7. A Sturdy Teacher's Desk

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Jennie gasps when Lisa harshly pulls her up, her firm hands gripping beneath Jennie's well-fleshed thighs and planting her on the teacher's desk. Lisa's body flushes hot and buzzes with electricity and desire. She presses against her professor's petite frame, kissing the woman heatedly, their tongues intertwining with each other's. Lisa knows the brunette can distinctly feel the bulge underneath her jeans that is pressing hardly against her stomach, but the latter doesn't pull away to ask or look. Lisa breaks the kiss, looking fiercely at her professor.

"If you don't want it, Jennie, tell me right now." Lisa utters, moving only inches away, still standing in between Jennie's legs so she can completely observe the tent in Lisa's jeans.

Jennie only slightly falters, looking lost as if what Lisa said doesn't make sense, then looks down. Understanding flashes in the older woman's face and her gaze doesn't waver, staying on the protrusion as she mindlessly pulls her lower lip between her perfect set of teeth. Lisa gulps hard, losing patience. She's about to ask again, wanting Jennie to use her words and not get coerced into something she doesn't want, when her professor speaks up.

"Show me." She whispers, looking up and into Lisa's eyes, her feline gaze timorous.

Lisa shivers, the words sending a flood of arousal through her veins and she unbuckles her belt, hastily unbuttoning her jeans and letting it drop to the classroom floor. She drops her boxers too, her dick that's swollen with desire to its fullest extent coming into view. Pearly beads of pre-cum ooze down from the head.

"Oh." Jennie says quietly, her gaze fixed on Lisa's cock.

Lisa would've thought the sound was to express disappointment if Jennie's grey eyes hadn't turned darker within seconds of her cock hoving into view.

"Are you on birth control?" Lisa asks seriously.

Jennie immediately turns a dark shade of red and shakes her head, her eyes darting towards the classroom floor. Damn, Lisa would have to save the idea of rawing the woman for later. To show she's not put off by it, Lisa catches the woman's eye and smirks, leaning towards her and grabbing her backpack from the desk behind. She pulls out a pack of condoms, playfully biting into the foil packet and ripping it.

She wears the rubber, securing her cock, then kisses Jennie fiercely. There's no way Lisa's going to wait anymore, there's no reason to. Jennie moans against her mouth and scratches her neck lightly, averring her thought. Lisa's hands run up Jennie's shapely thighs, then tug the panties down the woman's long legs, leaving it carelessly dangling from a foot. Then she aligns her cock against the woman's entrance and just as the head is squeezed, Lisa loses it. She slams her hip forward, plunging into hot tightness and... bliss. Lisa hisses in pleasure, her eyes squeezed tight as her lips find Jennie's neck. It takes Lisa a second or two to register the strangled sound Jennie lets slip past her lips. The noise borders on pain. With all her resolve, she resists her urge to pull her cock out and slam back in. 

"Are you alright?" Lisa asks in a tight voice, leaning back to take in her professor's face. It's red and Lisa can almost feel the warmth off of her skin. 

Jennie lightly nods, visibly gulping, "It's just...been a while." she says in a hoarse voice. Lisa figures that must be why Jennie isn't on pills.

"Okay, let me know if it gets uncomfortable for you." Lisa offers softly, moving back in to give Jennie's slender neck a few licks. 

The professor moans softly when Lisa's tongue washes over her sensitive flesh and leans closer to the latter. This results in Lisa's cock driving further into Jennie's pussy and Lisa growls, immediately digging her hands into the woman's hips. She steadies Jennie on the desk and rolls her hips, feeling Jennie's tight walls around her throbbing cock. She groans and pulls back, keeping in mind Jennie's discomfort as she moves in in a weaker yet firm movement this time. Jennie doesn't show any signs of uneasiness and Lisa pulls out again, sliding her cock in with the same force. Jennie's so tight, she almost wants to cum right then but breathes deeply to stop herself from doing so. She was going to make her professor cum on her dick and nothing could stop her. 

She sets a pace then, feeling Jennie's walls thoroughly stroke every inch of her shaft as she loses herself in bliss, hearing Jennie moan with each stroke. She growls when Jennie's hips start meeting her own in an attempt to force her deeper inside herself and all restraint seizes as she slams into Jennie's hot pussy with her cock. Jennie's loud moans echoing in the empty classroom spur Lisa on, making her ram her cock inside her professor's tight pussy harder and harder. She grips under Jennie's thighs, and the blissful woman just encircles them around Lisa's hips, letting her student slam into her pussy as hard as she wishes.

Jennie whimpers, but not with pain—her walls flutter lightly around Lisa's cock that's buried inside her and Lisa grits her teeth, willing herself to prolong her road to release as she realizes Jennie is almost there. Just a few more slams... Jennie gasps, jerking forward as she buries Lisa's cock inside herself and her walls clench mercilessly around Lisa's cock. Lisa inhales sharply as she hits her peak, delighted by the wild flutters and red pathways Jennie's nails make on her back.

a/n: look smut isn't my forte but I tried seriously

F*CKING THE PROFESSOR // jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now