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i don't think there's been a day since i met shawn that ive woken up naturally.

today i woke up to snickering and cameras clicking.

"what the.." i said opening my eyes and trying to move. i realized that shawn was still asleep and still had his arms wrapped around me, probably the reason for all the cameras.

"you guys act like you've never seen a couple before!" i said, grabbing an extra pillow and throwing it at the jacks.

"hey! don't be rude." johnson said dodging it.

"rude is coming into our room and waking us up!"

"okay, fair enough. wake him up and come have breakfast." gilinsky said, still laughing and walking out the room.

"i know you're awake, shawn." i said, laying back down.

"how?" he asked, letting go of me and sitting up.

"your hand moved, idiot." i chuckled and walked to the bathroom.

i did my usual routine and walked out of the bathroom.

"thank god, i have to pee." shawn said running past me, to the bathroom.

"great information." i mumbled, walking downstairs.

"where's my food?!" i asked once i got down the last step.

"right here, babe!" gilinsky said, patting the spot next to him. babe? what the hell is he on?

i started to eat my waffles and felt shawn sit down beside me.

"morning sunshine." i said through a mouth full of waffles.

"i didn't get a good morning." gilinsky said pouting.

"you're not my boyfriend, now are you?" i replied.

"got there too late." he mumbled, but i don't think i was supposed to hear.

shawn didn't talk to me for the whole duration of breakfast. i swear if he's back on this "let's hate leena" phase, im gonna be pissed.

"im gonna go get dressed." i said standing up. the jacks nodded and i heard shawn get up with me.

once we got to our room i turned to look at him.

"so we're back to this?" i accused.

"back to what?" he said emotionless.

"stop doing that!" i yelled.

"doing what?" he responded.

"acting like you like being around me one second and then going back to hating me the next!"

"i think you forget youre the one who gets paid to do this!" he said raising his voice.
"maybe you should get payed to kiss gilinsky! y'all seem to be getting along great!" he added.

"gilinsky?! are you kidding me? i don't like gilinsky! i may get paid to act like i like you but nobody's paying me to actually like you!" i said full in yelling.

"wait what? you like me?" he asked lowering his voice.

"no i just let random guys cuddle me in the same bed!" i spat back.

"well, maybe nows as good a time as any to tell you i like you back." he said starting to smile.


hired // shawnmendesWhere stories live. Discover now