7 | I Really Thought

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"Aware, aware, you stalk your prey, with criminal mentality. You sink your teeth into the people you depend on, infecting everyone, your quite the problem.."

-Wolf In Sheep's Clothing, Set it Off


"Ocha!" Izuku shouted to gain the brunette's attention as she was walking down the hall. It was Monday again, and class had just ended, hallways flooded with students all heading home or to their after school clubs.

"Izu! What's up?" She asked, stopping in from of the front office door and grabbing her key. She unlocked it, motioning for Izuku to enter, then she unlocked the student newspaper office room, or basically her at-school bedroom.

"Well... I know you were a bit objectant to my idea on Friday..." Izuku wondered if it was okay to tell Ochako this. He didn't even tell his mother! But... Ochako was his girlfriend... It can't hurt, right?

"C'mon, tell me!"

"Uh... I-I joined the band. Uhm, yeah... Sorry, I just... I realized something needed to change... I-in my life, and doing things my way just seemed so right." The greenette rubbed the back of his beck nervously, trying to read Ochako's expression. She seemed confused.

"Izuku... Are you okay? Your acting so different recently... It's weird, and kind of awkward... We talked about this... I-I just... I mean, you're right, but..." Ochako stumbled on her words, unable to practically speak. What could she say?

"This isn't going to make it any better, I can tell your not exactly happy, but... I dropped engineering so I could make more time for practice... Maybe I shouldn't have said it... Whatever, I have to go and catch practice with the band, see you later?" Izuku asked, starting to walk out.

"U-uh... Sure. Just know what your doing is not going to go well over with your mom, and... Please for gods sakes, don't do anything stupid." Ochako ordered, and Izuku nodded.

"I won't. Also if my mom asks you anything about Saturday and us hanging out, just... make up a story. Thanks!" Before Ochako could respond, Izuku was already put of the room, trying to reach the exit so he could get down to Katsuki's house.

Ochako took it well... Didn't she?

"Izuku Midoriya... You are making a horrible decision going against something you you'd to yearn for... I need you, but I don't need a junkie running around and smoking crack." Ochako told herself, scrolling through her phone intensely.

Eventually she found the app she was looking for, and created a new post.

About 15 minutes later, her phone was blown up with notifications from students confused all over on how the 'Golden Boy' was now a Detonator, and dropped some of his extracirriculars just for the band. With a couple other settings, she made sure Ashido couldn't see it.

"Now... Let's see how well this goes for you, Golden Boy..."

Izuku was neither happy or upset the next day, but felt Ochako might understand. He knew she didn't. He wasn't an idiot.

Despite reconsidering his decision, he snapped out of it and went for all black today, completed with a double-grommet belt he hid from his mother and taken from Ashido. She said it would accentuate his curves, or something like that he didn't understand.

Upon walking into school, Izuku was bombarded by kids asking 'how?' and 'why?'. The greenette had no idea what they were taking about. But it suddenly struck him. They all knew he joined Ground Zero... But how?

Finally, the bell rang and students fled to their classes, letting him breathe. It wasn't like him to be surrounded by people, only when they wanted him to do their homework for money. Even then it wasn't that many people.

"Well, well, well... If it isn't the little Golden Boy gone emo. The hell happened to ya, shortie?"

Izuku really, really, really hated being 5'5.

"I-I changed, got a problem? It shouldn't be illegal, right?"

Curse stuttering.

"Ha, I guess not, but for you it's illegal. Besides, who's gonna do my math homework? You'll be too busy writing poetry and reading Edgar Allen Poe!" The tall blonde's piercing cold eyes locked with his, and Izuku wished he was paper.

Yes, paper. That way he could crumble into a ball and get thrown away and die.

"Just shut up Monoma, I'm not emo, and I don't even read poetry." Izuku rolled his eyes, backing a way as he noticed the taller getting closer.

"At least you don't anymore right? Your still a good-for-nothing in everyone's eyes, got that? Just some loser who thinks he's gonna make it. Listen here, Midoriya, you've been a piece of shit since middle school with your nerdy studying bullshit. Just give up, will you?" Monoma said, venom seeping through his words. Izuku felt like he had a knife going deeper into his stomach.

"No." He replied simply, unable to say anything else. But that one word pissed Monoma the fuck off.

"No? How about this for no?" The blonde smirked, balling his fist up and Izuku was frozen like his shoes were cemented to the floor.

But before Monoma's fist came in contact with his freckled cheek, Izuku opened his eyes to see a hand around Monoma's wrist.

"That's enough you fucktard."

There's only one voice he knew that sounded like that.

Katsuki Bakugo. Oh, and the Detonators of course. The whole gang was there.

"Sure, whatever. I'll let you handle your weak-ass band member, Bakugo." Monoma escaped the other blondes grasp and ran off to his next class.

"Midoribabe! Oh my gosh are you okay?!" Ashido was first to speak, wrapping her arms around the greenette protectively. The pinkette was like a mother figure, and treated Izuku like a precious gem. Which in reality, he was to the band. They really needed him.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine, just a little... shook. How does everyone...?" He started, and Kaminari finished. "Uraraka posted it on Insta, here." The yellow-eyed blonde shoved his phone in Izuku's face, and he couldn't believe it.

Izuku really thought Ochako would have a change of heart, and they've been together for 3 months... How could he really not ever see her true intent? She just wanted Izuku to be exactly what his mother wanted him to be, and of course she did because her family needed money. Why couldn't he see it? Did he even ever love her?

More importantly, how the hell is he gonna tell her that he wants to break up?


Twisted shit, my dudes. Stay tuned.

(ahhh I promise I don't say cringey stuff like that irl 😅😥😖)

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