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Hi, I'm Jay and this is the story of how my friend's found out that I wet the bed.

I was toilet trained pretty young. By my 3rd birthday, I was already accident free for over 3 months. But that was only for daytime. For bed, it was a completely different story. I was like a leaking faucet, every time I took a nap, I would wake up wet. It didn't matter if it was a heavy sleep or only a 20 minute nap.

Because of this, I wore pullups to bed. I've learnt how to hide them really well. In fact, if you would look at my crotch, you wouldn't be able to tell. Still, I wouldn't have any sleepovers, as I was scared that my friends would find out.

When I was 10 years old, my summer camp was going on a late night trip to a Waterpark. We were going to have the park exclusive from 6 until 9 p.m and then have a 2 hour drive back to camp. I was excited as I really love waterparks. I ran home, waving the permission slip in my hand, and begged my mother to sign it. After she signed it, she said that we would have to talk.

After my shower, I got ready for bed. I first put on my pullup, then a pair of briefs (to muffle the sound) and finally my sweatpants (to hide the diaper bulge). As I walked into my room, my mother was sitting on my bed waiting for me.

"Have a seat", she said. I sat down, wondering what was up. "This trip is going to be a really late one, and I want you to be prepared", she started. "It's going to be really late, and then you have a long bus ride home". "I'm scared that you'll fall asleep and have an accident". "Therefore I think you should bring along some pullups and wear one on the bus ride home".

"But the entire camp will see them", I tried to counter. "No they won't", said my mom, "you hide them really well, that they're not noticeable". "In fact after the last time Diane, babysat you, she asked me when you had stopped wetting the bed". I asked if I had a choice and was told I did, but I should think about it.

I ended up packing 2 pullups in my knapsack,  thinking at least I have them, just in case I decide that I want to wear them.

Before we went to the Waterpark, we stopped in a state park to eat supper and run around. I took my knapsack off the bus, as I wanted my soda can with supper.

As we were loading the bus, I ran to the bathroom, leaving my knapsack on the grass, where we ate supper. Why should I carry it back and forth for no reason. When I returned, it was in the hands of my counselor, Max. He had picked it up, to return. Since he couldn't find a name on the outside, he opened up the pocket, hoping to find a name. He found a name and much more. He saw my pullups. We walked to the bus together. I was full of shame and embarrassed, but Max said "don't worry, I'll help you hide them from everyone else". "You're not the first camper of mine that has accidents". I felt slightly better hearing this.

I had a blast in the Waterpark, and when 9 o'clock came, I really wanted to stay, but the water was shut off. I went back to the changing area, and got my stuff. As I headed to the stalls to change, I saw that the lines were huge. I decided that I would change by the beach chairs in the front, as hopefully less people would notice me.

I got Max to hold my towel up. He agreed to hold it for a bit, as long as I was fast. I grabbed my pullup and put it on. As I bent down to reach into my knapsack for my black briefs to cover the pullup, I by mistake knocked into Max's hand. Thinking I was finished, Max let go of the towel. This left me standing in middle of the park, with mickey mouse staring at everyone from my butt. That wasn't the bad part, as enough boys had cartoons on their underwear. The bad part was that everyone was staring at my pullup. Red-faced, I dropped my briefs, grabbed my pants and put those on instead.

There was no mistaking the pullups for briefs, especially when I entered the bus and someone yanked my pants down. I went to my seat crying, but then Joe, the popular kid in the bunk, came over to me and said that he is also wearing pullups.

After that I had sleepovers and it didn't bother me that I wet the bed. I learnt who my real friends were and which idiots to avoid.

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