11 | Future

360 16 5

"Let's blow a hole in this town! And do our talking with a laser beam. Gunnin' outta this place in the bullets embrace and we'll do again..."

-Bulletproof Heart, MCR


Izuku silent hiccups resonated throughout the hallway as he ran towards the exit. Ochako's hits weren't painful enough to cry over it, although they did hurt, it was more that she was really that angry over the fact he wanted to lead his own life. It really gave Izuku a reality check of what he was pulled and ushered into for years.

After going the same route to get home, Izuku remembered his stuff was still at Katsuki's. Luckily it wasn't too far away, so he made a run for it and went through the back door which was left open for all the band members to use to get in instead of the front door. Katsuki must've heard him come in, because the resonance of a speaker had quieted and the garage door opened.

"Deku, what the hell happened?" Katsuki asked, looking at Izuku who was wiping his eyes and combing through his hair as beads of rainwater still lingered on it. It had been drizzling a bit once he reached the house.

"N-nothing, nothing, I promise... Can I just stay another night? I-I promise I'll find somewhere soo-"

"Stay as long as you want, nerd. I... Don't mind the company." Katsuki admitted, dragging Izuku upstairs.

"So what happened?" Katsuki asked eagerly again, plopping down on his bed. Izuku sat on the edge of it.

"Fine... It was Ochako. I just went to take to her, to solve whatever mess we were in... And she just got violent, really violent..." Before Izuku could move or react, Katsuki held Izuku's chin lightly, inspecting his freckled face thoroughly. Izuku blushed at the action.

"I-it's not that bad, I'll be okay! Can't be that bad, right?" Izuku stuttered, and Katsuki let go of his chin. He looked deep in thought.



"Do you... You uh, got any lyrics yet? The gig we have is tomorrow night."

Izuku was a little surprised that Katsuki hesitated for a moment, but then pulled out his notebook.

"Yep! I really still want to do  the one we worked on a couple days ago, ah crap... What did I call it...," he paused flipping a few pages then stopping. "A-ha! Here it is, 'The Only Hope For Me Is You'. Long title but so far it's my favorite."

"Shitty Hair and Pinky liked that one too. I say let's fuckin' do it. We get three songs for the night and personally, I want to do 'AMBULANCE' or 'Boy Division' cause it's a little more hardcore." Katsuki smirked, and Izuku rolled his eyes playfully.

"You only like it because 'Boy Division' has something about bombs." Izuku reminded, and Katsuki shrugged. "Bombs are cool fuck off nerd."

"Nah, guns are better."

"Ugh, now I know why we are releasing Conventional Weapons as singles instead of a full album. People aren't gonna wanna listen to your crappy songs about guns."

(May I just mention... True story ;-; It should've been a full album. It's really fuckin' good.)

"You're the band manager! You verified those songs, not me!"

"Your right nerd, I did, I did verify the songs about grenades and bombs. Now write more of those!" Katsuki ordered, and elbowed Izuku in the ribs. It was then he realized that they were huddled close together, and now beside each other. Katsuki's ears turned a little red. 'That was kinda cute when he giggled...

𝘿𝙀𝙏𝙊𝙉𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉 (𝘽𝘼𝙉𝘿 𝘼𝙐)Where stories live. Discover now