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"Alarm clock starts ringing, who could that be singing, it's me baby, with your wake up call". "How do you like me now".

I quickly woke up and turned off my alarm. Yep that was Toby Keith's song, "How do you like me now", playing as my alarm. He is my favorite singer, after all we share a name. I'm Tobias Sanderson, aged 11. My parents named me after Toby Flenderson from "the office", but I renamed myself after Toby Keith. I love music and I'm a great guitar player. But enough about me, and back to this morning.

As I woke up, I felt this new found feeling that has been haunting me for the past week. It was a cold clammy feeling. I pulled my blanket off and instantly I got a sniff that made me hold my nose. As I looked down, I was forced to see that my white briefs had a huge wet mark. My mattress and bedding were soaked. I must've had an accident. Again.

I ran to the bathroom to shower before my sister got there. As I was showering, I thought about my recent spurt of accidents. You see, I was toilet trained by the age of two and a half. By the time I was 4, my parents stopped reminding me to go to the bathroom. And by the age of 5, I wouldn't have to wear protection on really long drives. Yet, that all changed last Thursday, when I woke up wet. I thought it was a one time thing, as I had the flu earlier in the week and drank a lot of fluids. But it's now Saturday, 9 days later, and my bed is still wet every morning. I tried to stop fluids, set alarms in middle of the night, and of course, empty my bladder before going to bed. But apparently, I'm emptying it in my bed.

Showering definitely made me feel better. As I came out, I put on a clean pair of undies, and proceeded to strip my linen. I carefully gathered my stuff, making sure I didn't touch any of the wet parts, and made my way down to the laundry room. As I passed my the kitchen, I heard my mother comment "not again Toby, it's getting ridiculous". My parents weren't fond of having the machinesl run every day.

As I came back towards the kitchen, my mother asked me "how bad was it". I tried to play dumb, but my mother wasn't having it. "Until we get to the bottom of this, we'll need some sort of solution", she told me. I didn't know what she was referring to, but I thought she meant medication. Which I why I happily ran to the car, to go shopping.

After a 25 minute drive, we pulled into the strip mall. "Here we are", said my mother. I looked at the store in front of us. It was the "United Medical Center". The bell rang as we opened the door, signifying that customers had arrived. At once, a clerk was by our side. "Hi, I'm Kelly", said a young saleswoman, "how can I be assistance". "So Toby has started wetting the bed, and we need some protection for him and his bed", answered my mother. "I can help you with that, come this way", said Kelly.

As we followed Kelly to aisle 7, I tuned out the adults conversation. I was embarrased enough as it was. I didn't need to hear them talk about my juvenile issue. Finally, we arrived. I sounded like Michael Scott when I saw what was in the aisle. "NO, NO, GOD NO, NO, NO, NO", I yelled, "I'm not wearing diapers". "Calm down", said Kelly. "It's alright, we have options besides for diapers". "Look over here  these are not diapers, they're called sleepovers and you wear them just like your regular underwear". "Lots of boys your age wear them".

While I was busy fuming, my mother and Kelly went to a different aisle to get some mattress protecters. It took a few minutes, but I was finally calm enough for them to talk to me. "The first thing we'll need is your weight and a measurement of your waist", said Kelly. So I was made to strip down to my undies. "97 pounds and a real skinny waist, can I peek at what size underwear you wear", asked Kelly. Before I could answer her, my mother pulled back the waistband, showing Kelly the inside. I was wearing a size 10-12 youth pair.

"Ok, since you are a bit smaller, there are plenty of options", said Kelly. She then started to pull a bunch of different packages off the shelf. She must have already taken 7 different ones off the shelf, when she said "and these are only the pull-up style". "There are others that are tape on, but I'm not sure that you want them". I gave a quick look and grabbed a package, "These", I said. The ones I picked up had a picture of a boy my age on the package and he was smiling. But best of all the pull-up on the picture matched my briefs, they were snow white. Well almost matched, as my briefs did have a slight yellowish tint to them.

My mother looked at the package and then decided to nix it. "It says that it holds small to moderate wettings, but your accidents have been heavy". Once my mother said that, Kelly immediately removed 3 more options, leaving me with just 3. And I didn't like any of them. They all had pictures on them, and I stopped having pictures on my underwear when I was 7. Since I was too ashamed to choose one, my mother got to choose instead. And she chose the goodnites. She bought a box with over 100 of them. Leaving me quite distressed. I don't plan on having so many accidents.

When we got home, my mother asked me to put one on, so she can see how they fit. I whined and complained, but eventually did. I took one out of the box and groaned when I saw the pictures of planets on it. I know the box says that they are made to look like underwear, but these practically scream diapers. After staring at them for a few minutes, I eventually worked up the courage to put one on. Once it was on, I went to my mother to show her them. She gave a quick look and fixed the leak guards. "Make sure the lining is outside, this way they won't leak", she told me. I started to head back to change into my normal undies, but was told that I should just wear these for the rest of the day, this way I can get used to them.

I went to the playroom and started to game. I was busy playing madden against a little kid and I was crushing him. Being a huge trash talker, I was busy letting him know how big of a child he was the entire game. "Bro, you suck". "You're like a toddler". "You need to grow up". The trash talk just kept coming and this poor 7 year old just took it all in stride.

Midway through the 3rd quarter, my mother entered the room and asked me how the goodnites are. "Mom, they're fine, I sort of forgot that I was wearing them", I said. "Did you wet them", she asked. "NO", I yelped, "I don't have accidents by day at all". "Ok", she said, "I'm just checking". She gave me a kiss and walked out.

I turned back to the game, and immediately realized something was wrong. The 7 year old that I was playing against was busy laughing. I couldn't understand why. That is I didn't understand why, until I tried to turn the volume up. I had forgotten to mute myself when my mother came in and "c1eve1andbr0wnsfan41ife" had heard the entire conversation.

"Whoa, for a baby, you have a filthy mouth", he said. "Who are you calling a baby" I asked. "You", he said, "you're the one who has accidents". "No I don't", I shouted. "That's not what your mother said", he answered, "she asked whether you just wet yourself". "I don't wet myself, I've only been bedwetting for a week", I said. "That explains why you wear diapers", he said. "I don't wear diapers, they're goodnites", I shouted. "That's still babyish", he said. "I bet you also wear them", I said desperately clinging for anything to gain some pride back. "Ha, you wish", he exclaimed, "I've been wearing boxers since I was 3 and a half". He then stood up to show me them. Ashamed I stood up to quit the game. As I walked closer to the screen, I realized that I was flashing my goodnite. I quickly turned off the screen and ran to my room to cry.

I checked the boards to see if this 7 year old would mention anything, but he didn't. My secret ended up being safe. Eventually, I grew out of my bedwetting accidents, and it only took about 8 months. Thankfully, that was my only embarrassing experience throughout the entire process.

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