11. From Ms. Manoban to Lisa

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Jennie's body grows heavy in her arms, her limbs seeming to go almost limp and Lisa drags the woman's weight (which impressively isn't much considering her curvy figure) backwards until they both crash on the couch. Jennie's back is still tightly pressed against Lisa's torso as the woman breathes heavily.

After a while, Jennie turns in Lisa's arms, giving her a hard and serious look. The flush from her orgasm is still very much there, which makes Jennie's already flawless face look ethereal.

Lisa widens her eyes, "Oh shit." She mutters as she stares at the crack in Jennie's glasses, figuring she must have made it bump against the door while she was slamming into her.

Jennie gives her a questioning look.

"Sorry." She says, reaching out.

Jennie retracts, her face scrunching up further in confusion and a hint of irritation.

"Did you only just realize what we did?" Jennie exasperates.

"Yes-" Jennie's eyes widen in obvious anger, "No! No, not that. I...well, your glass broke. You know, right here." Lisa points quickly at the crack as realization flashes in Jennie's face.

They stare at each other for a while, the moment getting tense and awkward-just like when Lisa took a seat on this very couch. Jennie takes off her glasses, then looks between their bodies, very much subjoined, and seems to struggle a little. She looks torn between wanting to remove herself from the position and actually staying unmoving.

She sticks to just lying there, feeling too spent at the moment to try and get up.
"We need to talk about this." She says firmly.

"This again? Geez, I'll dick you down again if that makes you stop this 'we need to talk' thing." Lisa says and Jennie sighs frustratedly, looking up at the ceiling.

Lisa observes her professor's profile, prominent as frustration tightens the skin around her bones.

"If you'd just stop being so difficult, Ms. Man-"

"Lisa. You called me that just minutes ago."

Jennie looks even more frustrated, and she hops out of the couch standing in front of Lisa. Lisa gapes, drooling at how hot her professor is.

"You're insufferable." Jennie bites out, quickly pulling her shorts on.

Lisa snorts.

"You're so fucking hot, don't blame it on me."

"If only you could use words that well in a mature conversation." Jennie says sarcastically, pulling the t-shirt on herself as her messy bun falls loosely.

Lisa is captivated by the moment, watching the silk strands spread themselves gracefully on Jennie's shoulders and cover the swell of the brunette's breasts.

"So, you admit I talk smooth." Lisa smirks, finding it amusing to cross her agitated professor.

"Ms. Manoban, please...A conversation where we're both acting like grownups is all I ask for." Jennie says, looking absolutely done with their banter.

Lisa sighs, sitting up on the couch.

"Alright, but on one condition."

"And that is?"

"Call me Lisa from now on."

Jennie grits her teeth, looking like she wants to argue but then shakes her head, "Fine." She says, glaring at Lisa.

"Ha!" Lisa says, grinning from ear-to-ear. Jennie shakes her head again.

"Look, we should stop doing this. Whatever this is. I understand you find me attractive but we're expected to have a strictly professional relationship."

"Jennie, if you think I have told or will go tell my friends or anyone at college about this, then don't worry about that. Seriously." Jennie's eyes grow wider and some of the tension in her shoulders melt away. Lisa frowns.
"Oh, you really thought I'd run my mouth, huh?" Lisa grins with a shake of her head, amused by how much of a troublemaker Jennie makes her out to be.

"I guess I overthought it." Jennie admits, lightly shrugging.

"No need for that. Contrary to popular belief about me being a horny jerk, I wouldn't love for my hot professor to get fired. Plus, I'd get expelled too and my parents would..." Lisa lets out a nervous laugh.

Jennie shakes her head and a smirk plays at her lips although Lisa isn't sure what she's amused by.

"Oh, you'd just love to see my parents potentially crucify me, wouldn't you?" Lisa says after realizing what's funny with a roll of her eyes, her lips lifting the same way as Jennie's, mirroring the woman's light smirk.

"Maybe, M- Lisa." Jennie says firmly, then clears her throat nervously, looking away.

"Good girl. See, that wasn't so hard, was it?" Lisa teases.

"I have changed my mind. I would totally like to be the witness to your parents crucifying you." Jennie's mock irritation is obvious as her cheeks flush.

Lisa cackles.

"I see the professor is funny too." Lisa mocks.

"Only for you." Jennie says sassily, her eyes narrowed.

"Then I must be special." Lisa grins cockily, spreading herself on the couch.

"You should really put on your clothes." Jennie says, suddenly looking very aware of her student's nudity.

"You should enjoy the view." Lisa quips, flexing her abs.

Her professor looks away, her face reddening.

"So, you promise no one inside...or outside of college will know about...us?" the brunette asks suddenly.

"Yes, they won't. Not from me. And I'm guessing not from you either. Only the lord knows how much you're making with this fancy house you've got over here. I suppose you'd never let a job like this one go."

Jennie looks conflicted for a second, like she wants to say something, but trains her expression to neutrality and nods, "Right."

"Hey, Jennie? Can I ask you a question?" Lisa asks, observing the woman.


"You weren't actually sick, were you?"

Jennie blushes red, "No, I just didn't want- I didn't want to see you after...all that."

Lisa laughs.

"Another question?" Jennie rolls her eyes. "Please?" Lisa asks, pouting with a smile. Jennie gestures with her hand to give permission.
"I always say you're hot and stuff, right? What do you think of me? Are you like, doing this because you hadn't gotten laid in a while or are you actually attracted to me?"

Jennie struggles, shifting on her feet. She clears her throat and looks at Lisa nervously before saying, "I am."

F*CKING THE PROFESSOR // jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now