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jack had stopped at mcdonalds and we all grabbed something to eat. the drive from the airport to their house didn't take too long, we were already here.

once we got in they showed us our room, i guess they assumed we wanted to share. and frankly at this point i didn't care.

i was sitting on the bed on my phone when shawn came beside me and layed on his stomach, with his chin in his hand.

"whatcha doing?" he said like a kid.

"im on twitter." i replied, giggling.

"oh, i should probably get on too. i haven't tweeted in a couple days."

shawn stood up and got his phone and was on it for a couple of minutes before he tapped my leg to get my attention.

"yes?" i asked, looking up.

"you're kinda all over twitter.." he said sheepishly.


"from the airport. pictures of us are all over twitter." he explained.

"isn't that good? that's what im here for right?" i asked, not really worried about it.

"yeah, i guess you're right."

"c'mon, let's go to the living room. we're being boring." i said grabbing his hand and pulling him up.

we walked down to the living room to see two other guys there, besides the jacks.

"uhm, hi?" i said, once i got down the last stair step.

"there she is! we were just talking about you." gilinsky said taking me away from shawn.

"glad i was a help to the conversation." i replied as gilinsky made me sit beside him.
"that's sammy, and thats nate. they're close friends of ours." he said introducing me to the two new guys.

"hola, im leena."

"so we've heard." sammy said looking at gilinsky.

the hell is happening here? i turned to look for shawn and saw that he was sitting by johnson. i wasn't exactly comfortable with sitting by gilinsky, so i got up and went to sit by shawn. he grabbed my hand right when i sat down.

"so you're shawns girl?" nate asked, once i got situated.

"nah, we hold hands for fun." i replied. being sarcastic is a strong trait i have, if you haven't noticed.

both nate and sammy laughed at my comment.

"told you guys she was funny." gilinsky said.

right then shawns phone rang, it was jules.

"im gonna take this." he told me before he stood up, to go talk to her in private.

the other boys just talked amongst themselves while shawn was gone, which wasn't long. when he came back he sat next to me again.

"great first day." he whispered to me and I smiled in return.

"lets watch a movie!" johnson suggested.

we all chorused agreements.

they put in "the grudge". great. did i mention i don't like scary movies?

"you don't like scary movies, do you?" shawn asked, looking at my hand that was strongly gripping his.

"no. but ill be okay." i said looking up at him.

i spent most of the movie hiding in shawns hoodie that i was still wearing, and the rest of my time latched on to shawn.

"the movies over." i heard shawn whisper as i was covering my eyes.

i slowly lowered my hands and sighed out of relief.

"never again." i said out loud.

"why not? you were kinda cute all scared." gilinsky commented.

i ignored him and grabbed shawn.
"im going to bed, you coming?" i asked him.

he nodded and we walked upstairs.

"you want me to sleep on the floor?" he asked once we were both ready to sleep.

i looked at him like he was crazy. "after that movie? what do you think?" i replied.

he chuckled and got on the bed with me, but kept his distance.

god damn, stupid movie. i thought to myself, after two hours of not being able to sleep.

"shawn." i whispered, tapping his arm.

"yeah?" he asked groggily. aw, he's so cute. wait, did i just say that? whatever, nows not the time to be thinking about those things.

"i cant sleep. the movie freaked me out." i whispered back, embarrassed.

"come here." he said, pulling me closer to him.

he wrapped his arms around me and suddenly, falling asleep wasn't nearly as hard.

good morning!!
i hope you liked this chapter. i wonder what's up with gilinsky ;)
haha so i think for my first video imma do a q&a type thing so if there's anything you wanna ask me and me or about my stories feel free to ask :)
la, love all of you

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