Babysitting For Adam

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My name is Mike. I am 13 years old and live in a nice house with my parents and younger brother Matt who is 8. We live in a small housing development just outside of Birmingham, Alabama.

Over the past couple of months, I have been able to earn extra money by babysitting in my neighborhood, mostly 2 and 3 year olds because I am the oldest in my community. Most of the kids I babysit still wear pull-ups at night.

Up until I was 9, I wet the bed on a pretty regular basis, ok, so it was every night. My mom bought me Goodnites to wear so I would not wake up everyday with wet sheets.

One day a new family moved in next door. My brother Matt and I were outside playing football when Adam came over to see us. He was new to the area and wanted to play. Of course we said yes and before long, both of our moms were telling us to come in.

I walked Adam home and introduced myself and told her that if she ever needed a babysitter I was available. Great, I work at nights a lot and I will need one.” She said with a smile.

I waved goodbye to Adam and went home for dinner. My mom made an apple pie and took it over to meet our new neighbors. Matt was in the bathroom taking a bath and I was in my room playing PS2. My mom came in and sat on the bed.

“Hey, Mike, I met the new neighbors, they are really nice. Adam’s dad is overseas and will not be home for 6 months, and his mom is working at Denny’s as a night waitress. I told her that you could baby sit, or Adam could stay over here. She really wants Adam to get comfortable at the new house, but would love it if you could baby sit for her.”

“Yea, that would be great!” I said not looking away from my game.

“Well, she would like to schedule you for every Friday night and will pay you extra because she knows that you do this to earn some extra money. She needs you this Friday and then she will give you her schedule to book you first, then you can fill in other times when you can.”

“Ok, I will go over and talk with her tomorrow and get it all set up.” I said and she left.

The next day I went over and met Mrs. Johnson, but she insisted I call her Judy. Ok, Ms. Judy. She told me that she needed for me to come over as soon as I got home from school (about 4:15) and be there when Adam got home at around 4:45. She would also need for me to spend the night because she was working from 5 PM – 5 AM shift. I said ok and told Adam I would see him tomorrow.

I got home from school about 4:00 and grabbed my overnight bag and headed over to Adam’s house. Matt was spending the night with a friend so it worked out great. Ms. Judy left around 4:20 and said she would call later.

I walked up to Adam’s room and saw all the boxes still left to be unpacked. I walked over and sat on his bed and was looked at the pictures of his dad. I stopped by the bathroom and took a leak then walked back downstairs to watch TV.

About 4:40 Adam came busting through the door. I think he forgot I was going to be there and looked a little scared. He stood there for a second, then remembered he was about to pee his pants. I looked down and saw him holding on very tight.

“Do you need to pee, Adam?” I asked him with a smile

“Oh boy do I!!” He said as he ran into the bathroom. He came back out a minute later and came over and sat down on the couch next to me.

“How was school?” I asked as I caught a glimpse of a small wet spot on the crouch of his pants.

“Good, I am with Matt for PE.”

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