Family Friend

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Hi, I'm Tom Moore and this is the story of how I was tricked into wearing diapers for a week.

My father met my mother in college and quickly fell in love. After just a few months, he popped the question. Before they were even married, they had set up each of their best friends with the other. It wasn't long before they were also wed. About 2 years later I was born. And it was only 5 days later that the Jefferson's had their own baby boy, Carlos. There was great aspirations for us to be best friends growing up. But that just wasn't the case. I couldn't stand Carlos, and felt that he was a bit of a bully. But our parents were oblivious. We spent every birthday and holiday together, and of course knew each other's secrets. He knew that I had wet my bed until the age of 6, and I knew that he still sucks his thumb at night.

And this is why on the 22nd of May, you found me at the Jefferson's doorstep, wheeling a suitcase. My parents were going on a business trip and left me to stay with Carlos for 9 days. I begged them to let me stay at someone else's place, but was denied. I entered the house and emptied my suitcase.

As I started to set up my bed, I was told that Carlos had another friend, Andy, over for the week and I would be getting the air mattress. Now I knew that the week would really stink. Andy hated me, and looked for any chance to annoy me. But there was nothing I could do.

After dinner, I went to out room to finish my homework, when Carlos and Andy walked in. "Nerd, stop being weird and come play with us", they said. "What are you playing", I asked. "We're wrestling", they responded. "No thanks, I'm not interested in getting my bones broken"  I said. They glared at me, which made me change my mind. So after some fruitless attempts at landing some punches, I officially lost.

Afterwards, it was decided that we would play truth or dare. I thought it would be terrible, but it was actually pretty fun. We had some dares that were actually exciting. I was challenged to race Andy in drinking a 2 liter bottle of soda and Carlos in a hot dog eating contest. And believe it or not, I won both. I was getting really comfortable when Carlos dared me to put on his baby sister's diaper. I immediately rejected, and was given an out. I was instead dared to follow Carlos and to keep my mouth completely shut. Not understanding the plan, I obliged.

We went down to the kitchen, where Mrs. Jefferson was busy baking. "Mom", said Carlos, Tom has a problem". "What is it" she said to me. "He's embarrassed about it", said Carlos, "so I'll tell you". "Remember the problem he had when he was 5", he said". "You mean, the accidents", asked Mrs. Jefferson. "Yes", said Carlos. "Well, they returned and Tom forgot to bring his protection". "Do we have any", he finished. "Poor boy", she said, let me go get some". And she left the room.

The second she left the room, I started to yell at Carlos, but immediately stopped when I saw his threatening glare. We went back to our room, and proceeded to wait for Mrs. Jefferson to come. After a few minutes she came in. "I apologize, but this is all we have", she said while handing me a Minnie Mouse pullup. She then proceeded to have me put it on. "It's a bit tight, but it will work for tonight". "If I would've known you still have accidents, I would've gotten you some better pullups earlier". "But tomorrow, we'll go to the store and buy you some that will fit better". "Good luck staying dry", she said and then proceeded to leave the room. I couldn't be more humiliated.

I put on my shorts, but they didn't really hide what I was wearing. After 15 minutes, I got off my bed and started to leave the room. "Where are you going", asked Carlos. "The bathroom", I said. "Did you forget that you're wearing your bathroom", he asked. "What do you mean", I said. "I didn't get you into that pullup for nothing, you better use it", he threatened. Scared, I just went back to my bed.

As I lay in bed, the urge heightened. I lay there squirming and holding myself. I knew that I was pushing off the inevitable, but at least I sort of felt in control. Finally as the pee started to leak, I jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom. I didn't care that there would be consequences for my actions. I knew Carlos would beat me up. But j was desperate.

So desperate that I didn't even lock the door, as I yanked down my clothes and sat on the toilet, relieving myself. After what felt like 10 minutes of straight peeing, I was finished. I pulled up the pullup and realized that I was in trouble. It wasn't thin and crinkly anymore, as it had swelled. And even more embarrassing, the picture of mine mouse had disappeared.

As I walked back to the room, I realized that this was what Carlos wanted, and tried to pretend that everything was cool. I came in smiling, humming a tune. "Did you make it", asked Andy. I nodded my head yes. "Let me check", he said as he pulled down my pajama pants. "Uh oh", said Carlos, "look, the fade when wet pictures are gone, it looks like someone still has daytime issues". "Should I ask my mother for a new one", he asked me. "No", I yelped, "I'll pass it off as a bedwetting incident, you know I'm not a real bedwetter". "Ok", I just hope it doesn't leak", he said.

I got into bed and proceeded to try to go to sleep. It felt weird lying in a wet pullup, but what can I do. I just hoped that a diaper rash wouldn't develop.

I was woken at around 1 o'clock by Mrs. Jefferson. "I just want to check the status of your pullup", she told me as she started to pull my pants down. "You're wet", she said, "it's a good thing that you were wearing the pullup". "Go to the bathroom, and empty your bladder and I'll bring you a new one". Embarrassed, I followed her instructions.

I walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I pulled the pullup off and sat on the toilet. After 2 minutes, there was a knock on the door. "Tommy, are you ok", I heard Mrs. Jefferson ask. "Yes", I replied, "and it's Tom not Tommy. "Maybe to others, but to me you'll always be Tommy". "Can I come in, I have your pullup", she asked. I let her come in. She entered, and narrowly missed stepping on my wet pullup.

She first had me lie down as she poured some baby powder on me. "Got to avoid any rashes, now that we know you still wet yourself". She then helped me into the pullup and sent me to bed. As my head hit the pillow, I really hoped that I would wake up dry.

It was 9:30 when I woke up, and I immediately knew I would be in trouble. The pullup had leaked. I had no idea how, I'm not a bedwetter and I had peed in middle of the night.

I called for Mrs. Jefferson to come, but was told to come into the kitchen. So I sheepishly walked inside. "Why are your pants and shirt wet", asked Andy. "Oh my gosh did you have an accident", asked Carlos. "Why aren't you wearing a pullup like me", asked little Yvette Jefferson, the owner of the pullup I was currently wearing. I started to sob.

Suddenly, Mrs. Jefferson turned around, "Oh my gosh, you leaked really bad". "Don't worry we'll take care of everything". She took all of my wet stuff and threw it into the wash. She then told me that I would need to wear a pullup by day and a diaper by night. That's the rules of the house to anyone that leaks. I couldn't have been more humiliated.

As we prepared to head out to get supplies for me, Carlos told me that he did the hand in the water trick to make me leak. He was so excited that it worked.

We went to target and got diapers and pullups for me. I had to spend the rest of my time there in diapers. But mysteriously there was an Instagram post on my account of Carlos sleeping with his blanky, with his thumb in his mouth. He did try to get me back by posting an image of me in a diaper, but it backfired as everyone just thought that I was wearing his protection.

Our relationship was never fixed, but at least he knew not to mess with me anymore.

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