9 | Real

365 15 6

"And say, what I want say... Tell me I'm an angel, take this to my grave... Tell me I'm a bad man, kick me like a stray. Tell me I'm an angel... take this to my grave!"

-House of Wolves, MCR


"Izuku,  I just- I can't- I don't even know what to say-" Inko spurted out angrily as she paced the small length of the kitchen. Izuku put his head down in shame as he sat down at the counter. He knew better than to say anything, and there were crickets for a moment before the woman continued.

"Izuku, I got a call from your friend, Uraraka-san. You never hung out with her Saturday, she told me. She went on to tell me that you joined a band. A BAND IZUKU! How stupid could that sound!?! You lied to me and am trying to ruin my- your future! This is unfair, Izuku. Very unfair. What do you have to say for yourself young man?" She asked with haste, resting her hands on her hips as she connected her identical green eyes with her sons.

"I... I-I don't... Regre- regret it..." Izuku replied quietly with hesitation. He only felt so guilty in front of his mother because they never had this tightly stretched rope that they walked on now. Ever. It was a bit scary, and it really made Izuku think, which he had done a lot of recently. He just gave up everything for a few guys (and girl) and a microphone. It wasn't that he didn't want to do it, it was more of if others wanted him to do it. Izuku was always under someone's thumb, whether that be his mother or Ochako. Being on his own and doing things he shouldn't was new and strange.

"I can't believe you! I'm completely and utterly disappointed in you, Izuku! It seems you thought long and hard about this, and decided ruining your future and disobeying your mother was the best decision you've made! Don't be stupid, dear, just come back to me. My Izuku, my precious baby who always had such big dreams and wasn't blinded by his own stupidity..." It was in this very moment the parallels between Ochako and Inko were clear. Izuku wasn't going to take manipulative bullshit from his mother, or anyone.

"W-well... I never made those dreams to begun with. Y-you... Made them for me and manipulated me into thinking they were mine. I'm done being a puppet, mom. I want to live my life the way I want to! Don't you... Understand?" Izuku tried explaining, but Inko simply scoffed.

"But our promise, dear..."

Now Izuku was starting to get a little pissed. Why couldn't anyone understand!?!

"No, don't even. I never made a promise to you, I only made a promise to dad, and that was to be a hero. I can be that in more ways than one, just let me. Please mom, trust me. I can be-"

"No. I won't take this any longer. You... Your a disgrace to our family and the name you carry. Get out of my house." Inko hit the nail on the post head on, and Izuku was taken aback.

"Disgrace to this name?! You wanna tell that to dad?!" Izuku yelled, completely losing it.

"Izuku I did NOT just hear you speak of your father in vain and TWICE!"

"Well I did! I'm sure he can hear us right now! He would be proud of me for making my own decisions, wouldn't he?! He's probably looking down on me and encouraging me to do this!"

"Oh please, Hisashi is HELLBOUND! Doing drugs and playing music with a bunch of idiots for nothing! He-" Inko stopped, and whatever she had just said was cursing her, replaying her and over now Izuku knew why the Detonators had looked so shocked to hear his last name.

"Dad... Was a musician?" Izuku asked, tears clouding his vision.

"You. Heard. Nothing. Now go. I don't want to see you again for what you've done." The green-haired woman had venom seeking from her tone, and Izuku backed away slowly, running up to his bedroom. He couldn't give a fuck anymore. Inko had lied about everything, she lied until she pushed her son of he deep end.

𝘿𝙀𝙏𝙊𝙉𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉 (𝘽𝘼𝙉𝘿 𝘼𝙐)Where stories live. Discover now