Through Thick And Thin

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"Will, can you come to my house for a sleepover", asked my best friend, Josh Robinson. "I would love too", I answered, just let me ask my mother.

This was how a typical weekend would be. I would often go to Josh's house and he would come to me for the others. This arrangement has been going on since we were 7. We are now 10 going on 11.

So how did I navigate ny bedwetting issue. That is a very good question. It wasn't easy, but I wouldn't let this problem get in my way of having fun. When I was at home, I would take off my briefs and have my mother diaper me. Easy peasy. The problem only arises when I was by the Robinsons.

Luckily, Mrs. Robinson was very easy going. She helped keep my issues a secret. When it was almost time for bed, she would make us take a bath. She would send Josh to his bathroom and have me use the one in the master bedroom. After I finished showering, she would have me lay on her bed, and would proceed to diaper me. I wasn't concerned about Josh seeing, as he wasn't allowed in her bedroom.

This worked really well for many years.

The summer after I turned 10, my mother allowed me to get boxers instead of tighty-whities. At that time she also transitioned me into pull-ups. I was very excited. When I saw Josh, I proudly told him the good news. "Guess what I'm wearing", I said. "Shoes", he joked. "My mother finally got me boxers", I exclaimed. "Me too" he said.

Which leads us to today. Our first sleepover since I started wearing my boxers/pull-ups, instead of the briefs/diapers.

I packed my bag and headed over to the Robinsons house. After a fun filled few hours, we were told that it's time for us to take a bath. I grabbed my stuff and headed to the master bedroom. When I came out of the shower, Mrs. Robinson was waiting for me, "Come lie down, so I can diaper you". "I don't wear diapers anymore", I said. "But your mother told me that you still wet the bed", she said. "I do, but I started wearing pull-ups and I don't need help putting them on", I said showing her the one that I brought. "Whoops, sorry", she exclaimed. She left the bathroom, as I pulled it on. Afterwards I put on my pajamas and headed back to Josh's room.

I opened the door to find Josh standing there in just his boxers. No pants or even an undershirt. "Dude, why are you wearing pajamas", he asked me. "Because", I stammered. "Just wear your boxers, it's very comfortable", he tried to convince me. "I don't want to", I said, not telling him the real reason. That I wasn't wearing boxers but rather it was pull-ups underneath my pajama pants.

I thought that would be the end of it, but as I was walking towards my bag to put my dirty clothes into, I tripped and felt my pajama pants fall down. As I turned around, Josh was standing there, with my pajama pants in his hand, staring at the mickey mouse on my underwear. MICKEY MOUSE, I gasped as I finally registered that he was staring at my pull-up. I tried to cover it up with my hand, but it was no use.

I started to cry, as Josh asked me why I was wearing a baby diaper. Knowing that my friendship is now over, I told him that I was a bedwetter and needed to wear protection. "Please don't tell anyone", I pleaded. "You mean that you hid this secret from me for all this time", he said, "that was silly". "You could've told me, I won't make fun of you". He then went into my bag and took out a pull-up and put it on. "We're buddies through thick or thin", he exclaimed, "and if you need to wear diapers then I'll wear them with you". I couldn't believe my luck and smiled. "On one condition", Josh continued, "SMILE", as he snapped a picture of the two of us in our pull-ups.

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