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As an 11 year old jock, there is nothing more embarrassing than waking up wet every morning. But unfortunately that's my life. My name is Ben and I'm a bedwetter. Thankfully it's only very light. Therefore, my mother bought me a package of goodnites trufits underwear. For those that don't know, trufits are a regular pair of briefs that have a pouch to put an absorbent pad in. They aren't the best at containing leaks, so I didn't wear them all the time, but for sleepovers, they work great. I do have a bunch of friends that used to also be bedwetters, but I'm the last to outgrow it. Thankfully, we still get along.

When we were 10, we were all scared of being found out, so we went to a day camp together. I'm the best athlete in the whole grade, so it's pretty embarrassing that I don't know how to swim. Luckily, my counselor was willing to teach me. So every day, when it came time for swimming, I went to the locker room and changed into my bathing suit.

One morning, after I disposed of my wet diaper, I went to get my clothes. As I opened my underwear drawer, I saw that it was empty. Shocked, I asked my mom where my underwear was. She told me that she didn't do the laundry yet, as she was too tired. When I asked what to wear, she thought about it for a minute. She left the room and came back holding one of the trufit briefs. She said that without the absorbent pad inside, it's regular underwear and no one would know the difference. Left with no choice, I wore them.

When it came time for swimming, I quickly changed into my bathing suit, hiding my choice of underwear. I meant to leave the pool early, but my counselor had me take the deep water test. So I was forced to change together with the whole rush.

First I put on my shirt, then I pulled off my bathing suit. Next, I pulled up the trufit, whilst yanking my shirt down trying to hide them. As I was bending down to pull up my pants, I heard my friend, Mike, ask "what's with the briefs, normally you have boxers". I told him that it was laundry day. That's when George, a 7 year old sitting next to me piped up. "Those aren't regular briefs, they're made to hold accidents". "I know, I wear them at night". I hoped Mike wouldn't believe him and I don't think he would've but my face gave the truth away.

For the rest of the summer (it was only one more week), I was known as accident Ben. Even though it was someone else who had a major accident on a trip. Truly a summer to forget.

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