretend life, the he might as well live it honestly.

"This fine Midobro, as long as you can write lyrics. Bakubro sucks at it!" Kirishima teased, making the blonde pop a vein on his forehead.

"Shut up Shitty Hair! I don't see you writing shit!"

Izuku and Kaminari laughed at the scene, and once that had died down, Izuku responded the redhead. "I can, I'll do my best. It's really... A pleasure to be working with you all."

"Stop with the fucking formalities and all that garbage and give us some shit to play along to, dammit!" The angry blonde ordered, and Izuku took his notebook out his backpack, setting it on a music stand and flipping to a page, cracking his knuckles. "R-right!"

"Not sure how you guys usually practice or learn music but-"

"Just go and we'll follow, nerd!"

"Jeez, okay!"

Izuku did his best to follow the rest of the bands rhythm, eventually sliding in his own lyrics to match. It needed work, but it wasn't horrible.

Actually, Izuku felt perfectly at ease with this even if it sounded like total shit and it sounded like something you'd never expect from the greenette.


Izuku is a bad boy now. Your welcome.

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