2. Lady With An Ass

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"Slay." Jisoo says, taking in Lisa's disheveled appearance as the girl hurls herself up on the bed with a groan.

"There is nothing slay about this, Kim. I think I even have morning wood." Lisa says grumpily, lifting the comforter to take a peek.

"Can't help you with that, Manoban. Too gay for dick." Jisoo says, walking into the washroom.

"Ew." Lisa says.

After their Math class, they had promptly moved into the college dorm, which by some preternatural coincidence, they shared a room in. Seriously, what even was the deal with her and Jisoo always ending up together? She had absolutely meant it when she told Rosé they had been inseparable since middle school. Strange, yes. Convenient? Hell, yeah.

"Anytime now, Jisoo. I got Writing today." Lisa reminds the girl.

"I got CS!" Jisoo hollers from behind the closed bathroom door.

"Oh." Lisa says quietly. So they're both in a hurry.


After racing to class with Jisoo, Lisa had had to look for her Writing classroom. Figuring it out by herself had been a pain, but a kind girl, who was also at least an inch or so shorter than her had helped her out. What was her name again? Was it Cherry? No, not really. Something like that, though. Has to be something with an "r" sound. Ah right, maybe it was Yer-

Her thought process is abruptly interrupted. Holy fucking shit.

This lady...with an ass walks into the classroom in full stride and yes, everyone's got an ass but fuck, this woman has got an ass. Holy shit, Lisa inhales hard, her eyes scanning the woman's body. Damn, what a goddess. She be damned if this is the professor.

"Hello, students. My name is Jennie Kim. I will be taking your Writing class for the rest of this semester." Lisa's cock twitches as the woman's voice rings around the room.

She can't stop herself from imagining how that voice would moan her name. Her lips wrapped around her cock. That ass pressing against that same cock. Those shapely legs assisting in the woman riding her cock. Oh, fucking hell. This isn't good, she thinks as her eyes fall to ample breasts protruding through the woman's tight dress.

Lisa looks up at the light clearing of a throat and meets the woman's eyes, stunning and grey. And they look pretty judgmental as well. She's been caught, great. Fucking fantastic. One class she actually likes that she takes and she's been caught eye-fucking the professor by the professor herself. Bravo, dick. This is how men get into trouble. Thinking with your dick can be so freaking detrimental, and no one has better awareness of that than Lisa. She shifts uncomfortably in her seat, partly by the less than amused gaze on her, and partly by that goddamn erection that won't fucking take care of itself. Stop looking at me, dammit.

Fortunately, the professor stops staring her down. Unfortunately, though, she literally announces whatever the fuck Lisa was doing.

"I'd appreciate it if you guys refrained from letting your eyes wander during my class." Jennie announces. Lisa's body, already flushed with arousal, flushes further with embarrassment. What a bitch. Fuck, she could think of so many ways of making the professor her bitch. Her dick throbs.

"Am I clear?" her authoritative tone coaxes a light chatter of positive responses around the classroom.

Oh, well. This was going to be a long semester.


"What is wrong with you?" Jisoo asks, hearing a troubled Lisa groan into her pillow again.

"My dick hurts. Writing class sucks." Lisa mumbles into her pillow.

"Blue balls or what? Are you okay? It didn't like, break or something, right?"

"Dude, no. It just– blue balls, yes." she leaves out the part about jerking herself off to the thought of her professor so many times she's lost count.

"And what was it about the Writing class?"

"The professor...." She can feel her dick harden.

"Oh, a bitch?"

"Yes. But also.... god, fuck. She's so hot. She's... fuck."

"Oh my god, Lisa. Keep it in your pants. You're lusting after the professor?"

"It's not intentional, okay?! I just...she caught me staring at her boobs."

Jisoo's laughter rings throughout the dorm room.

"Oh shit, you're so fucked." Jisoo can barely get the words out.

"I so wish I was fucked by her."

"Lord, this is hilarious. Have you been jerking off? Is that why your dick hurts?"

Lisa doesn't bother answering, just opting to groan and clench her fists as the thought of taking her professor from behind flashes in her mind. That plump ass slapping against her legs as the woman takes her cock deep inside her is an image Lisa can't get out of her imagination.

"Stop moping. We've got a party to attend this evening."

"What party?" Lisa raises her head, eyeing Jisoo confusedly.

"The party for the freshmen! How could you forget? We were literally so fucking hyped about it when we got accepted into this college."

"Oh, right." Lisa says in realization. Then her mind short-circuits, "The professors are gonna be there, right?"

"Yeah dude, that's why it's so fucking cool. We get to socialize with the students and the professors. Hey, you might even see your professor with the nice boobs."

"Shut up, Jisoo. I don't even want to go. This woman caught me fucking staring and she wasn't happy about it."

"I mean, a professor is off-limits anyway, Lis. How about we get you laid tonight? With a student, of course. I'll even be your wingman."

Lisa looks at the girl, the glint in her eyes convincing. Yeah, they've got a party to attend.

a/n: Let's all thank Yeri for helping Lisa find her Writing classroom. And sorry I blocked her name out LMFAO

F*CKING THE PROFESSOR // jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now