20. Coming Clean

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"Hey, what were you like in college?" Lisa asks, turning off the radio she had put on an hour ago.

Jennie gives her a brief look, refocusing her eyes on the road ahead.
"Reckless. Angry. A little unstable."

"You what?" Lisa asks, throwing the brunette an incredulous look.

The car comes to a slow stop at a red light and Jennie shrugs nonchalantly.
"It was stupid, in hindsight."

"You were reckless? And angry??"

Jennie smiles mischievously, "Very much so. I once broke into the teacher's room and destroyed all of one of my professors' belongings with the shredding machine. Which brings us to unstable. Or maybe you would like to say unhinged."

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" Lisa exclaims, cackling loudly.

Jennie laughs too, shaking her head and grabbing the steering wheel as the lights turn green.

"So like, why did you do it?"

"He graded my papers low all the time. I thought it was just me he did not like but then my friends were getting graded lower and me, angry teenager, went and did what I did."

Lisa cackles louder, "This is so freaking priceless. Did you have a lot of friends?"

"Yes, at the time. I think it was easy finding companions who wanted to get into as much trouble as I did."

"That's so hot. I wish I knew you back then." Lisa says, grinning and wiggling her eyebrows.

"I probably would have been really mad at you for being so good at writing." Jennie says.

"Oh my god, Jennie. What were you so angry for?"

"Well, I wasn't appreciative of my nitpicking mother and I would argue some of it was because of the teenage hormones."

Lisa snorts, "Turns out I'm not the only one with the critical parents." Jennie smirks at her before looking back at the road.
"What got you this uptight, though?"

"Uptight?" Jennie questions confusedly, then glares at Lisa, "The word for it is dignified. And to answer your question, I guess I just matured."

"There's more to it, isn't there?"

Jennie scrunches up her nose, embarrassed.
"I was head-over-heels for—"

"A deadbeat junkie boyfriend and he randomly just dumped you?" Lisa jokes, watching Jennie's serious expression.
"Oh come-fucking-on, Jennie!" She exclaims in disbelief when she realizes that's exactly what happened.

"You wanted to know." The brunette says.

"You're not still in love with him, are you?" Lisa inquires, observing the brunette closely.

"God, no. That was a nightmare." Jennie says, sighing as she stops the car at another red light.

"Good." Lisa says, placing her hand on Jennie's thigh firmly.
"Because I really like you."

Jennie looks at her, seemingly surprised, and Lisa stares at her seriously. She watches the woman swallow and blush a pretty pink.

"I— I really like you, too, Lisa." Jennie confesses, her hand falling on top of Lisa's on her thigh.

Lisa surges forward, catching the brunette's lips in a soft kiss, feeling her sigh against her mouth. Jennie's fingers play in her hair and their lips move against each other, gentle and slow. When there's a series of loud honks around them, they separate, but Jennie only looks back to the road, keeping her hand tightly meshed against Lisa's where it was.

"Wait a second." Lisa says, something clicking in her head, "Were you, you know, drugging alongside your boyfriend or?"

"I am... not going to answer that." Jennie says, her eyes set hard on the road ahead.

"I wish we knew each other back then." Lisa groans.

Jennie smirks, shaking her head, "You would just love to see me ruining my life, wouldn't you?"

Lisa smirks back, "Maybe." She gives the brunette's thigh a little squeeze.

Jennie jerks in her seat and exhales, then glares at Lisa.
"You need to stop doing that while I'm driving."

"You probably should get your mind out of the gutter, Jennie. My hands aren't anywhere close to taking advantage of you." Lisa says with a grin as Jennie blushes red.
"You're really cute. You make me want to do so many things—"

"You're doing it again." Jennie says quietly, the blush deepening on her cheeks.

Lisa laughs, realizing Jennie is right.

"I'm sorry. This, just now, was totally on me." Lisa says, throwing her head back in her seat.


"Would you like to come in?" Jennie offers, looking at Lisa expectantly.

Lisa shakes her head, standing outside the door, gazing at the brunette.
"I have three papers from Professor Lee's class to complete and I won't get it done unless I start today."

"Okay, I'll see you in class then, Lisa." Jennie says, their fingers brushing as the brunette takes her briefcase from Lisa's hand.

Lisa smiles, nodding and kissing the knuckles of Jennie's hand. The brunette gives her a gentle look before leaning forward and pressing their lips together. Lisa responds, brushing her lips feverishly over Jennie's as the woman traces her fingers affectionately over her jaw.

"I think... Well, thank you. I had such a great time this weekend and it was all because of you. I... umm..." Jennie gives her a shy look, "I really like you. A lot."

"I like you so much too, Jennie. You have no idea." Lisa confesses, grinning and pecking Jennie softly on the mouth.
"Is it— Is it okay if I tell Jisoo and Rosé about us now? It's completely fine if you're not comfortable with that yet but I need you to know that you're important to me now. It'd be nice if my friends knew that too, but like I said it's more than fine if you don't want anyone—"

"It's alright. As long as they don't tell anyone else, it's fine. And I— you're... you mean a lot to me too, Lisa." Jennie says, her cheeks pink.

Lisa's heart thuds harder against her chest and she kisses the brunette again, deeper. Jennie reciprocates just as eagerly and tugs at her hair, almost needy, and Lisa groans, pulling her mouth away.

"I won't be able to leave if you keep kissing me like that." Lisa says.

Jennie only smiles sweetly, caressing her hair and cheek before pecking her on the corner of her mouth.
"Sorry." She says, placing another kiss on Lisa's chin.

Lisa hums in acceptance.

When she has finally (painfully) rid herself of Jennie's little kisses, she gets to her dorm, finding both her friends hunched over and looking into Jisoo's Switch. They briefly glance at her, greeting her in a rush and then going back to gaping at whatever is happening inside that goddamn console and Lisa sighs.

"So, I need to come clean about something."

F*CKING THE PROFESSOR // jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now