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i'd been quiet the whole car ride, just listening to gilinsky talk. i heard him sigh and pull over.

"leena... don't take it too personal. none of us want to believe our fans are bad people. when they support you for so long, its hard to hear otherwise. i know, you're not at fault. but he...shawns too naive for his own good. he'll come around, though. i promise." he comforted, looking at me. i didn't reply and i heard him sigh again.

"thank you. i needed that. you know, you're not too bad at pep-talking, jack." i said, finally looking at him.

"c'mon, let's go home. we can watch a movie or some other cheesy thing people do when they're sad." i continued, jokingly.

he nodded and continued driving. we weren't far from home, and got there quickly.

"you know what other cheesy thing people do when they're sad?" gilinsky asked, once we walked into the house. i didn't reply and just looked at him questioningly.

"eat icecream, and we've got plenty." he finished, and ran into the kitchen, coming back with two spoons and a tub of chocolate ice cream.

i laughed and went to a shelve with all the movies and picked "21 Jump Street."

despite the fact that i was feeling better, i felt guilty that i wasn't there to see shawn.

i guess i was really out of it because i felt myself falling asleep.

before i knew it, i was being awoken by the sound of a door slamming shut.
"leena?!" i heard shawn yell as i sat up.

before i could reply, he found me on the living room couch.

right as he sat beside me, i got up and started folding the two blankets we had used.

"i saw the video." he said, finally breaking the silence. i didn't reply and kept doing what i was doing.

"i shouldn't have snapped like that." he continued, after he realized i wasn't going to reply.

"you think?" i said sarcasticly and walked to my room.

"leena..god, would you sit down and let me talk to you?" he asked, as i was trying to do the exact opposite.

i sighed and sat on the opposite side of the bed as him.

"i should've at least given you the chance to tell me what happened. i just, i never want to think my fans would do anything like that."

"so, you'd rather think of your girlfriend that way?" i cut him off.

"no! that's not what im saying. im sorry, okay?" i could tell he was getting stressed.

"thats great." i said and started walking towards the door, knowing he would follow.

"now, have fun on the couch." i finished, pushing him out of the door and locking it.

hired // shawnmendesWhere stories live. Discover now