21. Of Course, Babe

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"...Fuck...L-Lisa, not— mmmh...here." Jennie pants loudly, squirming unsurely and simultaneously into and away from her student's touch.

"Why not, professor?" Lisa breathes against her ear, giving it a playful bite as Jennie gasps.

Lisa presses her further into the wooden door of the bathroom stall, her erection rubbing against the brunette's stomach through her flimsy black gown.

"There's—" Jennie moans. "N-no time, baby." She whines and Lisa growls when the woman does the complete opposite of what she's suggesting, rubbing herself against her student's hard shaft.

Lisa tilts her head to press wet kisses against Jennie's cleavage, the latter moaning and letting her fingers run between newly-dyed black locks. She's overwhelmed in the moment by the tongue dragging itself over the swell of her breasts and the soft feel of running her twitching fingers through her lover's hair and she sighs.
"You're so hot with t-that hair." She pants as Lisa roughly yanks her elegant peach pink dress up, stopping at the words, her palm laid flat against the woman's clothed pussy.

"That's...an exceptionally inappropriate thing to say to your student, Professor Kim." Lisa smirks, throwing her words back at her from their first lewd encounter.

Jennie chuckles despite herself, breathing heavily, "You're so fucking hot, don't blame it on me." She quips back, echoing Lisa's words back to the black-haired girl. Lisa laughs, pressing her hand harder onto her professor's pussy. Jennie lets out a strangled moan.
"But we really should stop, Lisa..." The brunette says, very much pained to have to say the words.

"But this is the last day you'll be my professor, baby." Lisa argues, starting to press kisses down Jennie's neck she knows her professor won't be able to refuse.

The attempt works and Jennie throws her head back, moaning and panting as her legs wrap around her student's waist tightly. Lisa moves the hand that's between them, yanking the woman's underwear off. Immediately, her gown gets coated with slick liquid and Lisa smirks. She'll have to wipe that off before walking to the graduation ceremony outside.

"You're making a mess, professor. But you don't care, do you? All you want is my cock inside you." The black-haired girl says, the brunette in question only grinding on the palm of her hand desperately.

Lisa lifts her gown, albeit a little messily with Jennie clinging to her and the cramped space in the bathroom, but manages to let her throbbing cock out. The head drips with pre-cum and she rubs it against Jennie's entrance, hearing the brunette let out a needy moan and close her legs tighter around her student's waist. Lisa lowers herself, pushing her cock inside her professor's dripping pussy, eliciting a moan. She groans herself, still not used to how tight the brunette really is.

She thrusts forward, feeling her cock slide through her professor's tight walls with ease yet offering a delicious friction that makes both of them grind wildly against each other. The bathroom door thumps with their movements and Lisa ploughs into the brunette harder, desperate to hear her moans and the protest of the door to affirm just how good she's fucking her professor.

"Do you like being fucked this rough, professor?" Lisa asks between a fast breath in the blissful brunette's ear, feeling the woman shiver and breathe heavier against her.

"Yes..! Lisa...mmh, yes! Fuck me—" Lisa delights in the gasp Jennie lets out when she rubs her cock against a sensitive part inside the brunette. Jennie whines, clenching hardly around Lisa's cock as the latter growls.

Lisa only slows her pace when she hears a murmur somewhere near, hearing the loud opening of the washroom door as multiple soft female voices fill the area. Jennie remains unfazed, grinding on Lisa's cock to urge her on and the black-haired girl places a hand tightly against the woman's mouth, making sure she doesn't make a sound. Lisa is weirdly turned on by the situation and she realizes Jennie is too far gone so she keeps fucking the woman against the door, slowing her pace and gently thrusting inside her professor, her small moans muffled against her hand.
"Shhhh..." She whispers lightly in her professor's ear for good measure as the brunette distractedly nods but holds on to her, rolling her eyes back as her walls begin to flutter.

F*CKING THE PROFESSOR // jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now