19. Bad Luck It Is

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The windows of the hotel room rattle loudly, meeting the sound of Lisa's annoyed groan.

"It just had to be today!" She whines.

"Bad luck it is." Jennie remarks, taking off the loopy earrings she had put on for their dinner date.

As if to confirm the statement, the lights go out, leaving the hotel room pitch black. There's a series of loud taps on the window and the sound of the fast wind is a little jarring.

"Lisa?" Jennie calls, albeit a little anxiously.

"I'm right here." Lisa says, only late by a second as she gently taps the woman's arm. Jennie grabs the blonde's hand and draws her closer, standing up from the stool in front of the mirror to press herself against the younger girl.
"Are you scared of the dark?" Lisa asks.

"Sometimes." Jennie says.

"They have candles here somewhere, I'm sure." Lisa says, placing an arm tightly around Jennie's waist to keep her close as she moves towards the drawers, the room outline still rehearsed in her mind from the countless times she's stayed in the hotel on a night-out.

She gropes around in the dark, finding a candle. She holds the heavy wax in her hand, moving her arm away from Jennie to fumble with the lighter. Jennie stays close to her side as the candle glows. Lisa sets it over the drawers and searches for the others. The wind outside roars and Jennie shivers beside her. 

"Bright enough?" Lisa asks, looking around once she's done setting the candles at different points in the room. 

"Yes, thank you." Jennie utters, and Lisa looks at her to smile, only to get the breath knocked out of her lungs.

The shoulderless dress Jennie is wearing makes it that her collarbones are fully exposed, their sharpness made prominent by the low light in the room. The candle's flame delicately dances in her features, intensifying the look of softness of her rich satin skin. Her ash orbs are a stream of gentle light and nightly dark and Lisa feels her fingers twitch in impulse. But all she can do is stare dumbly, her jaw on the floor.

"What is it?" Jennie asks, unbeknownst to the effect she has on the blonde.

Lisa swallows thickly, "You're really pretty."

There's a beat of silence in the room as the flames dance in Jennie's hooded eyes and the woman's lips part. Lisa feels the woman shift beside her.

"Yeah? What are you going to do about it?" Jennie breathes, her hand gently tugging the sleeve of Lisa's jacket as she gazes into the blonde's eyes, their faces close. 

Lisa sighs, gripping Jennie's hips and pulling her flush against herself. The woman breathes heavily, staring up at her heatedly as their gazes travel between each other's eyes and lips. Jennie rests her hands on Lisa's arms, squeezing the flesh to silently ask for what she wants. Lisa instantly reacts, joining their lips and hearing the brunette let out a quiet sound. She slides her tongue into Jennie's mouth, the woman responding by meeting it with her own. The kiss is slow and deep as Lisa's hands glide over the brunette's curves. Jennie grinds against the blonde as a hand goes to grab her face and Lisa groans hoarsely, her dick starting to throb.

Lisa pushes Jennie backwards until they've reached the bed, gently dropping the woman on the soft mattress. Jennie pulls her tightly against herself, locking her between her thighs as she encloses her legs around the blonde's waist. Lisa hums against the brunette's mouth, feeling the heat between their bodies as she rolls her hips. Jennie moans, grabbing at her jacket, yanking it off her arms. Lisa responds with the same vigour, slipping Jennie's dress off her body. She unhooks the woman's bra, watching plump breasts spring free. Her dick immediately hardens, straining through her jeans.

Lisa lays her palm flat on a soft breast, massaging the flesh as she hears Jennie's breath falter. The brunette spreads her legs wide apart, Lisa's body fitting in between as she lays wet kisses down the woman's torso. Jennie moans, running her fingers through golden locks.

Lisa quickly starts unbuckling her belt, and then fumbles with her jeans, yanking them off. Jennie's lips part as she stares at the blonde stroking her hardened cock in preparation. Lisa plants her hands firmly on Jennie's hips, then flips her over roughly, the brunette gasping but remaining still, her front pressed against the mattress with her ass up in the air.

Lisa squeezes an ass cheek and Jennie shivers, feeling cool air repeatedly hit her wet pussy. Then she feels the head of Lisa's cock poke her entrance, hearing the blonde breathe faster as she enters her slowly. Jennie softly moans, moving her hips to take Lisa's cock deep inside herself. She presses back, feeling the warm skin of Lisa's thighs against her buttocks as the blonde's hands press harder into her hips.

Lisa starts thrusting into her, faint sounds of skin clapping together filling the room. Jennie moans, gripping and twisting the bedsheet in her hands as Lisa's pace fastens, pushing her further against the mattress. She feels the girth of Lisa's cock inside her, filling her to the fullest extent before drawing back, only to slam back in harder than the last time.

"O-oh, yes..." Jennie breathes between a moan, the sound muffled by a pillow.

Lisa growls, ramming her cock inside the ecstatic brunette's pussy as the latter moans, grinding back against her. She catches a glimpse of their shadows in the wall of the hotel room, watching herself get fucked by the blonde from behind.

"Lisa..! Mmh, like that—" Jennie gasps feeling Lisa's cock hit a spot deep inside her. She lets out a whimper, grinding back into Lisa's cock, urging the blonde to keep fucking her.
"Right there..! Yes! Lisa—"

Lisa ploughs into her harder, growling and hitting that one spot over and over, making Jennie scream and thrash against her.
"Lisa, Lisa— Ah...! Fuck—"

Lisa groans, "You're so tight." She grits out in a fast breath, still slamming into the brunette's pussy.

Jennie flutters around the blonde's cock, whining desperately as she feels herself get closer to the edge.

"Your pussy feels so good wrapped around my cock, baby." Jennie moans, clenching around Lisa.
Lisa growls, "Cum for me, Jennie."

Jennie starts pulsating around the blonde's cock with a high-pitched moan, panting as she hears Lisa's breath hitch and feels the hands on her hips squeeze tighter as her pussy gets filled with hot liquid.

a/n: I was bored to death for the most part while writing this so if it's bad, then that's why (and sorry about it)

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