Not Jane!!!

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Hi. My name is Jimmy and I'm 15 years old. I was a consistent bed wetter until the age of 10. I wore Pampers size 7 being that I was very small for my age and they still fit.

When I was 11, I still had to wear diapers to bed even though I haven't wet the bed in over 5 months. This is because my mother is a bit over protective.

One day, my parents were going out for the night. My usual babysitter wasn't available. So my mother remembered that my friend's mother told her that Jane does babysitting. So she was hired.

Now we weren't best friends as she was a year older than me. But we went to the same school, were on the same bus and were close enough that I didn't want her babysitting. I complained and tried to explain the issue, but my mother didn't understand my problem. In her mind, 12 year old girls did babysitting and 11 year old boys were babysat.

That night when Jane came over all was well until my mother started giving her the instructions. "This is our phone numbers in case of an emergency. There's meatballs and spaghetti for dinner. Make sure he does his homework. Bed time is at 10, and he can only watch 1 movie.

Then came the part I was dreading, "Jimmy still wets the bed and needs to wear a diaper. So please make sure you put him in a diaper first, just in case he falls asleep during the movie. Everything you'll need is on my bed, diaper, powder, wipes... and don't forget the cream, Jimmy doesn't need another diaper rash". I was so embarrassed.

The first half of the night was OK. We did our homework, played games, spoke about school, and ate supper. At about 8, Jane suggested we watch a movie. I jumped, picked one out and started to load it.

"Aren't you forgetting something" she asked. I looked at her puzzled. "Your diaper" she said. I said it's fine, I haven't had an accident in forever. "Your mother said to specifically diaper you before the movie, Come". She took my hand and led me into my mothers room.

She started to undress me, taking off my shirt and pants leaving me in my white tighty whities, that were a bit yellow from a previous incident. "Do you need to use the potty?" she asked. I nodded, too in shock to answer and ashamed that she spoke to me like I was a toddler. "So go, and make sure you put all your clothes in the hamper. I'll be waiting here for you". I went.

When I came back, she was on the phone. She pulled down my underwear and motioned for me to lie down on the bed. She got up and forgot about me as she spoke on the phone.

"Sorry Katie, I can't come over, I'm busy babysitting this 11 year old". "What, No, I have to diaper him". I turned red praying that she wouldn't ask who. "No you don't know him". I breathed a sigh of relief that my secret was still safe.

After another 10 minutes of me lying there on top of the diaper naked, she remembered about me. "OK, I got to go, bye". She then diapered me with ease, pulled my pajama top on me and then she gave me a swat on my rear.

"OK, all done, let's go watch the movie." I was hoping my mother would leave out pajama pants for me, but being hot outside she must've forgotten (I usually don't wear pants over my diaper).

About halfway through the movie I had to pee, but I was too ashamed to have Jane diaper me again. I decided to just go in my diaper and I'll change without my parents knowing later in the night. The problem was that I made a lot of noise while peeing, praying I didn't leak. Jane turned and gave me a look, but I ignored her.

After a few minutes, she turned to me and said "Jimmy, can you get more popcorn". I didn't want to move so I told her "You're in charge, so you should get it". "It's your house" she said. I got up to get it. "Did you have an accident" She asked. "No way" I said "I told you I don't need the diapers".

"Come here" she said. I went over. She pulled on the diaper and checked it. "You're soaked, you're lucky it didn't leak. Your mother didn't say anything about you having accidents by day. Is this normal?"

I was so abashed, I didn't know what to say. "Go get me another diaper and I'll change you". My plan of not having Jane diaper me twice had backfired.

After the second diapering, she put me straight into bed. When I woke up, my mother had been told and took me to the doctor, as she was concerned about my accident. The doctor started to examine me and was pressing on my stomach and I felt some pee escape me.

"Come take off your pants, so we can finish checking you out" said the doctor. I pulled off my pants and my mother noticed the wet spot on my underwear. She asked about it, but I didn't remember going.

The doctor said "exams are normal, and it seems the best thing to do is to wait it out. There is medication, but the side effects could be worse that the positive."

My mother decided to put me in pull-up's after that for the day time. It was so embarrassing every time that we had gym. I still wore my tighty-whities on top, but if you looked closely you were able to tell. But nothing was worse than when Jane babysat me again 2 weeks later.

Jane saw me in wet pull-up's and a wet diaper. But thankfully she never spilled the beans about me. And I was finally out of diapers and babysitters by the age of 13.

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