9. Put It Past Us

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Lisa halts, taking in the outside of Jennie's house. When she had been given the address to the professor's home, she had been a little surprised. This is a good neighbourhood. Very good, in fact, given the grand talks around town about it and judging by the looks of every house. Each house is exceptionally large and well-maintained, including Jennie's own. So the woman comes from money. 

Done with marveling at the pretty homes, Lisa presses the doorbell. The door flies open almost immediately, startling Lisa as the woman behind it comes into view. Lisa's mouth goes dry at the view. Jennie is in a long white t-shirt and her shorts barely reach her delicious thighs, while her dark hair is pulled up into a messy bun. On her gorgeous face sits a pair of glasses. 

"Holy shit." Lisa mutters, her eyes travelling up Jennie's long legs, to her well-fleshed thighs to the curve at her hips and then—

"Language, Ms. Manoban." Jennie says sternly, her grey cat eyes narrowed at her student. 

"Didn't hear you complain much about it last class." Lisa says with a cocky smirk and Jennie's gaze falters, her eyes falling to the ground in a shameful expression. 

Lisa immediately straightens up, alerted by the less than favourable reaction. Oh no.

"I asked Mr. Lee to send you with the papers so we could talk." Jennie says softly, her expression timid and hesitant. "About...what happened in the classroom yesterday." her voice quietens even further, reiterating her shame. Yeah, definitely not good. 

Lisa doesn't respond because she doesn't know how to. Jennie moves her head in a gesture of asking her to come in and Lisa steps in, instantly surrounded by the air of Jennie's home that smells faintly of the scent Lisa had inhaled from the brunette's neck yesterday under the lavender-scented air freshener and wood. 

"Have a seat, Ms. Manoban." Jennie says and it's too formal in contrast to how Jennie was whining and cursing yesterday pressed against Lisa. 

"You could just call me Lisa." she offers, feeling uncomfortable.

"You know I can't." Her professor says matter-of-factly.

"But you already have." Lisa counters pointlessly, picking at the fabric of Jennie's couch.

She watches the woman's eyebrows furrow in confusion and raises her eyebrows, challenging Jennie to discredit her statement. Realization quickly flashes in Jennie's expression and the woman looks away, then mumbles,

"I hadn't realized."

Lisa just roughly places the heap of papers on the fancy wooden table in front of the couch, unable to hide her growing agitation. Jennie flinches.

"I'm sorry." the brunette says, the shame dripping off her words. 

Lisa sighs, "I mean, when it comes down to it, I was the one who made the first move so it doesn't make sense that you'd have to apologize to me."

"I'm significantly older than you."

"Oh, fuck's sake, Jennie. I'm nineteen, you can't really take advantage of me and you haven't, if that's what you're worried about."

Jennie clenches her jaw and looks to the floor.

"I am older than you by nine years." the woman says pointlessly and Lisa snorts.

"You're hot."

Jennie gives her a stern look.

"I am your professor."

Something about those words sends electricity through her dick. She gulps and looks away, extremely aware of how her dick is getting harder by the second. She grabs the paper stack she had slammed on the table previously and places it on her lap, trying to hide the bulge underneath her pants. 

Jennie frowns at the strange behaviour, then widens her eyes and gives her student a disbelieving look after she realizes why Lisa just did that.

"At least I'm trying here, Jennie." Lisa says snappily. 

"You keep calling me by my name and I do not think that qualifies as trying."

Lisa scoffs, "So what's your point, professor? Should we forget that we fucked just yesterday in the Writing classroom?"

Jennie visibly winces at the words, the shame in her expression returning.

"I would honestly prefer that. Whatever happened...it was highly inappropriate and I am ashamed I let myself get carried away like that. There's no excuse but...if you're willing to put it past us, I'd be glad."

"You could've just implied that later on in class. Why'd you even want me to come to your house?" Lisa asks irritatedly. She had really expected to get laid, but oh well.

"Because I felt like we should have this conversation. You're...kind of headstrong and I did not want for...." Jennie struggles.

Lisa smirks, "For me to call you out in class? I don't know, distribute flyers about how I fucked you over the teacher's desk? You must think I'm so creative." Lisa laughs humourlessly. 

"I'm sorry for assuming the worst of someone who shamelessly dived into engaging in sexual relations with their professor." Jennie snaps, her eyes narrowed in anger. 

Lisa widens her eyes at the insult, scowling at her professor. 

"At least I have the guts to fucking make it known when I find someone attractive. What about you, Professor Kim? Chickening out after gaining a sexual favour from your own student, aren't you?"

"Speaking to you somehow constantly proves itself to be pointless and vexatious." The brunette states firmly.

"Then don't. Let's do something else, professor."

F*CKING THE PROFESSOR // jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now