4 | That's Bullshit

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"...I never want to let you down or have you go, it's better off this way... "

-I'm Not Okay (I Promise), MCR


"Uh, hey..." Izuku tapped on Katsuki shoulder as he saw the blonde walking down the hallway.

"Hey nerd. Make a decision on my offer?" He smirked, turning to face the shorter male. Izuku was slightly offended by the "nerd" comment, but shrugged it off since he didn't have much time.

"Look... As much I would like to, I can't. Sorry. I just... There's other things I need to focus on, and joining a band is just a waste of my time. So please, just stop bothering me." Izuku said, feeling a strange pang of guilt when he said it. He wanted it so bad, why isn't he reaching for it?

"So you want to, but you can't. You realize that's kinda bullshit, right? I mean, what's a nerd like you have to do other than studying?"

Piano playing.


"Look, I wish I could explain but I really can't. Just... Leave me alone. Besides, what's the problem with studying here and there? I'm sure your grades are crap based on the amount of time you spend doing stupid stuff." Izuku tested the blonde, quitting an eyebrow.

"Heh, says the nerd who wants to be in the same band, but turned them down. What a real shit move there, dumbass." Katsuki rolled his eyes starting to walk away.

"Hey! I-I have my reasons!"

"Whatever Deku, but the offer is always open and on the table."

"That's not- oh whatever."

The minute Izuku arrived home he ran up to his room, no motivation to do anything. His thoughts were clouding up his head to much.

He didn't want to join Ground Zero.

He had a dream!

The same dream that it's always been.

Yeah... The same dream...

The same dream?

He really didn't want to join Ground Zero?

...Izuku wanted to join Ground Zero.

But what would Inko say? She works hard every single day just to keep a roof over their green little heads, and Izuku has nothing to contribute except the teeny weeny promise.

But was it really a promise?

No. The only promise Izuku had kept between his parents was with his father.

Be a hero.

What did he mean by that?!?

Ughhh! It's too much!

'I need help...' Izuku sighed and reached for his phone, preparing to call Ochako. If anyone was going to be completely honest with him, it was her. Even if it hurt.

"Hey Izu! What's up?"

"Hey Ocha... Uhm... What... What would you think if I uh, went through a change? Like appearance wise or-"

"Izu, what is this about?"

Izuku held his breath.

"I... I want to... Join a band? Yeah. Like, not just for fun, as a... Career?" He said like he was asking permission.

"Izuku, uh... How do I say this. Oh yeah, it's a terrible idea! Whay would Inko think? Her big-shot son can't be a loser getting drunk and doing drugs in alleyways while writing some garbage on paper and performing it. Besides, doctors make amazing money! I think you should stick with what you've got, babe. Give me and your mother both the best. Oh uh, and yourself of course!" Ochako bluntly replied, and Izuku knew Ochako probably meant well but he felt a bit... Used.

"Uh... Yeah, yeah, I guess you're right, uhm... That's uh, that's all I had to ask about. See you Monday..."

"Okay! See ya, babe!"

Izuku buried his face into his pillow. Ochako was right, he needs to stick with it and get his shit together. There's point in trying to ruin his girlfriends fantasies or his mother's wishes.

Wait... That sounds like total bullshit.

This is IZUKU'S life, nobody elses.

Only person who can control his actions and dreams is himself, why be such a people pleaser all the time?

It was at this moment a young seventeen-year-old green-haired nerd released something needed to change.


Why do all my stories relate to each other? My previous one was literally called 'Your Life, Your Voice'. Tf is wrong with me-

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