5 | I'm In

392 15 8

"...But if your troubled and hurt, what you got under your shirt, we'll make them pay for the things they did!"

-Teenagers, MCR


"Hey mom? Can I invite a friend over to... Uh, to study?" Izuku asked during dinner.

"I thought you just had a history test today though?" Inko asked, and Izuku needs to find a cover up. Quickly.

"Well uh... There's a math test on uh... Tuesday, and I really needed to study for it." Izuku mentally slapped himself for being such a horrible liar, but Inko bought it.

"Alright... But only for studying. No silly business or stuff like that." She warned, and Izuku nodded and raced up to his room, shuffling through the front pocket o his backpack before finding the little piece of paper with Katsuki's phone number on it.

"Hello? Who the fuck is this?"

"It's Izuku, from school?"

"I literally know no one with that name."

"Green hair? ...Deku?" Izuku cringed at the name.

"Oh yeah! Nerdy broccoli! What do you want?"

"What do you think I want?" Izuku smirked, hoping Katsuki would understand even if he couldn't see his expression.

"What I fucking hope your thinking right now." The blonde replied.

"I'll text my address in a couple minutes be here as soon as possible, and uh... Please wear her casual clothing, my mom thinks we're gonna be studying." Izuku informed, hanging up and texting the address, then changing the contact name to...

"Crap what was his name again? Hoe do I always forget stuff like this... Was it Kat- Kac- Kacchan? Eh sure, whatever." Izuku shrugged, entering the name into his phone and turning it off.

Five minutes later, the doorbell rang, and Izuku rushed downstairs so his mother didn't interrogate the blonde. Without a word he dragged the taller to his room, shutting the door.

"Well damn greenie, that was quick."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, look, I realized something today that I should've a while ago. I'm tired of listening to what other people want from me, and I'm doing things my way from now on. If that means showing off my true colors and being weird, so be it. Therefore my point is... I'm in. Whatever you need me to be." Izuku stated, opening his closet and pulling out a Ground Zero t-shirt, one he had snuck from buying it at school. One of the rich girls' parents owned a printing company and she started selling the shirts at the beginning of the year.

"Well, well, well, nerd. You finally fucking gave in. Your in, I mean obviously. You can play and sing. We need a new lead singer. It's too hard for me to try and play while singing live, and if we wanna go big one day I can't have my band looking like a fucking train wreck on stage. Got that?" Katsuki ordered, and Izuku nodded. "Got it."

"I do have one question... Why the hell couldn't you say yes sooner?"

Izuku figured it was best to tell the truth.

"My mom wants me to be doctor and super rich or whatever, but I realize it's not what I want, so I'm taking back my life. Hope you don't mind."

"Not at all, just show up to practice and don't mess up... Partially kidding, Dunce Face and Shitty Hair fuck up all the time but... You'll be fine. If you can write music and shit that would be pretty cool too. Oh, and show up to practice. I'm gonna say it twice now because it's important, got it?"

Izuku nodded, taking in every word. The excuses of studying were perfect, and he could...

Wait, wait, wait, sneaking out is a bit much. Just a little fib to get out of the house is enough.

"I'll do my best."

"Well then welcome to Ground Zero, Deku. I'll have Pinky or somebody add you to the group chat, and we'll meet tomorrow at my place for practice, k?"

Another nod came from the greenette.

"Then were all good. I'm gonna head back now since it's getting late. Uh... Thanks greenie."

"Sure, Kacchan."

Izuku realized he done fucked up when Katsuki gave him the most confused look ever.

"Ahhh crap, sorry, I'm really bad with names, aheh..." Izuku apologized waiting for the blonde to say something.

"Pfft, fuckin' nerd... Call me whatever you want, after having Shitty Hair call me "Bakubro" since like, forever I just got used to it."

"Ha, okay. See you tomorrow?" Izuku asked, starting to feel excited since he really just joined a band and went against his mothers will.


Katsuki left Izuku's room, and the greenette fell back onto the bed, squealing once he heard the front door shut. Not only did he just join a band, Katsuki was ho-

Woah. Slow down. Your dating Ochako, Izuku.

"Yeah but-"

Ah, ah, ah! Don't break the fourth wall in the fifth chapter, idiot! I already did that once!

Oh uh...

* AHEM *

"So... That was quick, huh? You seem oddly happy for just studying..." Inko said, peaking through the door.

"Yeah, it was just a bit exciting because... We knew the material really well! There's no doubt were gonna pass this test." Izuku exclaimed, a little happier with his lie his time.

Now Izuku just needed another excuse so he could go to practice tomorrow.

"Uh... Do you think... I could hang out with Ochako tomorrow?" He asked, knowing the consequences if Inko found out that it wasn't Ochako, she'd lock him in a cell forever.

"Sure sweetie... I guess it wouldn't hurt to take a break, hm? You work too hard and make me too proud to say no." Inko smiled, ruffling her sons hair. Izuku was screaming in victory in his head.

Now all that's left is to not get caught and not fuck up.

Easy, right?

Im usually blunt when it comes to filler, so yeah, filler chapter. Sorry!

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