3. The Wanderers

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Lisa tugs on her sleeve, scanning her eyes over her reflection in the mirror for the last time. She can't fix much more, not really.

"Are you done or do you think you need to look more breedable?" Jisoo asks, obviously annoyed by Lisa's slow approach.

Rosé giggles with a hand over her face and lightly pushes the raven-haired girl by the shoulder.

"Don't be mean, Jisoo. Impressing Professor Kim must not be so easy." Rosé comments, giving Lisa an approving look, confirming that she's ready to go.

"I'm really curious about this professor. Like, is she really that hot?" Jisoo asks incredulously, not quite believing the continuous affirmations about the woman's sexiness.

"She's definitely stunning. For a woman rapidly approaching her thirties, she looks like she's, I don't know, just 23." Rosé's sincere analysis seems to only peak Jisoo's spirit of interest.

"Well, I'm definitely interested to see Lisa's object of...her jerk-offs."

Lisa growls and shakes her head.


The music thumps against the walls, reverberating around the campus. Lisa grips the jacket in her hand tighter, scanning the mass of bodies.

"Well, this place is packed." Jisoo remarks.

"On the plus side, we have a higher chance of finding someone for Lisa." Rosé responds and Jisoo cocks her eyebrows, nodding in agreement.

"Hey, you guys! Y'all want some punch?" A tall, lean girl with short blonde hair asks, swaying on her feet with a large tray in her hand.

"Sure, thank you." Rosé says, grabbing a cup, followed by Jisoo who grabs another, smiling at the girl. Lisa gestures no with a friendly smile.

"Thanks a lot. I've seen you in CS, how was first class for you?" Jisoo asks the girl and the latter grins.

"A lot of stuff didn't make sense, but I'm hoping for a good semester. I'm Jeongyeon, by the way."

"Jisoo. Find me in class. Let's make it a good semester." Jeongyeon nods with a grin.
"This one was hella gay. You wanna go for it?" Jisoo inquires as soon as her classmate disappears into the crowd.

"Are you even my best friend? That girl was far from my type." Lisa frowns.

"I mean you did date that blondie back in high school, remember? Ryujin, was it?"

"Oh, my god. Don't remind me. We were both tops." Lisa groans at the memory.

Rosé's laugh is muffled by the music but the jolly sound attracts attention towards them regardless. Jisoo, in a display of her possessiveness, wraps her arm around the girl's waist and pulls her towards herself.

"Oh!" Rosé utters and blushes, then giggles.

Lisa shakes her head with a smile. Then her eyes continue to inspect the crowd again, spotting her useless Economics professor Mr. Lee. So teachers really do join this party. Where is her Writing professor then?

Lisa's heart stutters when her eyes finally spot the brunette, seemingly sipping on something as her eyes stray somewhere far away. The red dress she's wearing this evening hugs her body so fucking well and Lisa's dick springs to life, aching with a throb. She pulls the jacket in her hand over the tent in her pants. The jacket really is serving its purpose.

"There, Jisoo. That's Professor Kim." Rosé says, pointing subtly at the woman who seems like she's not even here. At least her mind isn't.

"Ohhhh, so she's hot." Jisoo states, like it wasn't literally the only thing Lisa could actually say about the woman since her mini-meltdown in their dorm room.

"Painfully so." Lisa says, gawking at the woman's projected ass.

"So? Are you gonna go waste your time there or come with me so I can set you up with some other hottie?" Jisoo asks.

"Shit." Lisa says, still staring as Jennie's breasts press against the counter she's leaning on. Her cock is almost fully hard now. "I'm going to waste my time. Bye." She says, leaving an amused Jisoo and Rosé behind.

She walks towards the woman, her legs feeling like frozen jelly. There's no way her professor has a good impression of her after she was so clearly caught leering at her, but she's thinking with her dick again. Figures.

"Hey, professor." Lisa finds herself saying in a voice that's much more confident than she was hoping to muster.

The faraway look in the woman's grey eyes seizes as she blinks at Lisa, registering her presence.

"Lisa Manoban, by the way." Lisa clarifies as something seems to click in Jennie's expression.

"Yes, hello, Ms. Manoban. I remember you." The woman says and Lisa looks down to the floor in embarrassment. Fuck, she really had to bring that up, didn't she?
"I read your classwork in the afternoon and I must say, I was impressed." Jennie continues and Lisa relaxes, relieved that Jennie doesn't remember her as the pervert in class.

"Uhm, thank you, professor." Lisa says with a bow. Jennie's eyes watch her intently and Lisa's cock strains further against her pants.

"Did you have any inquiries? Because I would suggest you enjoy this party rather than bring classroom business to the mix. I'm sure I can attend to your concerns next time in class."

Lisa holds Jennie's inquisitive gaze, thinking of every way her professor could actually attend to her concerns.

"You're doing it again." Jennie states firmly.

"Huh?" Lisa asks dumbly.

"Your eyes seem to be wanderers of their own, Ms. Manoban." The words are a joke, but Jennie's tone is serious.

Lisa is speechless, left gaping because she got caught. Again.

"Well then, enjoy the party, Ms. Manoban. I hope the wanderers find something more this evening to explore."

And with that her professor is gone. She wishes the woman could take her hard-on away with her.

F*CKING THE PROFESSOR // jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now