December 9th

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      Rhaps was mad enough that she locked the bedroom door forcing Bandon to have to sleep on the couch in the sitting room. Sorry bud, anyway Bandon text his parents letting them know he wanted to video chat with them at around seven. He folded up and hid the blankets and pillow he used then headed to Mom and Dad's room to talk with them about the fight.

       He knocked and then entered, they were on the couch drinking coffee and having breakfast "I need to talk to you about your kids."

      "Uh-oh," mom was playful but not for long. She hated the mine game.

     "This stupid mine game..."

     "Oh not again, is that why they have been fighting?" Dad was concerned Mom was instantly angry.

     "Bandon assumed for some reason that we were no longer friends because I now belonged to Rhaps because of that game." Bandon sighed "Rhapsody won't deny it."

      "You are not a game to her Bandon," Mom was right, I hope he listens... I know what happens though. "I know my daughter, she does not see you as a game or a toy... she loves you."

     "I slept on the couch, are you sure."

     "You can get mad at someone and still love them." Dad smiled, he's referring to makeup sex isn't he. "Besides, the making up part is the best." He kissed mom, delete image...

      "What do I do?" He was trying not to cry "I can't loose her."

     "Then tell her that," Dad looked calm but he was angry, he was thinking only of how he had scowled me and thinking of how Rhaps might have caused that. "Let her know you will not put up with this game but you are not willing to give up on her."

     "Talk it out, it will be okay. Have you called your parents?" Mom was visually calmer than dad at this point.

     "We are video chatting at 7."

     "You should go then" she glanced at the clock "tell them, ask their advice too. You can never have to much advice when you are struggling... something will click for you... maybe a little bit here and a little bit there." She and Dad gave him a hug and then he headed back to his room.

       He got in there, and settled on the couch just as Rhapsody woke up she headed out, planning on getting some things done before everyone woke up. Halfway to the stairs she ran into me... remember I admitted to being an ass.

      We slammed into each other as that neither of us were paying attention to where we were going. "Aspen, I'd say good morning but I don't want to be accused of being mean to you."

      "Cranky, but okay I'll bite... what crawled up your butt and bit you?" I folded my arms and grimaced. I was so stubbornly annoyed by her, I was reminded by the game in full after my chat with Bandon and afterwards all I could think of was that's why everyone is treating me oddly... that's why Bandon and I fought. She caused it, and I wanted revenge I was done with this game. It was ending now, whether she liked it or not.

       "Oh please, you deliberately caused that fight with Bandon and I." She was fuming, I knew she was angry then but wow.

     "I had a heart to heart with my best friend, I'm sorry if you had a fight but that is a you issue." I looked at the papers I was carrying and tried to move by her.

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