5. Whiskey

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Lisa sulks away in her and Jisoo's dorm room for the next two days. Jisoo, of course, notices.

"You've been in that bed for like, 38 hours now, at least." Jisoo comments, stretching after her four-hour study session.

"My dick hurts." Lisa says pointlessly, hearing Jisoo groan and fake a gag.

"You won't even tell me what's gotten you so worked up? The last time you were complaining didn't seem so annoying."

"Gee, thanks best friend. Glad to know my problems annoy you." Lisa spits sarcastically, turning in the bed with her back to Jisoo as she stares at the white wall in front of her.

"I mean, I'm not supposed to be taking care of your dick problems anyway, dude. And hey, I did offer to find you some girl who would, but you said you'd waste your time on your professor instead."

Lisa whines at the mention of her professor. She had gotten so close to second-base. And fuck, she feels like a desperate virgin at this point, feeling so worked up just because she couldn't just squeeze those perky breasts once. Just once, God.

She'd be lying if she said she hadn't imagined it. She'd had constant wet dreams about her professor that mainly revolved around whatever the hell happened between them in the classroom two days ago. Fuck, the way Jennie had moaned—It was almost like she would even suck Lisa's dick off if she just pulled it out and presented it to the brunette. That thought had inevitably made its way to Lisa's wet dreams. The professor was going to be the death of her.

"I think she saw my erection in class the other day." Lisa says, a little nervous about the possibility.

It would have been surprising if Jennie hadn't. What with how the kiss they had shared had affected her. She could swear she'd seen Jennie take a quick peep before her eyes settled unmovingly on her own desk.

"Holy fuck. Can't you like, tuck it some kind of way to hide it?" Jisoo wonders genuinely.

"Yeah but...I don't think that's going to help much. She gives me like, full-blown erections."

Lisa wonders for a second if she should tell Jisoo about what happened in the classroom and God knows that she's dying to tell someone about it. But it just doesn't feel right. After all, she had been the one to go tell her professor she was hot and then kiss the woman while she was still recovering from her shock. What was Jennie even shocked for? The woman must know she's God's finest work.

"R-i-p, dude." Jisoo comments.

Lisa just sighs and shoves her face into the pillow again, closing her eyes to try to block everything out.

"Rosé wants to sneak into that club tonight. You coming?" Jisoo asks.

"How would we sneak in? I'm 19. You're 20. Wait, fuck, is your girl 21?" Lisa lifts her head and turns to look at Jisoo wide-eyed.

Jisoo laughs, "Rosé's 19. She has a fake ID. Said she has connections in the club or something."

"That's sus. But yeah, sure. I should honestly get laid." Lisa nods to herself, getting up and dusting off her clothes for no reason.

"That's the spirit, Manoban. Let's get you a hottie." Jisoo says with a wink and Lisa smirks.


"Hello there, Rosie!" An enthusiastic voice greets as the Aussie girl's face brightens up.

"Uncle Haein!! Good to see you again." Rosé says, kissing the handsome and formally dressed man on his cheek as a greeting.

"I see you've got friends, dear. Looking for a fun night again?" Haein asks, flashing a grin at Jisoo and Lisa as they smile back in kind.

"Yes, uncle. Can you sneak us in?" Rosé replies.

Haein smirks cockily and nods as he pulls Rosé with him, gesturing to Lisa and Jisoo to follow. He says something to the security at the entrance, the words covered up by the music.

Lisa and Jisoo share a look.

When they're finally inside, the music booming in the large space occupied with swaying bodies, Lisa says, "Damn, Rosé. You really managed to sneak us in."

Rosé winks playfully and Jisoo smiles fondly at the girl, then asks, "So what kind of uncle exactly is he to you? He seems really chill."

"Haein's my dad's youngest brother. He runs this club with a childhood friend of his." Rosé supplies.

"Dang, girl. And he really allows this stuff? That's so fucking rad." Jisoo says.

"Oh, yeah. Rumour has it that Haein's youth was wholly spent in nightclubs and casinos." Rosé says and Lisa blows out an impressed whistle.

"Rumour..." Rosé pauses, a lively glint in her eyes, "...that I can confirm, also has it that he supplies fake IDs to a few privileged teenagers." The girl pulls out an ID that avouches she's 22.
"Shots, girls?" She asks as Lisa and Jisoo happily cheer.


Lisa chances a look at the girl's chest, finding big breasts staring right back at her. Hell yeah, her lay tonight was going to be fabulous. She smiles at the girl, pretending to be interested in what she's saying and the girl seems to buy it.

"Do you want to get out of here?" The girl whispers in her ear and Lisa shivers and closes her eyes. She really fucking does.

Lisa feels a sharp zap of electricity shoot through her body as her eyes open to meet striking, grey ones from across the room. Holy fuck. Was it the shots or is that really her professor? Feline eyes quickly withdraw from their previous activity, which was definitely staring at Lisa from where the woman is seated with a whiskey in her hand. Her professor only sits there for a handful of five seconds, then she hops off her stool, throwing a bill on the counter under her glass and then...she disappears into the crowd.

Jennie was watching her. Fuck.

F*CKING THE PROFESSOR // jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now