12. Making Sandwiches

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Lisa sets a plate in front of Jennie, watching the professor's eyes morph from confusion to curiosity.

"You made sandwiches?" She asks, letting the paper pinched between her fingers drop on the kitchen counter.

Lisa cocks an eyebrow, "Uh-huh..." She drawls.
"You've been seated right here all this time, though. Right?"

"Uh, yeah. Just distracted." Jennie says meekly, gesturing to the papers she's been grading since Lisa started working in her kitchen.

Her professor had allowed her to use her kitchen and its ingredients after Lisa's stomach had very ungracefully rumbled in hunger. Could you blame her? Walking all the way from college to Jennie's house and then fucking her had required a decent amount of energy. Of course, she hadn't entertained the idea of staying when her and Jennie had already done what their arrangement was for, but the older woman had insisted she help herself, reasoning that she was hungry in the first place because she'd had to walk all the way over here because Jennie had been the one who called for her to carry the classwork sheets here. The woman had also attributed the hunger to having the "mentally stimulating" (Jennie's words) conversation they had had about their arrangement. She had left out the part where they had had sex. Typical Professor Kim, Lisa figured.

"Mhm, I noticed. You've been ignoring your guest, making her fix all the sandwiches with the excuse of grading papers." Lisa teases.

"Oh, is that offending?" Jennie asks, actually looking guilty.

Lisa frowns, then bursts out laughing.

"Jennie, oh my god... Can't you tell when I'm pulling your leg?" Lisa asks, taking a big bite of her sandwich, taking a seat on the counter beside Jennie's papers.

Jennie, realizing she was just being messed with, rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

"What did you say before? You're like, nine years older?" Lisa asks, looking down at the top of the brunette's head.

Jennie looks up, and Lisa catches the flicker of shame in her feline eyes before she gulps and nods.

"Twenty-eight." Lisa states, shrugging to try and ease Jennie's wariness. Then, she gestures at the plate she set in front of Jennie a while ago.

Jennie looks at the plate for a while, tilting her head and staring at the sandwich.

"Well?" Lisa asks, baffled at the woman's confusion.

"Oh." Jennie says.
"Oh. You made me a sandwich." She states the obvious.

Lisa gives her a look, kind of lost.

"I just...uh, thanks." Jennie says shyly, taking the sandwich in her hand and nibbling on it.

Lisa chuckles, "You act like the student in the situation sometimes."

"It'd be easier if it was like that." Jennie says, and Lisa doesn't counter that.

Jennie looks up at her, probably waiting for a snide remark, but Lisa nods at her as she chews, showing her she agrees.

"I'm only kind of sorry 'cause this must be weird for you. I'm not sorry about what we did, though. If anything, I'm ready to go again." Lisa adds the last part, hoping to get Jennie flustered.

Jennie purses her lips and looks away uncertainly, the tips of her ears along with her cheeks tinging pink. Lisa's surprised at the lack of disapproval to her statement. She was really expecting the woman to glare at her, if not say something mean, but it seems like—

Lisa smirks.

She sets her half-eaten sandwich down, taking a quick swig of water. Her fingers go to run over her professor's locks and the latter jumps a little, looking up at her in a surprised expression.

"You ready to go again too?" Lisa asks quietly, giving her professor a wide smirk.

She watches Jennie bite the inside of her cheek and grow nervous, not making a sound. Seriously, for someone so hot, Jennie is too anxious about things like this.

At the lack of a verbal answer, Lisa just shakes her head and traces her fingers at the side of Jennie's neck, feeling the woman's skin heat up. Jennie gulps audibly, her sandwich dropping from her hand, and the same hand going to grip the edge of the counter tightly. Lisa hops off the counter, then drops to her knees, watching Jennie's lips part and grey eyes go dark in seconds.

Lisa's dick twitches, but she focuses on planting kisses up Jennie's firm legs, hearing the brunette's breathing immediately change. Her professor gasps when Lisa pushes her shorts up and presses a wet kiss on the inside of her thigh, dangerously close to her warm core. Lisa rests her arms over the edges of the stool Jennie's seated on and grabs the waistband of Jennie's shorts.

"I'd love to fuck you over this counter but since you've been so nice and not denied wanting me..." Lisa trails off, slowly pulling the shorts off of Jennie's legs.

She then positions her shoulders under Jennie's thighs, feeling their snug weight and looks up at the now-panting woman with a smirk. She can feel the heat radiate off Jennie's pussy and wets her lips in preparation.

Laying her tongue flat against Jennie's already wet slit rewards Lisa with a wonderful cry from the woman above. She hasn't even moved her tongue yet, and Jennie's panting and gripping at her shoulders. Jennie curses softly and digs her nails harder into the blonde's shoulders, letting mewls and whimpers slip from her parted lips as she struggles to stay seated without moving. She squirms and moans, filling the otherwise quiet house with noisy exhalations.

"Huh, I might have found someone's favourite—" Lisa tries to tease but Jennie hardly smashes her back against her pussy, wetting her face with her juices. In any other situation, Lisa would be annoyed she was cut off, but holy fuck, having her tongue buried between Jennie's fluttering walls is almost, if not just as good, as having her cock buried inside the same pussy.

Jennie tugs at her blonde hair, running her fingers harshly through it, moaning and cursing out of her own control. Lisa hums at Jennie's warm taste, delighted in the way Jennie's jerks against her mouth at the vibrations that the sound creates.

"Oh...mmh, fuck..." Jennie moans, gripping Lisa's head, pushing her closer to her pussy. "Lisa— ah...!"

Lisa shoves her tongue inside Jennie and that's all it takes for the woman to fall apart, thrashing against Lisa's shoulders and mewling as Lisa licks off all of Jennie's juices. The woman's legs are still shaky as Lisa moves under them, tilting her head to be able to see Jennie's red face better. She smiles cockily.

"I'm good at that, don't you think?" She asks.

Jennie pants, staring down at her through half-lidded eyes.
"You mean..." The brunette breathes heavily, "... at making sandwiches? Then yes."

Lisa snorts.

F*CKING THE PROFESSOR // jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now