17. What a Pain

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Lisa smiles. She does that a lot lately, she's discovered. Especially when Jennie's around. They're already two months into the semester, thus their arrangement. Lisa leans her cheek on the palm of her hand and stares, watching Jennie recite something from the green book she's holding. She's been trying to focus on the words for the past fifteen minutes, but all she can get herself to pay attention to are the movements of Jennie's pouty lips, the concentration in her feline eyes, and her hips swaying everytime she walks from one side of the room to another.

Jennie's focused gaze snaps up and to her, only remaining on her for a second, but it makes butterflies swarm in her stomach.

Oh shit, she likes Jennie.

No, wait she's liked the woman since she saw her. But this is like, she likes her in a wanting to date her kind of way.

Lisa looks down at the desk's surface, tracing her eyes over the few ink marks on it. Her revelation is... interesting, to say the least. She's surprised she didn't realize it right when the "alligator" man in the club tried to hit on Jennie and she went diss mode on him. She smiles and shakes her head. The timer on Jennie's phone goes off.

"What a pain." Lisa lets out loudly and Jennie looks at her confusedly, the other students too busy with leaving the classroom to hear her.

"Is there a problem?" Jennie asks seriously, genuinely concerned.

Lisa suddenly feels uncharacteristically shy. The last student exits the room, the classroom's door clicking itself locked.

"Are you blushing?" Jennie asks after a moment, sounding shocked and amused.

Lisa snorts, still feeling the heat in her cheeks. She gazes into Jennie's confused eyes glazed over with amusement and smiles herself. She gets up from her seat, seating herself on the teacher's desk and pulling Jennie between her legs. The woman doesn't protest, only looking between her eyes and lips, close.

"I want to take you out on a date." Lisa says honestly, watching Jennie's grey orbs swirl with its rich colour and surprise.

The woman's lips part and she stares at Lisa, wide-eyed. Then, her lips stretch in a smirk and she rolls her eyes, "You had me there for a second."

Lisa snorts, despite herself, pulling the woman closer by her waist. Their noses bump and Lisa lightly caresses the woman's brunette locks.
"I'm serious. Let me take you out on a date."

Jennie inhales sharply, leaning further into Lisa and closing her eyes, their lips just a breath apart.
"I'm going to be upset if this turns out to be a joke."

Lisa smashes their lips together, kissing Jennie  as deep as she can. Jennie responds in the same manner, eagerly licking into her mouth and panting between the open-mouthed kisses they share. The blonde tugs at her professor's hair, moving their mouths in sync as their tongues intertwine.

"Tomorrow. Next city over. Can you drive us there?" Lisa asks breathlessly once they've separated.

Jennie nods, breathing heavily, her hair tousled. Lisa grins and runs her fingers gently through her silk strands, smoothing and grooming them  in place. Jennie purrs, leaning into her touch.


"This is so unfair, how could you be going there without me???" Jisoo whines.

Lisa rolls her eyes good-naturedly, "Taking you would mean I'd have to take your girl and I'm not looking to be a third-wheel."

Jisoo scoffs, striding with both hands on her hips and standing next to Lisa in front of the mirror.
"Rosé isn't my girl."

"Not yet, anyway. You guys have got to stop eye-fucking around me, by the way." Lisa says with her eyes narrowed as Jisoo snorts, muttering an apology.

"Why'd you wanna suddenly visit the city on your own, though?" Jisoo asks. She had asked the same question yesterday when Lisa had announced she would be leaving the next morning during their Economy study session with Rosé.

"I kind of miss it. Remember how we used to feed those ducks back at high school?" Lisa tries to divert the topic.

"Dude, yes. Little fucking monsters, I swear all my allowance went on their fucking bread." Jisoo comments, tugging at the back of Lisa's shirt to straighten it.

A knock at the door is the only indication before the door flies open, revealing a messy-haired Rosé.

"GOOD MORNING! I'M SORRY I'M LATE!" She hollers, her face puffy from sleep.

Lisa giggles, taking in her panic. She glances at Jisoo who's busy ogling at the girl's cleavage showing through her nightshirt.
"Oh geez, Rosie. Did you just wake up?"

"YES. I only peed and freshened up and came running here. Naevis tried to chase me down but she ain't got nothing on me." Rosé says.

Jisoo and Lisa laugh, complimenting her for outrunning Naevis.


"You look pretty." Lisa comments, slamming the door to the car closed.

Jennie looks at her and smiles teasingly, "Thought you'd never call me anything besides hot."

"Well, pardon me for telling the truth." Lisa quips, throwing her backpack to the backseat, not before smirking at the brunette in the driver's seat.

She places a hand on Jennie's thigh, the woman immediately stiffening and giving her a look.

"No funny business while I'm driving, Lisa." She says firmly, gazing seriously into the named girl's blue eyes.

Lisa gives her thigh an affectionate squeeze, looking at her with a grin, "No funny business before our date, I promise."

Jennie tilts her head, seemingly satisfied, and twists the key, revving the engine and placing her hand on Lisa's gently. Lisa turns her palm up, locking their fingers together and smiles when the woman gives her a shy look. She can't wait for their date.

a/n: is this fluff

F*CKING THE PROFESSOR // jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now