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shawn got home about 20 minutes later. i didn't go to find him though, i waited for him to come to me. that took another 30 minutes.

i was reading a book i had brought with me for the plane.

"i like that book." he said walking in and sitting down, with a blank face on.

"great." i replied dryly. neither of us said anything for a few minutes until I broke the silence, "are you going to tell me what happened? because if not then sitting here is pointless."

he looked shocked for a second and then responded, "jules said we have to leave tomorrow, to start the publicity stuff. and that's what initially made me mad, because i didn't have long here at home. after that my dad started talking about us being a couple. i got mad and left simple as that."

"so?" i snapped back. "shawn you've hardly talked to me the past two days and when you have they've been snarky remarks. once we started interacting on good terms you up and leave. we may not both like this, but we have to atleast respect each other." i let out what ive been wanting to say this whole time.

"i do respect you. that doesn't mean i have to like you." he responded quickly.

"you liked me three hours ago!" i said standing up, pointing to the window.

"lapse in judgement." he said bitterly.

"what the hell could you possibly have against me?! shawn, you don't know me! whatever, im over this. im calling jules." i left with that being the last word.

god knows jules isn't going to let me quit this "job". but its sure worth a try.

hahah I like making shawn the bad guy even if its just for a little while
i hope you guys had a good day you're all so cute and wonderful i love you, duh

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