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Hi, my name is Nathan and I'm 15 years old. I was a bedwetter for the longest time. But it wasn't just me, my older brother also had accidents and we wore pullups for years. But this isn't a story about my bedwetting, nor is it a current story, this story happened when I was 9 years old.

Our parents are both surgeons, and both wet the bed as kids, hence, they understood our issues and didn't make a big deal about. You'll grow out of it eventually, they kept on saying. In the meantime, just make sure you wear a pullup to bed, was the best advice that they gave. I didn't fully mind them, as they were comfortable, but it was still embarrassing.

When I was 9 years old, I went to the most amazing summer camp that I could imagine. The activities were great, the sports competitive, and the field trips were the talk of the town. The only downside was that it was a day camp, meaning we went home every night. For my brother and I, we loved it. We loved having fun, but we couldn't imagine a scene where we would want to sleepover and risk having someone find out about our pullups.

I woke up at 6:15 on Tuesday, August 2nd with a dry pullup. It was my first ever dry night, and it happened before my older brother had one. But I didn't have too much time to celebrate, this is because my division was going on a major trip. We were loading the busses at 7 o'clock and traveling for 2 hours to a major water/amusement park. I was excited.

I took off my pullup and left it on my bed for my mother to see, as I wanted her to know that I was dry. I then put on my black briefs, with yellow stars on them. Next came my pants and finally my camp shirt. I ran downstairs, and ate breakfast. And before you knew it, we were on our way to the park.

We arrived at 9:30, I quickly got my bracelet and entered the park. We were told to put our stuff down by the gazebo labeled dogwood and then to head to the water park. And of course to be back at 12:30 for lunch. I went with my buddy to the gazebo and changed into my bathing suit. We laughed and had a great time on the rides. When lunchtime arrived, I was feeling very weak. I thought it was because the last slide made me nauseous, but it was 102 degrees outside. I dragged myself to the gazebo and sat down, that's when I started shivering.

It didn't take long for the division head, Jay, to notice. He quickly came over and started to give me some electrolytes. But I was way too dehydrated. With my begging, he called my mother. Being a doctor, she approved of what Jay was doing and reminded him that I needed tons of fluids. For the duration of the park, he wouldn't let me out of his sight and made me drink tons of Gatorade and water.

At 3 o'clock we started to load the busses again for the ride home. I was scared of sitting on a hot bus, but I had to get home. But Jay had a different idea. He called my father and asked permission to take me in his car as it was properly air conditioned and he could keep an eye on me. My father readily agreed. He asked to speak to me first. I spoke to my father and although I was still very weak, he could tell I was regaining my strength.

I got into Jay's car, and he was talking to my father about how I was doing. And that's when the clincher came. My mother told Jay, that I had a secret. I was too weak to realize where this was going, so I was quiet and listened as my father continued. Nathan is a bedwetter and never has a dry night. When we go on trips longer than 2 hours I always put him in his pullup. The only exception is camp trips, as he doesn't want everyone to find out about his issue. But seeing as he's in the car with you, and he drank tons of water, I would feel better if you could stop and buy him a pullup to wear. He wears size small goodnites, they have pictures of the Hulk on them. I'll send you the money for it. I was too stunned and ashamed to answer. But Jay readily agreed.

We pulled out of the parking lot and went to the nearest target. Jay took me inside and started to look for the pullups. After a bit of help he found the right aisle. They didn't have my usual goodnites, so instead he bought me the target brand version. After paying for them, he handed me one and sent me to the bathroom to put it on. I put it on, and it fit me well. The problem is that it was much puffier than my briefs and it was very noticeable that I was in a pullup. But what was I supposed to do. I left the bathroom with my briefs in my hand and told Jay to hurry. The less people to see me, the better.

I fell asleep in the car and woke up with the pullup starting to leak. We were almost by camp, so I didn't say anything. When we arrived, I was too embarrassed to leave the car. Jay handed me a blanket that he had in the back of the car and I changed back into my briefs.

My father picked me up from camp and took the package of pullups from Jay's car. I don't think anyone ever knew what happened, thanks to Jay's great sensitivity. But it's still the most embarrassing moment of my life.

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