Big "D"

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David, bed time yells my mom. I go to the bathroom, undress and sit on the toilet for 5 minutes. 

    Hi I'm David, but my friends call me Big D. I'm 12 years old and I wet the bed. I've never had a dry night in my life. 

    Every night at bed time. I undress, put my clothes in the hamper, and sit on the toilet for a minimum of 5 minutes. As a rule, I can't have any liquids after 7 o'clock, to help limit my pee. 

    Once I have finished peeing, I then put on my underwear (I wear colorful training pants, to help with any day time mishaps), and head over to my room to be diapered. I never even gave it two thoughts that I was different. 

    Once puberty started, my mother took me to the pharmacy. She said that we needed to try some pull-ups, as I was growing up and needed a bit of privacy. 

    We enter the medical store and ask the worker for help. She asks us what we need. My mother responds that I wet the bed and need some sort of protection that I can put on by myself. 

    The worker nods and asks me to get undressed so she can get measurements. I proceed to do as she says. She then pulls out an extra large Goodnite and tells me to try it on for size. 

    I pull it on over my underwear and it fit well. She then asks if I need to pee. I nodded my head yes. She tells me to just go ahead, as she wanted to see if it would hold one of my accidents. 

    Embarrassed, I started to pee. I watched as the Goodnite started to swell up. Surprisingly it held all my liquids. My mother was impressed and bought me 2 cases as I started to get dressed. 

    That's when I realized that my underwear was on and was now wet. I asked my mom what to do and she gave me a Goodnite to wear. 

    About a month later my friend Josh asked if I can sleepover for his birthday party. It would be Josh, another friend Caleb, and me. I said yes. I packed 2 Goodnites together with my clothes and went over. 

    We went swimming and as we changed into our bathing suits, I noticed that although I still wore training briefs, Caleb and Josh both had boxers. We swam until supper time. Afterwards we just changed into our pajamas. They just wore their boxers, while I put on my Goodnite. 

   I didn't understand their funny looks, until they asked me why I was wearing diapers. I explained that I still wet the bed and they keep me dry. They laughed a little, but said that they didn't care. Josh's mother saw me in just my Goodnite and asked if I minded if she put a plastic sheet on the bed, just in case of leaks. I didn't care. 

    I made a mistake, forgot to stop drinking and ended up soaking everything. But Josh and Caleb didn't mind. They are good friends and never made fun of me. The only thing that they did change, is my nickname. They now call me "Little D" instead.

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