6. An Unpleasant Exchange

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Her lay last night had been kind of a lifesaver. Kind of, not entirely. Either way, she had been able to get rid of the nagging edge that had been buzzing in her body for the past week. Thinking back to Jennie's glassy, intense stare last night at the club, though, Lisa can't help but feel her cock twitch. She can't even imagine what could have happened if she had spotted Jennie beforehand, had approached her and—

Lisa sighs. Jennie's going to see her prominent erection again if this keeps happening. Could she even survive a whole semester of this sexual frustration? According to her dick, hell no. She had to rip the tight dress off of her professor, plant her ass up on somewhere and fuck her hard until the woman couldn't fucking walk straight.

Jennie's heels clicking on the ground alert Lisa of her arrival and the girl feels almost annoyed by everything that has happened in the past week. She realizes she's getting cranky because of the blue balls but could you blame her? This woman had kissed her back last class and then proceeded to leave her hanging without any resolution to whatever happened between them, and then had stared into her freaking being at the club and resigned from their tension even there. What the fuck did this woman want?

As Jennie tells them what to write on today in her delicious voice, Lisa decides she's going to confront the woman. They had kissed, for fuck's sake, and Jennie knew full well that Lisa found her incredibly hot. The line had been crossed, and Lisa intended to push it further if she even had the power to do so.


"Professor Kim." Lisa calls as she sets her paper on the teacher's desk.

Her professor only nods curtly, not even looking at her as she makes a show of fixing all the students' papers she has received today. The sounds of the papers echo through the empty classroom.

"Not going to ask why I was late today?" Lisa asks, watching Jennie stiffen ever-so-slightly under her gaze.

"Unless you have any issues, I'm afraid I don't have much time on my hands today." Jennie stiffly says. She's still not looking at Lisa.

"Oh, I have issues. Being attracted to my professor being one of them." Lisa says boldly, her dick hardening further in her jeans, as if in agreement.

Jennie furrows her eyebrows and finally looks at her, her gaze hard, "I believe I informed you the other day about how inappropriate it is to say things like that to your professor, Ms. Manoban."

Lisa grits her teeth.

"You can't say you care about inappropriate, Jennie. We've already gone past the boundaries of that."

Jennie glares at her, "I don't appreciate you calling me by my name, Ms. Manoban. This is rapidly becoming a very unpleasant exchange."

"Why don't we make it pleasant, then?" Lisa husks, trapping Jennie's body under her own as her arms encircle the space that Jennie's seated on, her hands planting on the wall behind her professor.

Her dick twitches at their proximity and Jennie's perfume swims in the air around them. Jennie remains unmoving, staring at her with that same vulnerable look like the other day and Lisa doesn't even think to stop as she smashes their lips in a bruising kiss. Jennie gasps and her hands grip Lisa's face, kissing back hungrily, as if she's been in the same predicament as Lisa all this time. 

Lisa groans as Jennie nips on her bottom lip, pulling at it, then letting it pop free. Oh yeah, she's definitely getting into it. Lisa retreats her hand from the wall and places it on Jennie's jaw, pressing, to make her professor lean further into their passionate kiss. This makes it easier for Lisa to slip her tongue into Jennie's warm mouth as the woman moans at the action. Her tongue pushes forward and meets Lisa's and the latter groans as slick velvet curls into her mouth. Not wanting to miss the opportunity the heavens have granted her, Lisa slides her hand down, gliding fingers over Jennie's prominent collarbone. Then, in a quick motion, she cups one of Jennie's breasts. Fuck. Her cock painfully strains against her jeans. Jennie lets out a puff of shaky breath against her mouth and leans into her touch. Lisa swipes her fingers over Jennie's hardened nipple protruding through her dress and the woman whines, arching into her touch. 

Lisa's hand slides further down, feeling the brunette's flat stomach, then travelling further down and... Oh, God. Lisa feels the heat emanating off Jennie's core on her palm as she rubs over it through her panties. Jennie gasps and her hips jerk down on Lisa's palm, and Lisa feels wetness seep through the garment. 

"Are you wet for me, Jennie?" Lisa whispers hotly against the professor's ear as the woman whines pathetically, seemingly uncaring that she's grinding her pussy on her student's palm. 
"Or do you like it when I call you professor, hm? Are you wet for me, professor?" This, coupled with a harsh rub against the area Lisa assumes consists of Jennie's clit earns her a high-pitched moan from the older woman. 

Lisa pushes the soiled fabric of the woman's panties aside roughly and runs her fingers across slick folds, smirking against Jennie's neck. "You're such a slut, professor. So wet for me, so eager to cum. Tell me...do you want me to make you cum?"

Lisa growls when all Jennie does is grind herself more against the former's fingers, biting her lip in an attempt to not let any words slip past. Lisa harshly kisses the woman and presses hardly on her clit, her own mouth vibrating with the moan Jennie lets out. 

"Tell me, Jennie. You know I won't make you fucking cum until you ask for it." Jennie whines, shaking her head.

Lisa bites Jennie's neck in an attempt to make her conform, moving her fingers torturously slow against the woman's wet pussy. 

After a while of Lisa's stubborn refusal to give Jennie what she wants wordlessly, Jennie relents, "Darn it, Lisa! Make me cum. Fuck, I want to cum, please." 

Lisa immediately changes pace, pushing harder onto Jennie's hot center with her palm, stroking the woman's folds faster. She hears Jennie's breathing and the sounds she makes change, echoing throughout the classroom. She would've worried if the classroom wasn't soundproof but her lucky stars seem to have shone on her on this particular day. As if to prove that, Jennie literally shakes against her, and her pussy flutters, tightly pressed against her hand as the woman cries out with her back arched and eyes rolling back in the most glorious orgasm Lisa has ever seen a girl have. 

Jennie's so fucking hot and her dick is throbbing like a bitch, and any plan of holding out today on fucking the woman senseless evaporates. 

"You don't think we're done yet, do you?" Lisa asks as a post-orgasm Jennie thickly gulps.

a/n: maybe it is time to put an end to Lisa's blue balls predicament

F*CKING THE PROFESSOR // jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now