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The sun shined through the window into my eyes making me wake up, squinting my eyes as I sit up and started stretching, hearing the birds chirping outside made me happy and put a smile on my face, I looked over at my clock and got out of bed with ...

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The sun shined through the window into my eyes making me wake up, squinting my eyes as I sit up and started stretching, hearing the birds chirping outside made me happy and put a smile on my face, I looked over at my clock and got out of bed with only 10 minutes to shower and 20 to get ready, opening my window I notice how hot it is outside and had to pick out a different outfit that I had picked out last night. I went into my bathroom, turning on the water before getting in and I started scrubbing my body all over, my hair up in a bun so that I couldn't get it wet although the water still managed to wet it a bit.

I only spent 15 minutes in the shower and got out, wrapping a towel around me, going back to my wardrobe, i decided to wear a skort with a cropped white shirt, and my pair of vans with my hair in a messy ponytail and I was ready to go after getting dressed, debating whether I should put on some mascara, which I did so I sat in front of the mirror with 5 minutes left before I had to go eat breakfast, I quickly applied mascara and my lip gloss, looking at myself in the mirror, nodding in approval, grabbing my back pack as I left the room, jogging down the stairs into the kitchen being greeted by everyone already at the table. "Good morning." I smiled taking my seat and Karen started putting eggs, bacon and toast on my plate. "Good morning" Everyone said simultaneously and I started eating some of my food, throwing the rest of it in the trash, i quickly rinsed out my plate and waited for Nancy to finish so that we could go, she gave me a ride to school in the mornings and offered to pick me up as well but I enjoyed my walks after school and I didn't want her to go out of her way for me since her work place was on the opposite of my school. "Guess who's walking home with you." Mike stands next to me, pulling my back pack down making me stumble backwards and I pushed him, both of us laughing.

"Come on my little children, let's go." Nancy opens the front door, Mike and I pushing each other to get out first, i of course won making my way to the front seat getting flipped of by Mike I stuck my tongue out at him. Nancy unlocked the car door and we all piled in, she started the car and cautiously drove off, she reminded me of a grandma, her body leaned forward as she stared at the road in, her chin almost on the steering wheel.

We arrived at the school and I thanked Nancy before getting out, making my way into the school and going straight to my locker. "Good morning" A cheerful voice sung and I sighed, how did this girl have so much energy this early the morning, i felt as if i was pushed off a 90ft building. "Good morning, Victoria." I got out my necessary books for the day stuffing them into my bag, shutting my locker, turning around and leaning against it. "Morning Bella" Evan, Victoria's boyfriend said his arm tightly around her waist, i admired them to be honest even if their relationship sometimes got a bit toxic, they still really loved each other and have been together since they were 15, i could never last that long with someone. "Good morning Eve." He rolled his eyes at me, Victoria had come up with the little nickname but she never dared to use it with him because he'd get mad at her, Evan and I had most classes together so we would hang out and sit with each other during them because he didn't want to be around other people, he treated people that he didn't know as if they were a virus, see Evan was the type of guy to beat the crap out of people just for looking at him in a way that didn't please him, he had been suspended multiple times for breaking students noses, giving them concussions or just throwing them hard enough against the lockers to make dents in them, most people started saying he was 'mental' so wherever Evan walked, people never dares to look at him, on the plus side Victoria has given me strict instructions to never leave him alone with a girl because a few girls always found him attractive and drooled over the mysterious blonde boy, clearly looking past the fact that he was fucking crazy but a crazy i liked, i knew he would go to extreme extents to make sure Victoria and i were untouched or unbothered. "English first right?" He asked and I nodded, the bell rang loudly and the hall started to fill up everyone bumping into each other. Evan and Victoria had their little makeout session against one of the lockers, a lean boy standing aside, longingly looking at the locker Victoria was pressed up against, and I sort of felt bad for him because he was about to be late to class but that was his problem so i made my way into English, Evan following shortly after with lipstick smudged over his mouth, our English teacher was a total bitch and i wouldn't mind to slap her to be honest, she was extremely old with an attitude so everyone kept quiet during the class, not even taking the chance to answer her questions if she ever asked.

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