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"Sing it for the boys, sing it for the girls; Every time that you lose it, sing it for the world! Sing it from the heart, sing it 'til your nuts; Sing it out for the ones that'll hate your guts!" 



"Alright fuckers, everyone ready?" Katsuki said to the open and busy room. Everyone was in the dressing room, and it was beyond chaotic. 

"Yeah." Pinky, Chargebolt, and Red Riot said, but Deku didn't reply. 

"Oi Deku, where the hell are you?" Katsuki yelled out, unable to move as he was getting his makeup done. It looked smoky, creating a mask-like imprint that would probably end up smearing on stage, but it would make it look cooler. 

A fluffy head of green curls peeked out from the dressing room, and Izuku timidly walked near Katsuki. He was embarrassed by the outfits Ashido had chosen, not that they were bad, just really really different from his usual jeans and a t-shirt. It was more of a... post-apocalyptic-Esque black tank top, knee pads, black leather leg harness, and a shit ton of silver metal, whether it be a belt chain or a grommet on a belt. It was supposed to fit their theme, hence the name of the band, Ground Zero. Post-apocalyptic bombing scene. 

"You shit nerd, are you really embarrassed because of the way that leg harness squeezes your cute little ass in every perfect way, shape, and form?" Katsuki asked, wearing a devious smirk. HE knew Izuku would be embarrassed.

"Oh my god, you are unbelievable there are other people here!" the greenette hissed back, resting a hand on his hip and walking over to Katsuki who was now slouched on the chair as the makeup artist and hairstylist left to suit the needs of the other band members. Instead of replying, Katsuki pulled the flustered male onto his lap, earning a yelp of surprise from him.

"It's not that, is it, babycakes?" 

'Stupid Kacchan and his stupid sixth sense!' Izuku mentally cursed. He sighed and answered honestly. There was no point in lying to Katsuki if he knew the answer anyways. 

"No, it's not. Well... It is. But it's really not. God, why can I not make sense today?!" he sighed, collecting his words before continuing, "This is my first performance. I really don't want to screw this up I mean, you and the Detonators have been a band for years, since our first year in high school, right? I've known you all for a few months give or take. I just don't want to mess this up. That's what I'm scared of."

"You say the most cliche stuff sometimes," Katsuki replied bluntly and closed his eyes while positioning his head to rest on Izuku's shoulder. "I'm not gonna say don't worry, because that would be pretty fucking stupid, but I am gonna say this, and you know I'm shitty with words..."

"Don't think you're going to screw this up for us. You're a fucking Detonator too, remember dipshit? Do this for yourself, your new path, and yeah, maybe us when you're done with the first two, 'kay?" His crimson eyes locked with Izuku's the whole time, and the greenette let a little gasp slip out because of the intensity and the meaning of his boyfriend's words and eyes. 

"God, I love you." Izuku breathed out, blushing as he said so. 

"Love you too babycakes. Now we got a fucking concert to put on!" Katsuki said quickly kissing Izuku and letting him get on his feet before springing up from the chair he had been sitting in for what felt like hours upon hours. 

"Oi Shitty Hair! Dunce! Pinky! Headphones! Let's go dumbasses, we don't have all day!" He ordered, and the Detonators (plus 'Headphones', otherwise known as Kyoka Jirou) all emerged from either the dressing rooms or from somewhere else backstage, most likely tuning instruments. Everyone was clad in black, silver chains were scattered in between belt loops or hell, used as a belt, and had hints of their own favorite colors. They all looked like they walked off of a battlefield two seconds prior, which fit the theme perfectly. 

𝘿𝙀𝙏𝙊𝙉𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉 (𝘽𝘼𝙉𝘿 𝘼𝙐)Where stories live. Discover now