8. Calling in Sick

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Lisa giggles softly at her phone.

"Told you getting laid would help with your shitty attitude." Jisoo remarks.

Lisa looks up to see her friend perched on a chair, bunching her hair in one hand and twisting something elastic in the other. She smiles brightly, not able to help herself from feeling overjoyed with what happened in the classroom with Jennie yesterday. Holy fuck, was it a good lay. Lisa had dreamt about it last night and hadn't even been upset about her wood this morning because masturbating to the thought of how she had fucked her professor on the woman's own desk had been amazing.

"Yo, earth to Lis!!" Jisoo hollers, snapping her fingers close to her face.

Lisa shakes herself out of her imagination where she's pounding Jennie's pussy inside the Writing classroom and clears her throat, shrugging with a sly smile. She goes back to looking at the meme on her phone.

"Did you get the girl's number?" Jisoo asks.

"Why would I get her number?" Lisa asks confusedly, staring at her friend's back turned to her as clicking sounds fill the room, the latter moving the mouse around as she plays a mini-game.

Her arrangement with Jennie was perfect in itself. After a fun (because other than loving to bury her cock inside her professor's tight pussy, she also loved writing) class, she could go on to fuck the wits out of her otherwise shy and uptight professor. It made it all the more convenient that the classrooms in the college were all soundproof and that the doors would lock themselves from the inside as soon as the students walked out and shut it behind themselves. See, perfect.

She hadn't thought about the possibility of fucking her professor outside of class. That was just something she'd have to reserve for her fantasies. Lisa was pretty sure Jennie would be dismissive of her any attempt to associate outside the classroom. Hell, she had gotten luckier than she ever might again to even be able to fuck her professor like that inside the classroom.

"Dunno. Sunmi seemed cool and you know, good lay and stuff. Thought you'd wanna hit it again." Jisoo answers, distracted by her game.

Lisa abruptly realizes that Jisoo was referring to the girl at the club the other night rather than her professor Jennie Kim. 

"O-oh, yeah. I didn't like...wanna give her the wrong idea or anything. She mentioned she isn't looking for a relationship right now." Jisoo only hums and mindlessly nods her head and Lisa sighs, relieved. 

Lisa doesn't want Jisoo or anyone to know about her deal with her professor. She knows Jisoo wouldn't tell anyone—her best friend has been tight-lipped as fuck about the secrets they've shared over the years. But then, even if finally getting to fuck her professor almost called for a celebration, Lisa also couldn't ignore how highly inappropriate it had been. If known, she could get expelled and Jennie could lose her job. Despite those factors, Lisa knows she's going to bury her cock in her professor the next time she sees the woman.

The fact that she had totally cancelled out the prospect of Jisoo referring to any girl other than Jennie wasn't exactly surprising. Like hell, she had moped and whined the whole of last week about how incredibly hot her professor is and how much she wanted to get in her panties. Jennie had almost become an obsession of sorts and she still hadn't made it out of Lisa's mind even after the sex in the classroom. Jennie was hot beyond belief and Lisa couldn't wait for the Writing class this afternoon.


Lisa bites her lower lip, forcing her smile to not show itself. Just 50 more minutes and then she could fuck Jennie again in this very classroom. The thought makes her dick light up and twitch. 

But then, in the cruelest fashion the universe could cross her, Professor Lee enters the classroom, a bunch of sheets in his hands. He scans his dark eyes over the students in the classroom, his gaze bordering boredom or tiredness—Lisa couldn't tell, but then she doesn't care either way. 

"Ms. Kim has called in sick this afternoon. She's assigned classwork, though. You students are expected to complete it by the end of the period."

Lisa curses in her head, gritting her teeth and training her expression to remain stoic as her Economics professor hands her a sheet. Fuck, this man is so useless. And shit, if Lisa's luck isn't just the fucking worst

Utterly pissed off, Lisa just sits there, glaring at the sheet in front of her. Then, after a minute or so, she sighs heavily. Fuck her luck. Jennie just had to get sick today. She almost feels played. She sighs again and shakes her head before grabbing the sheet and starting to read over the classwork details. Maybe Writing a bit would help with her frustration. No point letting her grades slip due to her blue balls anyway. 


Lisa sets her pen down and like clockwork, Professor Lee enters the classroom. He instructs everyone to pass him their work as he stands in front of Lisa's desk. 

"Ms. Kim called. She asked for you to go over to her house to hand in this work if you are able." The man says and Lisa's heart jumps. 

Holy fuck. 

"Yes, of course." Lisa says, managing to keep the excitement off her voice. 

F*CKING THE PROFESSOR // jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now