13 | Realization

322 13 1

"You'll never make me leave, I wear this on my sleeve... Give me a reason to believe! So give me all your poison, and give me all your pills, and give me all your hopeless heart to make me ill. Your runnin' after somethin' that you'll never kill, if this is what you want, then, fire at will!" 

-Thank You For The Venom, MCR


It was a quiet moment of pure shock and amazement for the band as they all went out to eat that night. The Detonators, well more specifically, Kirishima and Katsuki had a feeling they were going to get the award, but it was still hard to take it all in. 

"Well if nobody here is going to talk, I will. Hi guys!" Kaminari piped up, and Katsuki just glared at him while everyone else seemed to snap back into reality. 

"Hi Charge. We had a hell of a day, didn't we guys?" Ashido replied, sighing and then sinking back into the booth. Even though she didn't play an instrument or sang very much, the Detonators were her family, and anything they felt, she felt too... and so did her phone. Everyone was buzzing about the winners of UA's grand 3rd-year prize.

"I'll say, it was crazy. Now we have a concert in... 3 days?" Izuku said, taking a sip of his soda. Katsuki cleared his throat before answering, "Yeah... It's gonna be fuckin' nuts. Those bastards who judged us in the beginning won't know what hit 'em' until we're loaded, rich, and generally being fucking awesome."

"Well, what I think hit em' is a little bomb we like to call Ground Zero." Ashido remarked.

"...And the Detonators that blew it up in the first place!" Kaminari confidently added.

"Man, I wonder what my parents are gonna say when I tell them! They were there for me all year and wanted us to win so bad." Kirishima wondered. Everyone took a silent sip of their drinks to think about their own families.

"Oh yeah, greenie, you gonna tell your Hag about this?" Katsuki asked, and Izuku really thought about it. Should he even bother? She'd just be more disappointed, wouldn't she? That's just how Inko Midoriya was.

"Actually... I think I will. But you're coming with me." Izuku answered. 

"Ooooh, the boyfriend gets to meet the parent ooooh~" Ashido teased, and everyone but Katsuki and Izuku laughed. They had all been teasing them since they found out, well, more like when Ashido found out. Luckily it didn't create any turmoil or awkwardness, it was more of something they all expected. 


Knock. Knock. Knock.

This was it. The first time he's seeing Inko after he ran away. What is she gonna say!? What-

"...Izuku? So you've finally returned. I see you finally have gotten your head back and used it. I'm proud of you son." She said, but her serious expression never wavered.

"No, I'm not here to talk about that. It's something else." Izuku said sternly, looking the shorter woman in the eyes. She sighed.

"What is it?"

"Well, Ground Zero just won the 'Most Likely To Be Successful After High School' award. I figured you should know." He answered, wanting to smirk so badly as he knew it would make her angry. He hated it and enjoyed it at the same time.

Inko was quiet. What could she say? She had no hope in her son, and he had abandoned the path they both technically had laid out for years. Now that Izuku's high school career was at its peak, that's when he chose to abandon her and her dream?

𝘿𝙀𝙏𝙊𝙉𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉 (𝘽𝘼𝙉𝘿 𝘼𝙐)Where stories live. Discover now