4. You Know You're Hot

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Lisa had gotten through two whole days with constant boners and dirty thoughts of Jennie Kim invading her mind. She had spent most of her free time jerking off to the thoughts of the brunette and then sleeping, only to have wet dreams about her, then wake up again with a fucking hard-on.

Right now, she's breathing deeply to calm herself as she sits in the classroom, not quite ready for another torturous Writing class. Every time she hears footsteps near the door, her dick twitches and her throat closes up. Then, she hears heels clicking and immediately, like the work of some built-in radar, she knows it's Jennie Kim.

And it is her. In a tight, burgundy dress, boobs and ass and curves and—fuck, Lisa's cock can't take this anymore. She clenches her fist over the table, her eyes set hard on it.

She lightly shivers at the sound of Jennie's voice, "I think I want to see more of you guys' creative writing. So, write away. Anything, really. I'd like to assess your abilities so I can best decide your lessons this semester."

 Lisa sure knows what kind of lesson she wants from Jennie Kim.

Lisa shakes herself out of her aroused state and grabs her pen, quickly scribbling whatever the hell her dazed mind can conjure up. It doesn't help that she keeps wanting to write "ass" every time she looks down at her paper after stealing a glance at her professor.


"Took you a while, Ms. Manoban." Jennie comments as Lisa hands her the work of the day in the empty classroom.

Truth is, Lisa was waiting for her raging erection to calm down. That, coupled with how much effort it took to actually write something real onto her paper instead of graphic smut she wants to reproduce with her professor.

"Sorry, Professor Kim. I guess I just lost track of time." Lisa spits out the most cliché excuse, looking up at the ceiling as soon as her eyes fall to Jennie's cleavage that's visible from where she's sitting.

"You were struggling. What is it that you struggle with while writing? I might be able to help you." Jennie offers.

Jennie can't help. Well, not in the way Lisa wants, at least.

"Just...criticizing my own work." Lisa offers a lame excuse, internally wincing when Jennie looks up at her with her feline eyes filled with apprehension. Yeah, she definitely doesn't buy it.

"Really?" Jennie asks and Lisa looks away because, why the fuck is this woman elongating this conversation? Lisa's cock can't hold back much longer.

"Y-yeah." she stammers out.

"It's not anything to do with the wanderers?" Jennie asks, and there's only a hint of amusement in her tone.

Lisa clenches her jaw, glaring at the woman, then softening her gaze. She's not sure if Jennie is intentionally pushing all her buttons but hell, if Lisa falters.

"No, professor. Pretty sure it was only once." Lisa says and the woman cocks one eyebrow.
"Twice. It was twice." She corrects.

"So, what exactly have you been looking at?"

For fuck's sake.

"Thanks for waiting, Professor Kim. I hope you like the read–" Lisa tries to dismiss.

"You're not going to answer my question then?"

"Oh, for god's sake! You know you're hot." Lisa immediately regrets the words as the room quietens.

Jennie looks stunned, staring at her like she just grew another head. Her professor is speechless, and not recovering as the seconds tick by. Jennie acts like she didn't know that was why Lisa was gawking at her.

"That's... an exceptionally inappropriate thing to say to your professor, Ms. Manoban." Jennie's voice lacks its usual conviction and Lisa dares to look at the woman. Her skin looks redder than usual, and she isn't trying to hold Lisa's gaze anymore.

The thought that Jennie is even a bit affected by what Lisa said makes her cock harden again.

"Professor..." She whispers, finding her body approaching the woman's figure.

Jennie looks up abruptly, her eyes cloudy and unsure. Lisa can't stop her limbs from doing whatever the hell her mind (or should she say dick?) has been begging for and she smashes her lips to her professor's. She presses her lips further into a soft, sweet pair, feeling them drag against hers tentatively. Jennie's trembling underneath her and fuck, if she could just rub her hardened cock against the woman's bust. The perfume that swims in the air is Jennie's, gentle and dewy, yet clouding Lisa's senses to the fullest extent.

She moves further down then, nipping at the woman's jaw, drawing out a gasp, then kissing down the professor's neck, hearing the brunette let out a soft moan. She briefly wonders if this is all a dream as she towers over Jennie's seated figure, gliding her hand down from sharp collarbones to a heaving chest. She groans lightly, feeling the heat of the woman's bosom underneath her palm and just before she can fucking close her hand around a beautiful, heavy breast, there's a shout in the hallway. Then a series of giggles.

 Fuck these students.

Jennie jerks away, the chair she's seated on screeching against the floor resulting in another grounding effect as the woman's eyes stay wide and locked on the teacher's desk.

Before Lisa can say anything, Jennie states in a hard voice, "You're welcome, Ms. Manoban. I'm looking forward to the read."

a/n: maybe I'm updating too fast but fuck the algorithm

F*CKING THE PROFESSOR // jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now