December 8th

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Snowed in day 2... Mom and Rhapsody were in the kitchen making every holiday treat you could think of then they locked themselves in the study to wrap presents. Dad was puttering around getting odd projects here and there done. Then took the snowmobile out to check the property. Bandon and I spent the day together, directing traffic and entertaining guests plus we got a few games of pool in. His sisters handled the theater due to the fact that they weren't snowed in. All in all, today was relaxed and pleasant. Some times the best days are those that you spent laughing and smiling with family and friends.

The Koa Estate is on the main road through town so it gets cleared by the plows. Our only driveway at the time was at the end of a uphill old road that didn't get plowed because the new highway bypassed it. We were the only place on this end of it so the city deemed it wasn't needed and said it was our job to maintain it. Because of our little deal and that statement I managed to claim the property around the road to. That was something not talked about last night but about this time Mom and Dad are noticing it as they go over the paperwork in their room. The city used to own the land around the road totaling around four acres maybe more. It's a slender strip of useless land that just gave them control over our driveway when they wanted it. Happily the first chance we got after the Inn closed for the year the road got renamed and rebuilt to accommodate us.

I wonder who I will be watching this time, which of these was essential to future events. We are starting at five am with...Rhapsody rolled over and glanced out at the snow. "My family owns a holiday Inn, should I really be annoyed with snow?" Of course, but do they have to be in bed every time?

Bandon laughed "it would be pointless to have a Holiday Inn with no snow."

"We could all move to Hawaii and start a warm Holiday Inn there." She cuddled deeper under the blankets "the fire needs more wood."

      "So do you" Bandon dude, I am going to be sick. But I must admit that was a good one, I will have to remember it. Rhaps giggled and he added his opinion "besides wouldn't that make it an Anti-Holiday Inn?"

     "Hey, there's an idea." He tickled her so she relented "we have to get up and entertain an Inn full of guests that are snowed in."

"Let them get there own wood" Rhaps burst out laughing as he kissed her neck "games and movies" she frowned in confusion "board games and a food bar in the dining hall, holiday movies going in the media room and everyone is allowed or required to just stay in their pajamas."

"A veg-out day" she smiled "I like it, come on" she jumped out of bed and grabbed his arm pulling him out too "let's get this set up before everyone wakes up."

Rhapsody took him right down to the storage closet where great Gandpa's hand carved board game collection was. Bandon pulled the games out one by one handing them to Rhaps "do we want all of these or just those that we think might be popular." Bandon frowned at one in his hand, "I don't even know what this one is?"

"I think we set some up, and stack others in a decorative way in the box shelves along the wall in the dining hall."

"Then set up some of the spare tables along the other wall with the outlets so we can plug in the food warmers..."

"Use that for the buffet area" Rhaps furrowed her brow as a thought hit her "do we need to decorate?"

"There is room for more decorations?" Bandon laughed "I think we're good." They set up two or three games, Rhaps explained some of the board games to him as they tucked the rest into the shelves.

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