15. Fan of Artwork

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"Playing chess literally the day after you told me it's lame?" Jisoo gives her a disbelieving look. "Also hello, professor." There's no indication she saw anything that was going on in the room.

"Hello." Jennie says quietly, looking down at the board and trying to rearrange the pieces to their original position.

"Man, Naevis really ruined the match yesterday. I totally had you, Jisoo. And hey, Jennie." Rosé says.

"Hey, Roseanne." Jennie replies and Lisa perks up, looking between the two at realizing they're on first-name-basis.

"You guys know each other?" Lisa asks curiously as she watches Rosé's lips quirk up.

"Uh, well... let's just say I know most people who visit Haein's club." Rosé says, studying the pool table.

"There's more to it. You're smirking." Jisoo points out suspiciously.

Lisa chances a glance at Jennie to see her turning a little red and looks back at Rosé and Jisoo standing on opposite sides of the pool table.

"Spill, Rosé." Lisa says impatiently, trying to gauge for the reason behind Jennie's embarrassment.

"Ack, I kinda tried hitting on her like, a year or so ago." Rosé reveals as Jennie keeps a straight face, the only giveaway of her embarrassment being her coloured face.

"O-M-G?!" Jisoo shrieks, her face contorting between amusement and shock.

Lisa widens her eyes, giving the lilac-haired girl a look that screams "girl what the fuckitty fuck?"

Rosé only laughs and waves them off, looking bashful. Lisa looks at Jennie again, but the woman is busy feigning ignorance and moving the bishop around too many times on the chess board.

"Holy-" Jisoo stops when her eyes fall on Jennie, reminded of courtesy. "Oof." she says.

Lisa bursts out laughing.

"OH MY GOD. Rosé and Professor Kim?! Who would have thought?" she says, giving Jennie a teasing look, which earns her a discreet glare from the brunette.

"I thought she was like, twenty, okay?" Rosé defends in mock offense, not being able to keep the amused grin off her face.

"Pffft..." Jisoo snickers, scrunching up her nose.

"Alright, that will be enough fun and games for me. I will see you students later." Jennie says, a note of impatience in her tone as she quickly stands up and straightens her back. Lisa eyes the swell of her hips a second too long before looking down at the chess board in front of her.

"See you later, professor." Lisa says casually.

Jennie throws her a meaningful look over her shoulder and nods before exiting the room.

"So, what's with you and the professor?" Rosé asks after a moment, striking a cue ball.

Lisa stiffens with anxiety. Did they somehow catch wind of what was going on inside the room?

"What do you mean?" she asks, managing to keep her voice level.

"I could feel the sexual tension from behind the fucking door, Lis. You sure you aren't fucking the professor?" Jisoo jokes, maneuvering her cue stick.

Lisa laughs shakily. Oh Jisoo, if you only knew.

"Real. Jennie might as well be interested. She looks at you a lot. Or it's because you were sitting directly in front of her." Rosé says distractedly.

"Gosh, Roseanne. You're like hacking everything or something! Like, how the fuck are you always winning?" Jisoo complains and with that, the topic is dropped.

F*CKING THE PROFESSOR // jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now