Shopping at Walmart

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Hi guys, my name is Timmy, 11 years old and I'm a bedwetter. I wear goodnites to bed every night. My family knows and they don't care. Especially since my 6 year old brother Tommy also has accidents. But don't think it's the whole family that are bedwetters, because that's not true. My 3 sisters, ages 13, 9 and 3, are completely dry. But they know that a spanking will be headed their way, if they try to degrade Tommy or myself.

Because of my bedwetting, I never had a sleepover. Even though, my best friend, Glenn, has been begging me for one. I'm just too scared that he'll leave me as a friend.

One Sunday, my family was doing our weekly shopping in Walmart. We were going up and down the aisles, filling our shopping cart up with a bunch of useless items. We had a pretty full cart when we approached the baby aisle. As my mother turned down the aisle, I stayed by the edge, as I was embarrased to be seen next to the diapers and goodnites.

My mother was walking down with Tommy, when she loudly asked him whether he had enough pull-ups for the week. He told her that he thought that he had ten left in his package. "Ok, so I'll get you another one, just in case of leaks", said my mother.

I then heard my name being called. "Timmy, do you need more goodnites". I turned red and said no. "Are you sure", asked my mother, "last time you said that you had enough and you only had two". "And that only lasted you that night". "I'm sure", I said. "Well, I'm getting you one anyways", she said, as she added a box of goodnites for me.

I looked around hoping no one I knew was there. I saw Glenn about 6 aisles away and hoped he didn't see me. I peeked and it seemed that he didn't know me. I was extremely happy.

Until I heard the next question. "Timmy, how is your diaper rash". Humiliated, I walked into the aisle and went to my mother. "My rash is fine". She asked to see my waist. She then lifted my shirt up, revealing the waistband of my fruit of the loom briefs, the ones with sport balls on them. But she also revealed my red rash from my wet goodnites. "You're sitting in wet goodnites for too long", she said. "I'm getting you a cream and some tape on diapers which have a lower rise on the waistband". Wanting to just leave the store, I just nodded yes.

We went to pay, and I saw Glenn again. This time he noticed me and waved. Boy was I glad that the goodnites were already in a shopping bag.

The first thing my mother did was put some cream and a diaper on me, as she wanted the rash to go away. I was really embarrassed walking around the house in just a diaper. But what can I do.

I tried to hole my self up in my room, when I was told that there was a phone call for me. I went to get the phone and it was Glenn. "Do you want to have a sleepover", he asked. "I can't", I said, "you know that my mother is very strict". "Is it because of your diapers", he asked. I dropped the phone from my hand. Once I picked it up, I asked him what he's talking about.

"Don't deny it", he said, "I heard your mother talking about you having a bedwetting problem and a diaper rash in Walmart today". "It's perfectly fine with me if you wear diapers". "I used to wear them too". "When", I asked. "When I was 5", Glenn said. "So it's not the same", I stated. "But that's the point", said Glenn, "I don't care that you wear diapers, so please come".

After much convincing, I agreed. Believe it or not, I had an amazing time. And I learnt not to be so secretive. I guess good things can happen from your mother screaming your secret to everyone at Walmart.

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