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"Where's Isabella?" I asked as i walked in on Robin sitting on the couch with Bella in her arms and she tilted her head with a frown on her face, "Eddie." She shook her head, sounding almost sympathetic and i just frowned, shrugging at her odd behavior,  "Is she with Cole?" I asked as i noticed how dull and lifeless the house looks, the energy feeling off because I'd usually be greeted with Isabella holding the twins with the brightest smile that reminded me on a daily basis that i made it, Edward Munson for once scored the perfect girl, he got the big house on the lake, he got the two kids that fulfilled his life.

The wooden floor creaking beneath my boots as i made my way to our room, the bed hadn't been made, the room i was looking at wasn't the one i left this morning, it was as if it's life was sucked out of it, drained from it's vibrant colors, "Isabella?" I shouted, her name echoing through the house and i walked to the twins room, frowing as i saw only one crib in the center of the room, i walked inside, the room completely filled with Bella's toys and things. "This isn't right." I shook my head, walking to the boxes stacked on eachother, the article ontop catching my attention as it was a picture of Isabella and i frowned reading the title "Pregnant Woman Killed in fatal car crash"

I dropped the newspaper on the ground, shaking my head. "Robin, where the fuck is she?" I stumbled out the room, my eyes still focused on the paper laying on the floor. "Eddie, it's been months." Robin sighs from behind of me and i turned around facing her. "What? No, she woke up, she came home, where's Cole?" I looked around the place, looking for my son and Robin's eyes started tearing up, "She didn't come home, Cole didn't make it, you know this." Her voice breaks as she says the last few words, holding onto the 7 month old baby in her arms. "Robin, stop fucking with me, look, she painted that painting in our room." I quickly made my way to our room, across from the children's room, looking into our room seeing the sunflowers she painted on our wall didn't exist.

"She was here this morning." I refuse to believe that my love had been ripped away from me, she woke up a week after the crash, she was okay, i held Cole this morning, he was the one crying last night so she had to get up. "Eddie, she didn't, they didn't, it's only Bella.." She trailed off, her voice strained and i shook my head, "No, this is some sort of prank, you guys are always pulling something." I mumbled, not being able to contain myself as i broke down, falling on my knees as my fist connected with the wall closest to me, i squeezed my eyes shut as the memories flooded my mind, the sound of the crash, the sound of Isabella coughing, the sirens, the drive to the hospital, the nurses and doctors shoving me out of the room as they tried helping her, ripping her dress apart as the blood dripped from her arm onto the floor, a pool of blood forming on the floor, how after fourty minutes of trying to get her to wake up, the machinery stopped and flatlined.

They tried getting her back for at least five minutes before pronouncing her time of death, 3:58pm. Only Bella making it out alive, unfortunately the impact was directly on Cole and he died as a hero, protecting his sister.

I remember being at their funerals, a little blue casket for my son, i remember having to lower them down in the ground. "I'm sorry." I hear Robin mutter and i looked up to see Bella smiling down at me, "So Bella is because of Isabella?" She nodded, "You chose it because of her yeah, i'm really sorry Eddie." She sighed and i finally got up off the floor, taking Bella from Robin and hugging her close to me, kissing her stomach which made her erupt in fits of giggles, making me smile. "No, i'm sorry you had to deal with it." I said, giving her a sympathetic look as i snuggled Bella closer to me. "It's alright, I've gotten used to it and you usually come to your senses when you hold her." She nodded her head towards Bella and i frowned, "I've done this before?" I ask, confused and she nodded,"Yeah, basically every day when you come through those doors you look for Isabella and Cole." She says and my body froze at her words, was i going insane? "Has anything else happened?" I asked and she shook her head, "You've been real good, you've had someone look after Bella and i usually come around after my shift ends and stay till you come, I've made lasagna if you're hungry but i have to get home to Vickie." She says as she picked up her backpack and i nodded, "Thank you Robin, seriously for everything." She just nodded, giving me a small smile before she grabbed her backpack and walked out the front door.

I stood frozen to the spot as i clung onto what was left of Isabella, kissing Bella's forehead like i always did to her mother, she brought her hands up to my face, pulling on my cheeks as i laughed at her, "Just me and you huh." I smiled down at her as she giggled, her giggles instantly filling up the emptiness i felt inside of me. "Yeah i know little missy, it's just us princess,  don't worry, your mommy and brother is smiling down at us." I kissed her stomach making her pull on my hair as i laughed at her.

She suddenly pushed herself up, without my support and i gasped, watching her move her head around, looking at the ceiling with her hands in her mouth, spit covering her hands as she smiled, her dimples showing off as she did, reminding me of her mother.

The End

Again, i am so sorry the ending had much shorter parts and were rushed but i just wanted to finish it .

Stay safe my little bees x🐝

I wish you all well and the best in 2023 !💞

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