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~Chapter Two~

It was finally Friday, a week has passed since I have last seen Eddie or heard of him since he had finished his assignments that Monday evening, the week has gone by pretty fast and without anything happening, it was starting to feel as if though ...

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It was finally Friday, a week has passed since I have last seen Eddie or heard of him since he had finished his assignments that Monday evening, the week has gone by pretty fast and without anything happening, it was starting to feel as if though life was back to normal besides from having to see James at school and having him start small talk with me during class.

Steve and I were now sat on one of the benches whilst watching the basketball team playing the championship game, with only a few seconds on the buzzer the ball landed in Lucas' hands and everything felt as if it was going in slow motion, the crowd cheering for him to throw the ball, Steve stood up, cheering as if though he was a proud father at his son's game, his fists clenched in anticipation and Lucas did what was expected of him, the ball gracefully made it's way through the hoop as the buzzer went off signaling the end of the game, I jumped off of my seat and screamed throwing my hands in the air, proud of the kid for winning his first game ever, the team lifted him off his feet, tossing him in the air and everyone cheered, it was the first game Lucas played since he was on the bench the entire year and watching him win the game brought joy to my little dull heart, seeing the smiles of everyone somehow made me feel better.

Everyone started piling out of the gym and out into the parking lot to go home while some of the students were going to the party Thomas was throwing, which included me. "Come on." Steve held me close to him in fear of someone trampling me to the floor because everyone was walking and shoving each other as if there were no tomorrow, I put my arm around Steve's, holding on for dear life, the last thing I wanted was someone physically walking over me  by all means you can emotionally hurt me but God, I could not tolerate physical pain, brushing my hair was too much for me to handle and that one time i twisted my ankle during cheerleader practice, i thought i was going to die but i had every right to since i had torn my muscle. This was the main reason I always waited till after the game to leave the gym because these animals clearly had no sympathy for hurting others. As we made our way out the main entrance of the school the cool breeze brushed against my skin, thanking God I had my clothes in Steve's car. "We should just wait for Robin then we can get going." He says as he unlocked the car doors, getting in my eyes caught something in the distance, it was Eddie and his friends coming out of the little door the teachers usually used to leave the building, all of them were laughing and smiling, when my eyes landed on Mike and Dustin I knew it had to be one of their D&D games. I smiled at the sight of all of them laughing and looking so happy.

"Sorry I took so long, I had to change out of uniform." Robin gets in the backseat, closing her door as Steve starts the car, the joy I was feeling evaporated as I caught a glimpse of Chrissy next to Eddie's van, getting in as he opened the door for her, slightly jealous as to what I just saw I  just looked out of my window, completely ignorant to Robin and Steve's conversation. Ever since Monday i started hanging out at the Video store to bother Steve and Robin, to be honest, Robin and I instantly clicked as if though we were destined to be friends, i admired the fact that she found just as much joy in teasing Steve as i did so most of the time we would annoy him until the end of the shift or until he gave up and just worked in the back of the store. "Why can't you come?" I groaned, looking at her in the rear view mirror and she stopped her bickering with Steve and leaned forward in her seat so that her head were between our seats. "Because I have to help my mom Bella." She sighs, and I jutted out my bottom lip, giving her puppy dog eyes. "Those eyes aren't fooling me princess." She ruffles my hair before sitting back in her seat. "Tammy is going to be there." Steve chimes in and Robin groaned, covering her face with her hands. "Shutup Steve, I'm not going just because she's there." The finality in her tone was all I needed to confirm that she indeed was not going to tag along for the stupid party, if you asked me yesterday if I wanted to go, I'd be excited and not be able to stop talking about it but now? I had lost the spark and officially felt as if though I wanted to go crawl under my sheets and stay there till Monday morning, just me and my homework.

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