8 | I Don't Love You

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"What's the worst thing I can say? Things are better if I stayed... So long, and goodnight, so long and goodnight..."

-Helena, MCR


School was a living hellhole after everyone found out the brains of the school joined a band.

I mean, its pretty cliché considering any single time a brainiac changes, people go berserk.

Wait... That doesn't happen very much, does it? The main character usually just loosens up and lives life a little.

Well, that is what's happening to Izuku Midoriya, at least, so he thought, but instead of a small change, his whole being went through a revolution.

What sucked was that any single time he was alone, and the Detonators weren't there, Izuku would sometimes get the shit beaten out of him by Monoma and his gang of fucktards.

Of course, Izuku didn't want to tell Katsuki or the others, that would be a burden they didn't need. They already had one during practice.

Yeah... So far it wasn't all cupcakes and sunshine for the band either. The greenette felt awkward spreading out into an environment and genre he didn't really play or sing to often, and usually couldn't think of lyrics or just wing it. Ashido was right; there was something holding him back.

Other than that... He has another itchable scratch: Ochako. They had been distant for the past few days, but Izuku couldn't get the nerve to tell her how he felt. It should've been so easy, but he factored in the consequences of her reaction. If he was the one to break it off, she'd lie about him on Instagram or some shit. Izuku really didn't need that right now.

After evaluating that after class on Wednesday, Izuku was pissed. Genuinely pissed. An emotion he didn't get often.

Although, it did give him a little motivation to jot something down on paper.

Izuku thought about Ochako, pleading that she would just go and not turn back. She hadn't ever been nasty to Izuku's face, just the post. What could a guy do in this situation?

Write a song, that's what.

(Just imagine this fully on piano and the lyrics sprinkled here and there.)

Once Izuku concluded, he felt someone shake his shoulder lightly. The greenette almost fell out of his chair, jumping up, then sighing in relief once he noticed it was Katsuki.

"What'cha got, nerd?"

"A song I guess. I'm trying. It needs tweaking but..."

"It hold a shit ton of emotion. I could tell based on or you played that." Katsuki had this sixth sense as Izuku liked to call it. Despite being hard as a rock emotion-wise and scowling most of the time, Katsuki could tell how much heart somebody poured into their words or songs. It was strange but it was accurate. Izuku was stressed, confused, and poured every inch of that into the keys of the piano and his vocal chords.

"It did... I just, ah, nevermind. It's really not that-"

"It was Pink Cheeks, that girl you were dating wasn't it? Are you two still together after that shit storm she started about you?" The blonde eagerly asked, and Izuku sighed, running his hands through his hair, "We haven't broken it off yet. I just... I can't tell her. If she reacts badly, I'm screwed! She was right... I should've stuck with it or I wouldn't be worrying about this crap, or being perfect in some other way than academically." Izuku debated, and Katsuki raised an eyebrow. "You mean the band?"

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