10 | Silent Revenge

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"Watch your step, around these words 'cause, they're gonna get you, they're tons get you in the end. I swear, it's not a disease it's just a game of pretend, a game of pretend..."

  -Horrible Kids, Set It Off


"...eku? Deku? Deku wake the fuck up!"

Izuku's eyes shot open, and he rubbed them, blinking for a moment until he saw Katsuki. The memories from yesterday came flooding back.

"Oh shit... Well this is kind of embarrassing, uhm... Sorry for being unwelcomed company yesterday, er, today I guess. I was running on pure adrenaline..." Izuku got up and stretched, a little embarrassed since Katsuki was a friend, but also Band Manager, basically the boss.

"Don't worry about it, Deku, I really don't fuckin' care and the Hag doesn't either. Also please never curse again, that's weird as fuck." Katsuki bluntly added while he dug around his dresser for clothes to wear.

"You curse all the time." Izuku retorted, folding his arms but then realizing it was a school day and that's why Katsuki had woken him up.

"Uh yeah, because I can. Your like the innocent one out of all of us, cursing for you is weird... Unless your singing. That I can live with." Katsuki said, referencing the band. He slid off his t-shirt and Izuku couldn't help but blush and stare. Katsuki had no shame.

"O-okay, f-fair, I-I'm just gonna go get changed now..." Izuku dashed off, clothes in hand and red smeared across his cheeks.


Time skip brought to you by Izuku's Gay Panic of silent screaming and questioning a lot of stuff.


The two headed off to school, just small talking on the way. Kirishima, Ashido, and Kaminari soon joined them.

"Yo, Midoribro! I've never seen you on this route to school, what's up?" The redhead asked, and Izuku debated on answering.

Eh fuck it. They were all friends after all.

"I uh... I got kicked out of the house for trying to live my own life..." He deadpanned.

'Yikes, there had to be a better way to word that cause they're silent as mice right now!' Izuku thought, but then suddenly Kaminari began slowly clapping, and soon Kirishima joined.

"Damn dude... You started your rebellious phase. Congrats."

"Heh, don't plan on leaving, your stuck with us and we're keeping you here, bro!"

Izuku couldn't help but smile and hold his head a little higher. He was really lucky to have friends like the Detonators.

"Wait...so that's why your wearing a Paramore shirt!?! Heh, wonder how long you've been hiding that... I knew you were into the girly-er stuff..." Ashido thought out loud. She examined Izuku's outfit before approving.

"Did our emo little bomb teach you how to do eyeliner?"

Ah shit. Yeah okay, so maybe Katsuki gave Izuku liquid liner and taught him how to use it. It was Katsuki's turn to blush a bit.

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