1. First Day of College

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"Geez, fucking pain in the ass."

Lisa laughs at her annoyed friend, slinging an arm around the girl's shoulder and practically dragging her through the crowded hallway.

"I'm not sure we'll find our class today, bro." Jisoo comments, lifting herself on her toes to see over the taller students' bodies.

"I'd rather not, anyway." Lisa says, shrugging. Her eyes scan the mass of people around her and she sighs.

"Feel you, but I don't think the teachers would take kindly to anyone being late on the first day." Jisoo counters, patting her buddy's back for good measure.

Lisa ignores the response, her eyes drawing to a girl bending over to pick something up. Nice ass.

"Think we'll find a few hotties this year?" Lisa asks, looking away and acting oblivious when the girl lifts her upper body and looks around.

"I hope so. I already see one, by the way. 2 o'clock." Jisoo jerks her head a little.

Lisa looks in the direction, spotting a cute lilac-haired girl scanning the crowd around her with her warm brown eyes. Her lips are painted pink and she's clutching the handle of the guitar case she has on her back.

"Cute, I'll pass." Lisa says as Jisoo chuckles with a shake of her head.

"She looks like a chipmunk, I think." Jisoo says as they manage to move forward between the surrounding bodies.

"You into furry shit now?" Lisa scrunches her eyebrows.

"Ew, no. I just think she has cute cheeks, I dunno."

"Hmm, for real, though."

Lisa feels herself get dragged to the direction of the girl even before she can actually protest.

"Hey, do you have any idea which direction the Econ room is cause my friend and I are so clueless at this point." Jisoo says to the chipmunk resembling girl.

"Man, I have no idea. I'm looking for the same room, actually." The girl says, her voice sweet and nasally.

"Aw, shucks. Wanna join us?" Jisoo offers and Lisa smiles at the girl because otherwise, she would have just smirked. Kim Jisoo and her sneaky moves. Lisa has to admit there has been a thing or two she's learned from the older raven-haired girl.

"God, yes. This has been making me anxious. I'm Roseanne Park, by the way. Kind of got nicknamed Rosé back when I was studying in Australia. Nice to meet you guys." The girl says as she bows a little.

Jisoo grins and introduces herself, nudging Lisa to do the same.

"Yeah, we've been inseparable since middle school." Lisa supplies during the conversation,  then quickly jabs her finger in the direction of the room they have been looking for for the past forty minutes. "Bingo!"

"Aye! Gotcha." Jisoo says and Rosé chuckles. Jisoo wiggles her eyebrows at Lisa discreetly and Lisa smirks at the former. Not the first time she's seen Jisoo work her charm.


"Why the fuck is this man a teacher?" Lisa asks in a barely audible whisper.

"I don't fucking know, and I don't fucking understand." Jisoo says, seemingly agreeing with Lisa's confusion.

"It's alright, guys. I'll explain it to you later on." Rosé says, her eyes on the board as the other two girls look at her, eyes widened in surprise. Rosé chuckles quietly behind her hand at their reactions.
"I'm kind of an Econ freak so trust me on this." She winks.

"Hot." Jisoo comments and Rosé's eyes momentarily widen before she quickly looks to the board, a light blush coating her cheeks and ears.

Lisa cocks an eyebrow and Jisoo smirks cockily. The former shakes her head and smirks back, going back to mindlessly staring up front where their professor is explaining a graph in a way that makes no sense.


"My legs feel like they've been screwdriven everywhere." Lisa says stretching them out under her desk.

"Yikes, that's what happens when you have double Econ." Jisoo comments.

Rosé hums, gaining the girls' attention. 

"Do you guys have any other classes today?"

"Lis and I got Math in like, thirty minutes."

Rosé's brown eyes brighten in colour and she grins.

"So do I."

"Pog." Jisoo says, obviously happy.

 "What other subjects do ya got, Rosé?" Lisa asks curiously.

"I took Finance and Business this semester alongside Econ and Math."

"Dang, okay, miss CEO." Jisoo teases and Rosé laughs.

"Real." Lisa says with an amused grin.

"What about you guys?" Rosé questions.

"I took Statistics and CS." Jisoo supplies.

"Same, I mean, I took Statistics as well. The other course I took is Writing." Lisa says.

"Writing? That's kind of interesting. Why did you choose Writing as a course amongst all these subjects? Like, it's counter-intuitive, isn't it?" Rosé asks, looking intrigued.

"Honestly? I just like writing. These other courses are just so I can get a job when I'm out in the real world. Can't really depend on the probability of being some best-selling author." Rosé seems to ponder on that for a while before nodding her head. 

"Sounds good." she comments.

"Yeah, well, I'm sure she's going to love it when her professor makes her break down pieces of ancient literature. Come crying to us then." Jisoo teases and Lisa rolls her eyes.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch. If you liked comedy that much you should've just taken a comedy course or whatever. But wait, ain't you a clown already?" Lisa says and Jisoo glares.

"You suck." 

a/n: I'm not satisfied with any of the book covers I made so fuck it, pretty sure Jennie looking like the hottie she is is enough.
edit (25/10/22): a very kind user zhepinks  made the book cover that's currently on, thanks so much to them and I hope y'all like it!!

F*CKING THE PROFESSOR // jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now