14. Chess

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"So then...the curve is going to shift to right." Rosé finishes, drawing a line and arrow to indicate the shift.

"OHHHHH..." Lisa and Jisoo say in unison, instantly making all the students' heads snap in their direction.

Professor Lee gives them an unimpressed look, pressing his lips together and clearing his throat to regain the students' attention.

"Ohhhh..." Rosé whispers, giggling right after her friends throw her a glare.

"I would have killed you for that if you hadn't just saved my ass from failing this semester with your explanation." Lisa whispers back.

"I wish attendance points weren't a thing. Lord knows Rosé would be a better professor than this constipated bitch." Jisoo remarks as she begins doodling on her textbook, not even trying to pay attention to the ongoing lecture.

"For real. Can we like, change classes or something at this point? I'm starting to realize I'm probably going to flunk this class." Lisa asks.

"Not on my watch." Rosé says seriously.

Jisoo is too distracted by her doodle to respond and Lisa only smiles, trying to believe the words.


Lisa walks through the hallway, looking around. Jisoo had mentioned an indoor games room yesterday during their conversation after Naevis had invaded their room. It had already been well over two weeks since she'd moved into campus but hadn't gotten familiar with the layout. The difficulty she had had finding their class on her first day had also confirmed the complexity of the structure.

She thankfully sighs when she finds a door with a gold-plating that reads "INDOOR GAMES" in bold letters. She pushes the door open, her eyes going over two dart boards placed side-by-side with darts scattered all over them. There are shelves set right over the boards, filled with disc cases that Lisa assumes contain CDs for some game system somewhere here. The room is quiet other than the sound of the air conditioner. She walks further inside, startled by the presence of someone-her Writing professor.

Their eyes meet in surprise, then Lisa grins. Followed by a groan when her leg hits the edge of the sturdy pool table. Lisa rubs her thigh, kind of annoyed, but Jennie just looks down at the small table in front of her, her eyes sparkling with a glint in them as they travel over a chess board. It's obvious she wants to laugh-her pretty eyes crinkle around the edges and her lips are pressed into a thin line but the corners are twitching into a downward curve.

"Go ahead, professor. Laugh all you want. You seldom get to see me in a compromised position anyway." Lisa quips, watching the woman's expression carefully.

"Whoever told you you're that amusing, Ms. Manoban?" Jennie asks, her face back to its usual solemnity.

"The girls I've hooked up with. They found me hilarious, actually." Lisa says, looking around the room to spot a ping-pong board at the far end of it and an air hockey setup by the door.

"Then they must have had a questionable sense of humour."

Lisa raises her eyebrows, watching Jennie pick up a chess piece and take it off the board.

"Says the woman playing chess."

Jennie looks up, perplexed. "What's wrong with chess?"


Her professor rolls her eyes, "You'd think so."

Lisa grins, dropping her backpack carelessly to the marble floor. She makes her way behind her professor and plants her hands on the woman's shoulders. Jennie stiffens but Lisa only presses down.

"Your shoulders have been looking so tense, professor. Want me to massage them for you? Swear I'm going to make you feel good." Lisa rasps against the woman's ear, feeling her shiver.


"Ms. Manoban, Professor Kim. Don't you think it's a little inappropriate to call me by my name in college?" Lisa asks, kneading Jennie's flesh.

She presses harder than necessary and hears the brunette let a strangled yet pleased sound slip from her lips. Her fingers dance across Jennie's skin, pinning into the soft flesh on her shoulders as she feels the woman's posture relax.

"Does that feel good, professor?" Lisa asks lowly in the woman's ear and the woman in question trembles, bringing her hand and settling it firmly over one of Lisa's.

Lisa's confused as Jennie's hand cups hers and moves uncertainly for a moment but then she slides their joined hands down, pressing the palm of the former's hand over the swell of her own breasts. Holy crap, Jennie was asking to be groped. She hears the loud and nervous beat of Jennie's heart where her palm lies. Lisa's stomach tingles with arousal and she feels her cock throb before she slides her hand further down and cups a heavy breast. Jennie lets out a shaky breath and leans forward into the blonde's hand. Lisa squeezes lightly on the soft flesh, simultaneously kneading Jennie's shoulder with her other hand.

"I wish I could fuck you over that pool table. Don't you want that too, Jennie?" Lisa whispers into the woman's ear, the latter squirming under her touch.

"Mm-hm..." Jennie responds with a moan and Lisa chuckles lowly.

Jennie hums and tugs on the sleeve of the other hand on her shoulder, insistent. Lisa lets the brunette pull the fabric and make her hand rest upon another breast until she's fondling the woman's bosom entirely. She cups the breasts roughly, hearing Jennie let out a breathy sound and press on the upside of her palms to silently urge her on. She complies, happy with the needy whines she pulls out of her professor's painted lips.

"I would bend you over the pool table and spread your legs apart as far as they can go. You'd look so fuckable, professor." Lisa murmurs, delighted by the moan the words elicit.

Lisa goes to continue dirty talking but hears the creak of the door opening and quickly strides forward, seating herself in front of Jennie. Jennie jumps from the sudden movement and her hand brushes over a few chess pieces, knocking them down on the board with a dull yet loud sound. Her professor startles further and breathes fast but quietly in the spacious room, finally aware that there might be other people in the room at the moment.

"Oops." Lisa says simply, staying seated stiffly in anticipation.


(edit) a/n: lmfao I wasn't planning to post this today but ended up clicking on the publish button by mistake so anyway, enjoy the read

F*CKING THE PROFESSOR // jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now