13. Words, Professor

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"You like this, hm?" Lisa pants as her cock plunges deep inside Jennie again and the woman under her moans.

She hovers over Jennie's back, grabbing her loosely falling hair into a fist as she slams harder into her professor's tight pussy. Lisa happily watches her thighs clap against Jennie's plump ass, making the woman's perfect skin ripple with every thrust.

Lisa groans, forcing her cock deeper inside Jennie's hot pussy.
"Fuck, you've got the tightest pussy I've ever fucked." Lisa grits out, feeling Jennie clench around her at the words.

Jennie definitely likes it, given how she's moaning and scratching the desk she's bent over on as Lisa ploughs her from behind, but Lisa wants to hear the woman say it. She watches for a moment as her cock keeps disappearing inside Jennie with every thrust, drunk on the sight and the delicious press of Jennie's walls against her shaft.

"You make my cock feel so good, professor." She purrs out, giving Jennie's ass a hard squeeze. Jennie slams back into her at the words, clearly having enjoyed the attention Lisa just provided.
"Do you like it when I fuck you from behind like this?" she asks, cupping a butt cheek in her palm and pressing on the soft flesh again, hearing Jennie's appreciative moan that bounces through the walls of the classroom.

She nudges Jennie's leg with hers, effectively widening Jennie's stance, the position letting her thrust into the brunette deeper. Jennie jerks and grips the edge of the desk tighter, letting out moans muffled by her face drooping onto the desk's surface.

"Tell me, professor. Do you like being fucked like a whore? Like this?" Jennie whimpers in response, feeling Lisa thrust into her harder. "Tell me." Lisa breathes hotly, bending to lean over Jennie's back and ask the question in her ear, not before giving her earlobe a light bite.

"Y-yes...oh, L-Lisa—" Jennie moans out helplessly and Lisa almost wants to laugh hysterically at having succeeded at making Jennie say something dirty.

"Yes what, Jennie? Use your words, baby...Let me hear how much you want to get fucked by me."

She plants her hand on the other side of Jennie's face and grips her jaw, forcing the blissful brunette to look at her. The woman's face goes impossibly red and she struggles to keep her eyes open as her mouth stays wide open, letting sinful sounds slip. Lisa growls, stilling her movements and reaching to kiss Jennie hard as the brunette tries to reciprocate but only pants and whines pathetically, grinding on Lisa's dick to get her to start moving again.

"Words, professor. I know you have them." Lisa asserts, pressing Jennie's hips down to the desk so she can't move and get what she wants. She continues thrusting but slowly, only to ease the throbbing in her dick. That seems to get Jennie going.

"Faster, please." Jennie begs, her hands moving to her face to cover it in what Lisa assumes to be embarrassment.

Lisa fastens her movements, "You love being ploughed like this from behind, don't you?" She asks.

"Yes...God, I love b-being...ah! Fucked by you..." Jennie says softly, moaning in between as Lisa starts slamming into her again.

"Say that again." Lisa growls, grabbing her professor's hips and rocking them, making Jennie grind against her cock.

"Oh..! I love being fucked by you! Yes! Yes, yes...Lisa, ah! Please!" Jennie cries out as her pussy begins to pulsate around Lisa's cock.

Lisa groans, "Holy shit!" She cums harder than she expected, jerking against Jennie as the woman's walls grip her cock tightly.

"Sometimes—" Lisa heaves a sigh as she pulls out. "It's almost unbelievable how tight you are." She giggles at her own words. 

Jennie stays bent over on the desk, tilting her head over the surface to get a look at Lisa. 

"You really made me say those things." Jennie accuses, looking as red as she did when Lisa was fucking her. 

Lisa laughs again, "Hey, I didn't make you say anything you didn't already want from me."

She watches Jennie open her mouth to possibly retort, but then she snaps her mouth shut, giving Lisa an unamused look and lifting herself off the desk. They get dressed together in silence, only Lisa sneaking looks at any part of her professor's body she can and said woman glaring at her. Lisa grips her backpack's arm loop, runs a hand over her hair in case it's messy from their fuck fest and quickly strides to the door of the Writing classroom. 

"Thanks for attending to my concerns, Professor Kim. Maybe you'd like to fix your hair..?" She suggests with a sly smirk, and Jennie's hands are already trying to smooth down her tresses as Lisa slips out the door.


Lisa walks in on a groaning Jisoo, watching the girl pull the longest fucking face at the other girl in the room.

"Oh hey, Rosé. What's gotten her this fussy?" She asks, referring to Jisoo who is still sulking.

"Man, it's Naevis. She's on my ass about being in y'alls dorm room rather than my own during inspection time." Rosé fills in and Lisa makes a face.

"Naevis?" she asks confusedly.

"The freaking RA, Lis. She keeps snooping in people's cupboards looking for grass or whatever." Jisoo says, huffing like a child. 

"The RA's name is Naevis?"

"That it is. You're Lisa Manoban, right? I swear I'm not dealing with another student who's in a room they shouldn't be in." A sweet-sounding voice says from behind Lisa as she turns around to spot a slim-figured and tall girl with short purple hair and a pretty face that's arranged in a scowl at the moment.

"Yup, I'm Lisa." she says, pulling out a student ID to prove the statement when Naevis eyes her suspiciously. 

"Thank goodness. And why are you still here, Roseanne Park? I will be searching through your room in a few minutes. Please be sure to dispose of any items that shouldn't be there." Naevis states sternly and Rosé seems to remember something, bolting out the door, barely waving her friends goodbye.
"And you guys should work on keeping the room cleaner because the college takes these things ser—"

"Yeah, yeah. Keep your purple wig on. We get it." Jisoo rudely waves her off and Lisa looks at the ground to her feet and bites down the laughter bubbling in her chest. 

The purple-haired girl glares daggers at the shorter girl, then shakes her head and exits their room.

Lisa bursts out laughing.

"Oh my fucking God, you hate her!" Lisa states the obvious, jumping into her bed. 

"She interrupted our chess match. I'm like, legit pissed off." Jisoo says, sighing with a mixture of sadness and irritation.

"Seriously? Chess?" Lisa asks boredly. 

She rolls her eyes when Jisoo starts talking her ear off about the match.

F*CKING THE PROFESSOR // jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now