14 | A Helluva Few Days

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"Here's what I got to say! Can't find my way home, but it's through you and I know, what I'd do, just to get back in his arms..."

-My Way Home Is Through You, MCR


Wednesday came quickly the next day, luckily there wasn't much schoolwork, but there were definitely other things the Detonators were dealing with.

Oh yeah, like that concert that's now 2 days away.

Izuku was quite anxious about it. He had really wanted to play the song he named 'Welcome to the Black Parade', but still, he struggled daily with trying to match his voice with the piano. He had it planned out in his head, and just couldn't do it, even if it was only the intro to the song. The summer heat wasn't helping either. The band had to stop practice early that day because Kaminari and Kirishima's sweaty hands kept slipping off the strings, and even Katsuki had lost grip on his drumsticks more than once. It sucked that the AC was broken almost all summer, but Mitsuki argued that she never used the garage, and they couldn't practice at anyone else's house cause it was hard to move a drumset around the town like a damn tour.

Speaking of drumset, Katsuki had been busy that night trying to get a ride from the concert to back home. It was in Hosu City, which was a good 3 hours, and would be a pain to take their cars. Katsuki had only stopped his binge researching after Izuku had practically begged him to.

"Kacchan, don't worry about this right now, it's late. Besides we haven't talked all day and that's usually not like us..." Izuku stated, sitting down at the edge of his boyfriend's bed. He didn't notice Katsuki was smirking.

"I wasn't looking at stuff for the concert, nerd."

Izuku was confused by this. What could he possibly be doing then?

"I was looking at stuff for us."

Izuku just looked like the cutest confused puppy.

"You really don't get it, nerd, do ya? Remember a few nights ago when I said I wanted to move out with you when we first started dating? Well, I fuckin' meant it. I found a place online and it's ours. We could literally move in tomorrow and just skip school."

'Holy shit he was serious,' Izuku thought, his eyes wide. 

"Oh my gosh... You were really serious about that, I just didn't, I, well, wow..." Izuku stuttered, completely dumbfounded.

"So whaddaya say, Deku? Wanna ditch tomorrow?"

"God, you like being busy all the time, don't you? We have a concert coming up, songs that need to be finished, and two more days of school... I mean, it is the last few days but I've never ditched before... I dunno, Kacchan..."

"C'mon babycakes, it'll be worth it just trust me! Besides, the hag keeps nagging me about us and our relationship and stuff, she wants to know everything and I wanna get the fuck away from her, so pleeeeeease?" Katsuki begged, and Izuku rolled his eyes and smiled, giving in.

"Fine... Let's do stuff we're not supposed to."

"That's the spirit!"


That Thursday, the drummer and the singer spent the day... Riding a rollercoaster.

Izuku was arguing (playfully of course) about the fact that they were skipping and that he was completely crazy.

Mitsuki and Katsuki were about to start a fistfight every time they saw each other.

Masaru had just gotten back from a business trip and was completely confused but he and Izuku actually held a conversation during the chaos.

What a great Thursday.


"Holy shit we just did that," Izuku spoke quietly as he fell onto the mattress on the floor. The floor of his own apartment. He and Katsuki's apartment. 

"God that is so fucking weird when you curse. It's like when you sing; you become a totally different person almost, your voice changes slightly, especially when you use your chest voice. Creepy shit, greenie." Katsuki stated as he sat down next to the greenette, and Izuku laughed. 

"Well, when I sing... I dunno. I'm in a different world, y'know? Lost but completely found at the same time. It's like me as a person. Confusing as ever!" 

"Oh, and don't forget, I've got more anger than you could ever imagine hiding behind this baby face!" Izuku was dying laughing at this point, his head on the floor supporting the rest of his body on the mattress as he hung upside down. Katsuki was a little scared and just glared at his psycho of a boyfriend.

"Kacchan? Oh my god, you look like I just told you I killed someone! I didn't mean it, calm down!" Izuku hugged Katsuki, and the blonde just rolled his eyes and pulled the smaller male onto his lap. "You don't scare me one bit nerd. Have you seen my mother? She may not be a goddamn psycho but she is her own monster." Katsuki stifled a laugh, laying down and pulling Izuku with him. Izuku snuggled closer while Katsuki turned off the lamp next to him.

"So... if this week hasn't been crazy enough, you ready for tomorrow?" the blonde asked, and Izuku nodded excitedly. 

"Yep! I'm a little nervous, but I worked on the song list... We still need someone to play piano for the first song though. I'm trying my best but I just keep struggling. Has Mina found anyone?" 

"Actually yeah, she texted me earlier today. She found someone in Band today who can play, I mean, a lot of people could do it but she said this chick had potential or some Pinky-sixth sense shit. I dunno, women are confusing." Katsuki answered, and ignoring everything Katsuki said after "Actually yeah", Izuku sighed with relief and replied with: "That's good, the 'we found someone' part, I mean." he paused to yawn, "I'm tired Kacchannn..." he whined, and Katsuki made a little 'tch' noise before pulling his nerd closer, extremely tired himself from whatever hell of a day they had. It was chaotic, but for Izuku, it was like he finally found someplace he belonged, a home. A person who cared about who he was on the inside, not what he could or "should" be.

It was truly perfect, and he hoped tomorrow would be the same.

Yeah, the big day... tomorrow...

Izuku knew in the back of his mind that they were going to fucking detonate that stage. 


This chapter was really bad but I'm sticking with the original plans for the story this time, so a filler chapter is what you have. I promise the next one will... hopefully be better, It's the last chapter btw :)

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