Butt Laughing Prank

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This is an abridged version of my story "Not Again".

I started wetting the bed when I was 12 and didn't quit until I was 14. I eventually told one of my friends (I think I was still 12 at the time) because he kept wondering why I was rejecting his sleepover invites all of a sudden. He told me that he spoke it over with his mom and that it was still okay for me to sleepover if I wanted to. I agreed and got my parents to let me wear Goodnites for it (I was usually diapered at home).

At bed time I found out that he hadn't told his mom the real truth. Sure, he told her I was a bedwetter, but he also told her I still wore regular diapers (which was true, but he didn't know that) and needed to be diapered (which, okay, my parents did still diaper me but I know I could've done it myself, it was just a rule. And I definitely didn't need that for a sleepover with Goodnites).

His mom came in and asked me where my diapers were as it was time for me to get changed for bed. I went to go get my Goodnites and PJ's and head over to the bathroom when my friend chimed in "Here they are" and handed his mom a sesame street pamper (his brother used to wet the bed).

I'm confused at this point and then she pulls my pants and underwear off and diapers me right there in front of my friend, who is about to also need a diaper, as he's trying his hardest not to laugh. She goes ahead and tells me to put my PJ's on and she'll take my clothes.

After she leaves, my friend comes over and tells me about his prank. I'm mad, he apologizes and we just kind of laugh it off. He tells me he'll tell his mom the truth in the morning.

Well, when we get up in the morning, his mom comes in and asks me if I had wet. The diaper was soaked. She takes it off and cleans me up a bit with some wipes  (so that I don't drip) and tells me to go take a shower and she'll bring me my clothes.

As I'm leaving, I look at my friend and he says, "Don't worry, I'll tell her." I figure it's over at that. I go and take my shower, dry off, and get ready to grab my clothes, which I figure are by the door.

As I turn the handle, his mom opens the door and comes in. "You should have told me you had an accident yesterday. Don't worry, I was told everything. I'll go ahead and diaper you again, that way you don't have to worry about another accident." She then proceeds to diaper me again.

"By the way, you can just use these so that you don't have to be afraid of repeats. I'll change you when you need it." I then see that she only brought my shirt so I put it on and go into my friend's room to find my pants. He's at the door and takes a picture of my diapered self.

He tells me that he told his mom that I had had a small accident the day before, with a slight wet patch on my pants and a little bit of poop came out. She went and checked my underpants. I hadn't shaken or wiped myself perfectly that day and left enough stains to validate his story.

Again, he laughs, I'm mad, and he says he'll tell her the truth. This time he actually does but she doesn't believe him (due to the stains and my soaked diaper that morning), she thinks he's just trying to cover for me.

We go on and play for the rest of that day and I got to put my underpants back on about 10 minutes before my parents picked me up that evening (this was after about 3 changing's that day, wettings and one soiling that I was particularly embarrassed about).

I was hoping things would get cleared up after that. Unfortunately, this became the routine until I was almost 16 (note: I quit wetting when I was 14).

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